The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 186

And the sun, symbolizing light and heat, eternal movement, these are the most disgusting things for the goddess of death and darkness.

"This poor horse... Godslayer, you seem to have usurped the power of the god who is related to the sun god."

Squinting her eyes, Athena stared at the golden light constantly appearing in the sky with full vigilance.

"Military God, the erratic posture is related to the sun. When it comes to this level, you should understand God Athena, right?" Luo Pei said confidently.

"... Indra of the East, the ever-victorious and invincible military god, I didn't expect you to usurp his power."

The silver-haired goddess' face darkened for a moment.

With her wisdom, it is easy to understand who the god Rope is talking about.

Then this also proves that the "White Horse" in front of him is not the enemy's strongest move.

There is also the sword of the word spirit that disgusts the gods and kills the gods.

"You... you should be holding "gold" in your hand, right? "

"Of course, I can use all ten avatars of Veleslana."

As if to show off, the brown wheel that originally belonged to the God of War appeared behind Rope, and its pointer was pointing at the pattern of a horse.


Athena raised her head and looked at the scene in the sky.

——That is a magical phenomenon that completely defies common sense.

In the darkness that blocked all light, the eastern sky began to burn.

It was night, but the sun was rising.

Mixed with the furious storm, the eastern sky was dyed red by the first light of dawn.

The golden burning horse galloped in the sky, covered with thunder and storm. After a long cry, the "white horse" turned into an arrow of light and fell from the sky like the spear of the sun god.

From the sky in the far east, super-high temperature flames descended on the sea.

Athena could only support the shield with the sickle turned into the head of a snake.

For a moment, water vapor, thunder and lightning, and flames illuminate the coast of Sardinia, just like a famous painting handed down from generation to generation. The goddess who is as pure as a white lotus in water and fire pulls Luo Pei's heartstrings.

'Do you want to do it? ’ Azalea said. 'Now run your arm through her chest, you can do it. '

'No, wait, wait. '

Luo Pei's fingers kept rubbing slightly, and his eyes were excited.

'Athena can't have only this ability. Although "White Horse" is her nemesis, she will definitely win. '

'Which side are you from? ! '

'On the side of 'justice'. For the God of War, only battles that come and go can make her happy. '

'Ha... your brain is really broken. '

As he expected, beside Athena, the divine power became stronger and stronger, turning into a black barrier to protect her body.

"Don't underestimate me! The sun can dispel darkness, but darkness can also swallow light! The sun rises from the east and sets from the west. This is an eternal truth!"

Sunset symbolizes that light is driven away by night, and darkness rules the sky.

I'm afraid this is also the most fundamental reason why the goddess Athena can fight against the "white horse". In the world, mutual generation and mutual restraint are not absolute.

The fire of the sun is an explosive damage, the silver-haired goddess only needs to survive the initial and strongest attack, and this time she took over the avatar.

Besides, she was standing in the sea water, the energy of the water flow, even if she didn't do it voluntarily, would help her speed up the process of extinguishing the flame.

The shield almost melted, and Athena's hands were burnt, turning into horrific scorched black, but the divine power of the Earth Mother continued to heal her body.


Luo Pei clapped his hands, not knowing whether he was admiring the goddess' martial arts or her appearance.

"Overcame her own weakness and devoured the light instead. You are worthy of being the queen of the Mediterranean Trinity."


Athena re-transformed into a sickle with divine power, and pointed at Rope angrily.

"With such an arrogant attitude, I have been unwilling to go all out from just now! Are you humiliating this concubine? Do you think that as long as you are serious, the concubine will lose!?"

The queen of Hades has never been a good-tempered one. She has already seen that her own strength is no match for this godslayer, but being so despised by the other party, and even deliberately released water, still makes her blood of the god of war furious.

After thinking about it, Luo Pei showed a shy and malicious smile.

" seems so."

Athena's calm down.

The pitch-black eyes that seemed to be filled with darkness engulfed everything in their field of vision, and looked at Lopez coldly.


Rope looked at the gray that stretched upwards from his feet, the color of stone.

stone. stone. stone. stone. stone. stone. stone.

As long as it comes into the sight of the goddess, everything gradually turns into stone.

The ground he stepped on turned to stone. The seaside vegetation swaying in the wind turned into stones, and the buildings and dwellings behind Luo Pei turned into stones. The trees that flourished were also turned to stone. Even part of the sea water turned to stone.

The most famous legend of Medusa - anyone who looks directly at her face will be deprived of life and turned into stone.

And the power of Athena was sublimated from this legend.

"—Athena God of the Trinity! I reject your curse! Your petrification has no effect on me!"

Bhishma's speech spirit, when it comes to cursing negative states, is as refreshing as a knife cutting butter.

With the use of Rope's power, his own petrification was instantly bounced off, and he became a free body again.

"Steel, the storm, death, the sun..."

Athena forced herself to calm down, but this situation has no value to win at all. As Athena, the god of wisdom, reason has been persuading her to leave.

"Death in battle is the honor of a concubine, how could she escape..."

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