The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 185

Make every artificial light source go away.

When the fake sunlight disappears, the streets are replaced by real darkness. It even turns the place just a few meters ahead into an invisible abyss at night.

"Is such a big show necessary? God Athena."

Turning his head and taking a look, Luo Pei found that the surroundings had become pitch black at some point, and even the stars were swallowed by the night.

——The "starless night" spoken by Princess Alice is realized in Sardinia.

"Godslayer, you are not the same. You summoned the storm just because of your own pleasure."

The black and purple divine power gathered in Athena's white and tender palm, and finally formed a wide and sharp sickle.

"It's rare to regain strength, let you and I fight in this darkness."

Since ancient times, the sickle has existed as a tool for harvesting "grain", because grain represents the vitality of the earth, so it has also been endowed with the ability to "harvest life" and has become a symbolic weapon for most gods of death.

Hearing Athena's childlike tone, as if she couldn't wait to play, Luo Pei smiled helplessly.

"Then as you wish."

He clasped his hands together and silently recited the power he had usurped from Basatan, just like he did to the Mekar locust, using the water of death to form a thin protective cover in front of his body.

Rope is running water.

It's not that he looks down on Athena. With him who has obtained four extremely powerful powers, if he is serious, it may be a question of whether Athena can survive ten moves-the golden sword of the "God of Victory" is completely unreasonable.

Not to mention the sun brought by the "White Horse" and the "Water of Death" above Athena's "Hades" godhead.

If he made a serious shot, Luo Pei was very worried that he would miss and hurt the lovely person in front of him.

'So you're really lustful, you'd better let Athena cut off your head, so you can wake up. '

Azalea said sourly in her mind. 'Anyway, you have a "ram", so it doesn't matter if you get chopped once, right? '

‘Being tolerant towards women who are favored and weaker than themselves is what a man should do. ’ Rope said nonchalantly.

‘But I’m not so obsessed with her that I let her cut me on purpose, please be quiet, Lady Azalea. '

'snort! '

And what Luo Pei guessed is right, on Athena's side, according to the common nature of the gods who don't obey, they really adopted the method of cannon fodder.

"Family! Turn into my fangs and tear the god-killing king in front of you!"

The goddess called out loudly, and then waved her arms.

Immediately, dozens of owl feathers flew from the depths of the darkness.

Not only that, dozens of snakes attacked in groups.

Owls are birds of prey, so they have sharp claws and beaks, and snakes are slightly more than five or six meters long. At first glance, you can only know that it is a poisonous snake, and they all have colorful scales.

They crashed into the dead water of Rope like flying geese to the fire, and finally turned into lime and sprinkled the land and sea.

"A sea that smells like death..."

The Valkyrie of War immediately made a judgment, stepped on the void with ghostly steps, and instantly rushed to the side that was not protected by the water flow.

Scythe, swung down.


The sound of metal transitions, the sharp sickle from the god of death was resisted outside the body by the unyielding "steel", and it was impossible to pierce his skin and hurt him.

"And then, it's 'steel.' "

Luo Pei accepted Athena's words with a smile, stretched out his hand to hold the blade of the sickle, and abruptly caught her again with his bare hands amidst a burst of sparks.

"——I will only sleep peacefully under the death of my own choice! Here, I refuse any form of harm, and all forces that intend to harm me will be isolated by the oath and cannot invade! Refuse to "slash"! Reject "death"! Reject "darkness". "

"The Hindu God of Steel Heroes..."

The smell of the enemy made Athena, the mother of the earth, grit her silver teeth. Her divine power surged all over her body, as if a black veil was wrapped around her.

Like an energy cannon, from the tip of the sickle, a gleam of divine power is constantly gathering.

"Vows are made to be broken! Definitely not impregnable! Bury in the cold of winter, Rope!"

There are loopholes in Bhishma's oath, and this Lopei knows.

Although he obtained the oath of immortality, he still could not escape his fate as a hero and was killed by the reborn bundle of hair.

Obviously immortal, but killed by mortals, the contradiction between death and immortality makes this power have considerable limitations.

Just like now, if Athena uses an excessive amount of "death" to face the impact on Rope, it is very likely that Vishma's speech will be broken.

Bathed in the torrent of pitch-black energy, Lopez awakened the clouds in the sky indifferently.

"—Thunder! Storm! Become my sharp blade and punish those who disrespect me in front of you! You are the wrath of heaven, let the enemy feel the power of your twins!"

A completely different vibe from before.

The divine thunder second only to Indra, the god of heaven, and the storm that could blow up the city hit the stalemate Athena.

The latter had no choice but to pull out his sickle unwillingly, and ran towards the sea.

——Cut the "wind" and cut off the "thunder", and the rest of the force is blocked by the divine power barrier.

Athena is worthy of the priesthood of war. When facing the wrath of the sky, she is still calm and unhurried, displaying her martial arts, blooming on the sea like a lily.

And the only person who can appreciate her is Luo Pei.

Like deliberately making things difficult for the silver-haired goddess, he raised his hands again.

"You shouldn't let this city fall into darkness. The anger of the people has reached the conditions for one of my powers to be activated. Feel it, the thing you hate the most."

From above the clouds, it was clearly night, yet another gleam of light shone down.

"—For victory, come to me quickly! Immortal sun, please give me a shining steed. O spiritual horse with fine feet, bring the light wheel that symbolizes your lord!"

Chapter 71: The Darkness That Devours the Sun

The "white horse" is actually the power of Mithra, the Persian "God of Light and Contract".

In the legendary evolution of "Avesta", Veleslana, the symbol of kingship and victory, finally inherited this power. This is also why he obeyed Mithra and became the cause of God, the irresistible force of myth evolution.

Therefore, he also gained the ability to move the sun.

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