The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1853

"I didn't think that much at the time!"

Astrid retorted, but her tone was a little weak.

"At that time, there was a mortal plane calling for the end of the dry land. I happened to be a little drunk after performing the mission. After a casual fight with Nutz's incarnation, I was naturally retreated back to Fomalhaut, and then Sleeping with my mother at home, if the strange girl didn't mention it, I would have forgotten it a long time ago."

"When did it happen?"

Charlotte asked calmly.

Astrid thought for a while, then scratched her hair unhappily.

"Who remembers clearly, probably hundreds of centuries ago."

"Nutz didn't move for such a long time after seeing you, could it be that he took you as the incarnation of His Majesty Cthugya the Burner? In terms of divinity, you are very similar to His Majesty Cthugha. "

Charisette pondered.

"... But you can't just rest assured. The Winged One of Light is an ancient god known for being cautious. Maybe she has already started to investigate your matter, but there is no breakthrough for the time being."

"'Winged One of Light' Nutz. "

The innocent smile disappeared, and Saya's expression was extremely gloomy.

"I didn't expect to hear the hateful name so soon."

None of the sons of Rope were surprised.

After all, Saya is the descendant of Shabu Nicholas, the evil god who inherited the priesthood of life. It would be strange if the main culprit who sealed her mother had a good face.

Saya's tenderness is only aimed at the inner companions she identifies with.

"What should we do now? Do we want to report this to Father?" Asked Astrid.

Saya nodded, got up and walked back and forth in the hall.

"The vigilance of the Winged Ones of Light is not a trivial matter. I am very worried about attracting any bad probes. And not only my father, but each of us must notify our mothers and ask their opinions. I believe His Majesty Nyarlathotep and My mother would be very interested in this."

"Sisters, don't be so nervous."

Charlotte said comfortingly.

"My mother didn't give me any orders related to Nuts before I left. The All-In-One included everything in the plan, and I think the matter of sister Estrid is no exception."

"Sister Chariste, I may have something that is contrary to your opinion, don't be angry when you hear it."

Saya said.

"I admit the greatness of the one who returns everything to one, but the plan of that great god is too obscure for us. During the Primordial War, why Yog Sothoth didn't go all out, this is always criticized by the evil gods This time, it is also difficult to guarantee whether the All-In-One will silently pass the matter of Estrid and Nutz."

"That's because my mother was also fully restrained by the snake's second and last sons at that time. After joining forces with His Majesty Nyarlathotep to corrupt and corrupt "Lord of Death" Azakaron, the evil gods have already become corrupted." Foregone conclusion, the mother chose to lurk and wait for new opportunities. "

"The one who returns everything to one dominates all time and destiny. It is hard for me to believe that His Majesty would be forced to choose to hide. It is even possible that His Majesty Yog Sothoth was looking forward to the current situation, so he did it on purpose at the beginning... No, Nothing, sorry."

Saya also realized that what she said was a bit too much, and immediately apologized to Chariste.

Then Chariste didn't care, but thought deeply.

"...With the mother's style, Sister Saya's conjecture is not impossible."

Chariste did not know her own mother at all.

But this ignorance is also a kind of understanding.

With a secretive and mysterious style, and a deep gaze that spans countless years, only she knows what the war-bearer thought.

"Are you off topic?"

Anilaine tapped on the table.

"Isn't the point of guarding against Nutz the Winged One? Speaking of which, why haven't you seen Somona and Father for so long? "

"My lord father stayed in Sister Samona's room last night."

Xia Lisite said with a little hesitation, and then added another sentence.

"a whole night."

The scene suddenly became deathly silent.

Lina frowned slightly, Anilein whistled, and Saya smiled ambiguously.

Astrid had a murderous expression on her face, and her long bright red hair was burning.

"That guy must have used his pity as an adopted daughter to lure my lord father! It's unforgivable. I just reconciled with her on the surface last night, but I dare to do such a thing!"

"Are you just purely jealous? Sister Astrid."

Saya punctures Estride's disguise.

Astrid knocked on the table with both hands and shouted angrily.

"That's right! I'm just jealous! Why wasn't I the one who was by Father's side last night?"

The explosion of divine fire instantly burned the expensive long table to ashes.

The ash is then restored to its original form in the timelapse effect.

"This is the palace of my lord father, don't be presumptuous, Sister Estred."

Charlotte said admonishingly.

"Sister Somona has scars in her heart. It is only natural for Father to choose to appease her. Don't be too envious. We will have opportunities in the long-term future. Now let's go and inform our mothers about the matter."

"Charleste, you're starting to get sidetracked again."

"Isn't what I said the truth?"

Not to be outdone, Charist looked directly at Anilane.

After a while, the sons of Rope were like deflated balls, slumped on the chairs one by one.

"Take your time, everything depends on the choice of your father, and we can only play a limited role..."

"……makes sense."

Chapter 89 Naiyazi's Big Business, King of the Fallen Celestial Clan

""Winged One of Light" Nutz? "

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