The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1843

Saya squatted in front of Pest, poking the dark protective cover with her hand.

"This is the divine power of Sister Anilian. Is Sister Anilian protecting this girl?"

"Because he is a very interesting guy, so subconsciously...compared with that, let's explain this incident properly?"

"Yes, it is a good thing to protect life, Saya respects Sister Anilian very much, huh?"

"Isn't that flattering?" Lina brushed her long hair gracefully: "The battle between the two of them evaporated all the life in this world, so why is it that Anileen is worthy of respect for protecting a human being? "

"Because it's Sister Anilian who took the initiative to protect. And people who care and people who don't care naturally have to be treated separately, don't they?"

Saya said with a smile.

Under the gentle face, the goddess of life also has a heterogeneous heart.

"Which side are you on, Saya?"

Astrid asked angrily.

She crossed her arms, clearly keeping a considerable distance from Anilein and Lina.

"Calm down, calm down, sister Astrid."

Saya clapped her hands, drawing the attention of the three girls.

"All in all, this incident is purely a misunderstanding between us. The main responsible persons are Sister Chariste and Sister Samona, who planned this trap. As for why we should focus on Put it on Sister Somona who has disappeared... After all, it is hard for me to think that doing so will be good for Sister Chariste, if she wants to see her, she can see her father anytime."

"It was my mistake."

Lina held her forehead and said in a low voice.

"I can clearly see that there is something wrong with the son of Yog, but I didn't expect that she would also count me and Anilain together."

"After all, isn't it because you and the son of Yog want to join forces against Saya and me?" Astrid said disgustedly: "The intrigue between the sisters is due to the fact that I was so kind to you when Saya came to the door." A glimmer of hope."

"Do you think you have no problem? Like a powder keg, it will explode when it is slightly ignited."

"……What did you say?"

"Powder barrel!"

The sights of Anilane and Estrided sparked.

Lina continued to shake the folding fan gracefully, and Saya lowered her shoulders helplessly.

"Then again, that son of Nyarlathotep... a mere adopted daughter dared to fool us."

Astrid bit her nails with fierce eyes.

"It's impossible to just settle this matter with her!"

"Only this matter, I have the same opinion as you, powder keg." Anilaine nodded.

"Well, I thought so too."

Lina waved her folding fan, black mist of the virus wafted from the corner of her mouth.

"Totally underestimated."

"You don't intend to eliminate the dispute yet, if your father finds out, you will be severely blamed..."

Saya said weakly.

It's not a good thing that my sisters are all young and energetic.

At this time, the sides of the four evil god girls shone with the light of stars.

With long black and white hair, Chariste, Daughter of Time, emerged from the void.

Facing three piercing eyes.

Chapter 83: Commands in the Name of the Father

Looking at Charisette who emerged from the void, Estride was unexpectedly not impulsive.

She crossed her arms and stared at the Son of the One with a cold gaze, raised her head slightly and hummed softly.

"All things in life, all things return to one. Praise the King of the Endless Void, His Majesty Yog-Sothoth. It's just surprising that the heirs who seem to inherit some of His Majesty's traits did not maintain the glory of the star shifter, but used It is trampled under foot by the basest deceptions and fools."

Astrid took a step forward, facing Chariste directly.

"Who gave you face, let you appear in front of your sisters at this moment? Self-restraint is the arrogance of the father and the heir of the one who returns everything? Or do you think we will look at your mother's face and do something to you?" Let those things go by now?"

"Hey, Astrid..."

Saya wants to stop the tense atmosphere.

Astrid had no intention of acknowledging it.

"Saya, don't interrupt!"

Charist looked at the unfriendly expressions of the other sisters, smiled wryly and shook her head.

"According to the original plan, at this moment I could just pass all the responsibilities to sister Samona. But... no matter how high-sounding it is, it is a decision driven by my own will, and I cannot let Samona My sister bears all of it."

"Oh, very enlightened."

Lina waved her folding fan, blowing out a terrifying virus wind.

"Forging an alliance and turning your back on me and Anilain, this kind of behavior is the first, your words at the moment can't add any admirable sparkle to you, at best, you are just being brave."

"I didn't expect to be admired by my sisters under such circumstances."

Charlotte said calmly.

"Sister Somona has her own difficulties. Although I think the sisters should not care about her difficulties, I still have to ask. I really can't give Suomo a favor for the sake of being the son of Luo Pei. Sister Na, a chance to make up in the future? It's just a chance."

Chariste didn't immediately throw out Luo Pei's order.

She thought more deeply.

Waiting in front of my lord father, then these sisters who respect my lord father will definitely agree to any order without reason. It's just a reconciliation in another sense, not from the original intention of the sisters, there will definitely be gaps for the seeds of discord to be buried, waiting for the future to take root and germinate.

Chariste didn't want that shaky and ambiguous reconciliation.

"A chance to make up?"

Astrid sneered.

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