The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1852

"Well! Everything is at the discretion of Father!"

Somona blushed and buried her head deeply in Luo Pei's arms.

Luo Pei smelled the poisonous scent of datura flowers emanating from Samona's hair, and felt more peaceful.

"After the serious and provocative conversation, let's talk about some happy things. Your mother is Nyarlathotep, and your closest sister is Chariste. You must know a lot of gossip that I don't know. News. Come tell me, what's going on with my daughters in pairs?"

Luo Pei is not blind, and the situation of the six daughters being divided into three groups can be seen by ordinary people.

It feels quite interesting.

"Shaliste and I only extended our current good relationship simply because my mother and His Majesty Yog-Sothoth traveled frequently. As for the others... I only know that Anilaine and Lena seem to be clichés Turn enemies into friends." Somona said after thinking.

"Saya and Astrid, I really don't know how they can match up. It's just that in the days before I saw you, I heard that Saya took the initiative to find Astrid for you."

"for me?"

"The possibility of resolving the grievances between the evil gods? I haven't delved too deeply into the specifics..."

Hearing this, Luo Pei suddenly felt like wearing a small padded jacket on his body.

The bad relationship between Cthulhu and Cthulhu was also the cause of his headache so far.

Only about this matter, even if Rope had the support of Azathoth, it would not work well.

It was really beyond his expectation that Saya was considerate and started to start now. Based on this point alone, Saya and Shabu Nicholas are completely different.

The High Mother Goddess is not the type to meddle in her own business.

After that, Rope and Somona chatted until midnight.

Although neither of us has a need for sleep, it's time to separate.

Rope believes that indulging in one thing for a long time is not conducive to maintaining fun and freshness.

Samona sees it differently.

"Father, tonight, only tonight, please stay with me more."

The goddess of malice hugged the black-haired youth from behind and whispered.

"Please let me...feel you a little more."

Looking at Sumona's begging eyes, Luo Pei did not refuse.

The flower of malice, in the deepest night, only blooms for one person.

Chapter 88: The Approach of the "Winged Ones of Light"

The God of Longevity is the most indifferent existence to the concept of time. For them, time is never a luxury.

Normal people, even the moon rabbits who live on the moon, follow the routine of sunrise and sunset, but Luo Pei's daughters ignore the changes of the weather and are obsessed with their own affairs. They didn't gather until the sun was high at noon. In the hall where the banquet is held.

Among them, Bai Ye returned to the "Thousand Eyes" station as early as dawn.

When the two goddesses don't care about things at all, Bai Ye is the actual person in charge of "Thousand Eyes". Despite his seemingly leisurely life, the demon king mentioned by Tiandong is still quite busy.

Five goddesses sat on both sides of the long table, and the atmosphere was a little dignified.

As if she had had enough of this oppressive feeling, Astrid patted the table and stood up.

"We didn't come to see Father, just to sit here like this, right? God's responsibility is to share worries for Father."

She said in a bad tone.

"Right now, Father is in the final period of coronation, and strictly speaking it is also within the scope of trials. Since we are here, we will naturally run for Father after the warmth, you..."

Since Maharaja Wither met her father, she felt the rare affection for the evil god, and she was in a state of restlessness.

The psychology of wanting to do something for someone you care about, to prove your importance and usefulness.

"Don't be impatient, sister Astrid."

Saya put her hands on her cheeks and smiled sweetly and innocently.

"If Father needs anything, he will definitely tell us to do it. You can't force Father to change his plan because of your impatience, right? That can't be called sharing your worries."

"I don't think so!"

"OK OK."

Anilaine was lying on the table, waving his hands sleepily.

"Why are you arguing? How can we worry about Father's affairs? Our mother must have arranged everything in a stable manner. They are the most direct beneficiaries who need to rely on Father. Besides, we all entered this world with real bodies, although the world's upper limit That’s right, but if you make too much noise and attract the attention of the ancient gods, it will be a catastrophic consequence of making a mistake.”

"I agree with that."

Charlotte nodded and looked at the other four sisters.

"My mother told me that my father has the "key", so I don't have to worry about unnecessary things. But we don't have the props that are enough to cover up the strong breath, and eager to make contributions is just a disservice. "

"Attract attention?"

As if thinking of something, Astrid's face changed.

Saya asked curiously.

"Sister Astrid, what's wrong?"

"...If I said, I have dealt with Nutz before, what would you think?"

Hearing the name Nutz, the daughters present could not maintain a peaceful attitude.

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

Lina stared at Astrid seriously.

"That name belongs to the "Winged One of Light" and "King of the Celestial Clan". The great ancient god who was able to confront the Three Pillars God head-on, and even sealed His Majesty Shabu Nicholas by means of schemes, why did he deal with you? No, after all, how did you meet Nutz after staying in Fomalhaut for so long? "

"This... You also know that our mother's seal doesn't have much pressure on us."

Astrid rarely scratched her face in embarrassment.

"When I sneaked out to play around, I was caught by the incarnation of Nutz on the elemental plane of sulfur. Although I was also in the form of an incarnation at that time, I think it was an act of "attracting the eyes of the ancient gods"..."

Lina stood up abruptly and slapped the table angrily.

"Such an important matter, you didn't say it until now?"

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