The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1842

"It's been said that Lina and I are also victims, and we are also the recipients of the magic of time!"

Anilaine said in disgust.

"The main messenger of everything is our youngest sister, Charlotte, the son of Yog-Sothoth. It's useless for you to lose your temper at me. No, I don't think it's all the thoughts of the son of Yog-Sothoth. , there must be other people behind it... If it wasn't for you, then our elder sister, the son of Nyarlathotep..."

After being tricked by Chariste's magic, the four sons of Rope, Anilein and Estred, Lina and Saya, naturally began to blame each other.

"Who knows if you guys are in collusion to play a bitter scene here?"

Estrid, who was furious, obviously couldn't listen to Anilein's explanation.

In terms of emotional control, she is almost the same as the blaster, impulsive and irritable.

"When you kneel on the ground and apologize to me, you can explain it carefully!"

Astrid, mixed with the burning Foehn, rushed towards Anilein.

The son of Cthulhu was also angry, she herself was not a gentle and elegant noble lady.

Anilaine's body turned into a snake, with a ferocious smile, she caught the rushing Estride with both hands, and displayed the enormous power she was proud of.

The form was reversed in an instant, and Astrid was suppressed on the magma ground.

"Let go... let me go! You strange girl!"

"Watch me crush your sun into pieces!"

Astrid continued to explode with wave after wave of heat, burning Anilein's divine body. The latter didn't care, pushing Astrid towards the center of the earth like a hydraulic machine.

The frightening thing about volcanoes has never been its heat. After all, no matter how terrifying the magma is, it can't compare with the temperature of the real sun.

Anilein is the evil god in charge of volcanoes, vitality, and power. The most terrifying thing about her is that she symbolizes the power of a volcano erupting.

A terrifying force capable of moving mountains and changing oceans.

"I see...Since you want to play for real, don't blame me for being merciless."

Astrid went crazy, and under the influence of the powerful flame power, she almost turned into a human-shaped sun, burning with the evil flame inherited from her mother.

Now Anilein had to avoid the edge for the time being.

Astrid did not miss this opportunity.

"Follow my orders! Fire vampires from Fomalhaut! In the name of your queen, burn everything in front of you to dry ashes!"

There are more flame vampires than stars, and flame spirits, obeying the call of their queen, appear in the world.

They are like a collection of spiritual energy, causing burning phenomena wherever they go, and commanding all kinds of flames that are already in scorching hell.

The half-human, half-snake Anilian put on a disdainful expression. No matter how many families of miscellaneous fish came, they were still delivering food, and they were not her opponents at all.

But soon, the son of Cthulhu sensed Estrid's plan from the still rising temperature.

Son of Cthugha, who wants to turn the world into a living bomb.

"Tsk... It's really carved out of the same mold as your mother..."

Anilaine didn't back off or run away.

The meaning revealed in her increasingly dangerous eyes is that she wants to have a real head-to-head confrontation with her younger sister.

Just when it was about to explode, the boundless spiritual energy of life descended.

The flames were extinguished, the temperature in the atmosphere was forced to cool down, and green immoral flowers bloomed all over the already scorched earth.

"Same as what you said, Sister Lina, we all rushed here so quickly, and the two of them are still fighting to the point where they are now..."

"After all, both sides are hardliners."

The north wind mixed with the deadly plague wrapped around Anilaine and Astrid like ribbons, separating the two goddesses of fire from the battlefield.

Saya and Lena appear.

Astrid yelled.

"Saya, it's just in time, come and help me teach this snake girl a lesson!"

"Lena, help me too!"

Anilein said not to be outdone.

Saya and Lina looked at each other, with helplessness lingering in their eyes.

"Well... can you listen to me for a while?"

The Goddess of Life in a white dress clasped her hands together and smiled softly.

"We are all sisters with the same soul. There is no need to fight so seriously, right? Besides, after I talked with Sister Lina, I found that we had a very serious misunderstanding."

"Yeah, Anilaine, let's turn off the ignition for now?" Lena said.

"Hmph! Don't tell me, go talk to that fireball! Obviously she has been pestering me, and I have been interrupted by her several times when I wanted to communicate!" Anilein turned her head: "So pure and savage , I even wonder if she has inherited her father's wise factors."

"How dare you... how dare you... I can't spare you, Anilein! I'm going to dig out your brain and put it on the stove to eat!"

Astrid struggled, and the enhanced divine power was about to break free from Lina's shackles.

Saya sighed and shook her head.

The next second, she shifted to Estride, clenched her little white fist, and slammed it on Estride's face.

It was such a cute, girlish attack, the huge force broke through Lina's fixation in an instant, and beat Estrid like a shooting star to an unknown distance.

"It hurts..."

Saya blew pitifully on her burned little fist.

"It's so uncomfortable to be injured, why do you have to call back and forth? You are still sisters with the same soul..." Sha Ye looked at Lina: "Sister Anilian will leave it to Sister Lina, I will go and get Aisi Sister Cuide brought it back."

"Well, let her calm down."

Lina nodded modestly.

About half an hour later, Pest felt the silence of the outside world, and tremblingly removed the hand covering her eyes.

Four teenage girls with distinctive features gather on a post-apocalyptic volcano.

"Huh? Unexpectedly, a human girl can survive in such a battlefield."

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