The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1857

"As long as you look at me, they..."


Rope raised an eyebrow in displeasure.

Sumona lost her temper for a moment, lowered her head timidly, and intertwined her index fingers.

"...I, I will try my best to have a good relationship with my younger sisters, and at the same time find a way to resolve their jealousy."

"Well, this is the demeanor that elder sister should have."

Luo Pei put his hands on Samona's shoulders and said earnestly.

"Listen, Samona, they are not your enemies, they are your closest sisters. There may be disagreements, bickering, quarrels, and even fights, but whoever you are is my Rope family. Wind and rain It will definitely be fine in the future, and I also hope that you can be like the sky."

"Obey, my lord father."

Somona accepted it readily, and raised her skirt to salute.

Luo Pei casually picked up the coat on the back of the chair, smiled and walked towards the door.

"Come with me, I'll show you the world I live in, it's very interesting..."

Chapter 91 The right and wrong of human beings are insignificant

The rebel army in the lower Hakoniwa and the demon king "Dystopia" who are the final trial of mankind have entered the final stage of fierce battle.

The Black Death and the Age of Enlightenment, constructed through sacrifice and eulogy, are advancing, and the decline of dystopia is gradually emerging. The gods, seduced by dystopia, frantically want to stop the attack of the lower alliance for their belief. The lower-level alliance also realized that the war had entered a critical moment, and resisted regardless of sacrifice.

Most of them may only have strengths of seven to six figures, but for Hakoniwa, for their inherent freedom, and for the possibility of human history, they have never compromised with the gods who once bowed their knees.

The earth below was shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

On the land of the five-figure West District, a blond girl is supporting the Grim Reaper with a top hat.

"Okay, put me down here... my stupid disciple."

Croa Baron said weakly, pushed away Canary's support, and fell into the rubble beside him.

"After repeated battles, this is the limit. If I go deeper, my current spiritual status will be wiped out by dystopia in an instant."

"Are you sure it's okay to stay here alone?"

Canary looked around.

"This place... the West End is the inner territory of dystopia. If you are in danger, no one will come to rescue you."

"Hahaha, when will it be your turn to worry about the Baron of the Cross?"

Croa Baron forced a playful smile.

"If I die here, it just means that I am unlucky. And you said that the possibility of me being found is very low. I support the largest pantheon in dystopia, and the biblical pantheon has fallen into the distortion of the upper-level turmoil a long time ago. , It’s nothing more than some demons who are greedy for faith and fear. That kind of guy, even if it’s me now... cough cough!"

"Being brave will do you no good."

"Stop rambling, idiot!"

Croya's mouth stinks as always.

"Come to this point, don't stop because of me. Hurry up and end the dystopian rule, so that the plague we spread for this will be meaningful to the people who sacrificed outside!"

"I'll do that."

Canary nodded solemnly.

"During the celebration banquet, I will prepare rum for you. Try to survive, God of Death."

"Haha, as expected of our stupid disciple..."

Croya Baron touched the pocket of his jacket, took out a cigar from it, lit it and took a puff.

Canary stopped looking at her master, clutched the long staff in her hand, and walked towards the place where she started.

After gaining a lifespan that far exceeds that of a human, it has really been a long time.

A girl was born from a dystopia, and by chance, she was attracted by the voodoo god of death, and has grown up to this day as a hero with an impossible mission. Now, after a long journey to school, she returns to dystopia, just to bring destruction to the demon king who covered her first half of her life.

But can it really be successful?

Use the Black Death and ideological enlightenment to reduce the concentration of dystopia, and finally put the "Psalm" into dystopia and let it completely return to zero.

This last step, can I take it as I wish?

Even Canary, who is like a collection of self-confidence, can't help but have such doubts.

But she didn't hesitate in her footsteps, and walked firmly towards the center of the West District.

No matter it was the violent wind and rain, or the frost and hail, none of them could stop the seemingly slender girl from walking.

She has no retreat, only success, and only success.

At this time, Canary saw a family.

It is a native resident of dystopia, a simple family consisting of three units: father, mother, and son.

They huddled among the ruined walls, and the three of them huddled together to keep warm. Seeing that Canary neither called for help nor cried out happily, there was only helpless blankness in his eyes.

This is of course, how can the domestic animals living comfortably in dystopia experience the cruelty of war.

A trace of pity flashed in Canary's eyes. She walked up to the family and used the rune spell on them to dispel the lingering chill.


It's like a mechanical thank you for running a program.

The so-called human nature can't be seen in the person in front of him at all.

"It doesn't matter, it will end soon, please bear with it for a while."

Canary said in a low voice, rather than comforting others, she was telling herself.

"Soon, I will be able to get rid of the culprit, the Demon King..."

"I disagree with your remarks."


The monotonous voice from the side made Canary break out in cold sweat instantly.

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