The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1858

She jumped backward at a speed invisible to the naked eye, while using spells that affected and shortened space, not forgetting to teleport away the innocent residents of that family.

What appeared in front of Canary was a strange existence covered in white cloth and wearing a black mask.

The strong sense of presence on his body made the girl immediately recognize her identity.

"...humanity's final trial 'dystopia'. "

"Is that the name you gave me? It's not bad as a code name." Dystopia raised his head: "To be precise, I am the product of the extension of the concept of dystopia to reality. My spirituality is rapidly weakening, not only affecting The scope is shrinking, and the notion of expansiveness is being forcibly anchored in reality.”

Dystopia is a demon king without a body.

Now appearing in front of Canary in the body, this is the result of their long efforts.

But on the other hand, the demon king in front of him has an undoubted three-digit "full authority domain" spiritual status.

For the lower levels, it is simply unimaginable, absolutely terrifying strength.

Canary didn't have the slightest fear. She knew more clearly that the final trial of human beings has its own rules contained in it, and it is impossible to kill qualified challengers with pure violence.

The blond girl stood up with a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

"Is it finally unbearable? You will appear in front of me, which means that you are aware of my danger, and it also means that I do have the ability to destroy you."

"Negative." Dystopia shook his head: "I came to you only out of curiosity, my child."

"Disgusting rhetoric."

Canary showed a disgusted expression.

Dystopia turned its sights to the distance, which was the direction that Canary had just sent the family of three away.

"You say that I am the culprit of everything, but I do not admit your accusation. Isn't the war in front of you started by you? Those residents live and work in peace among us, it is a series of Actions lead to their death and disaster."

"If it wasn't for your actions, why should we start a war?"

"Then I want to ask you, the challenger of the final trial of mankind."

Dystopia stood in front of Canary, with his hands behind his back, two blue flames flickered faintly in his eyes.

"What's wrong with me? I let human beings get rid of the torment of disease, let them get rid of the oppression of nature, let human beings no longer fear the fangs of monsters, let them have enough food for every meal, and let human beings no longer have thinking The gap between people makes disputes, discord, contradictions, dangers, and classes all disappear among human beings."

"Since I was born, I have not killed any human beings. On the contrary, I have tried my best to protect them."

"Because of my existence, human beings don't have to worry about the energy crisis. Because of my existence, human beings' sadness is occupied by happiness."

"I built high walls to protect them from danger, and you tried everything possible to break down that wall and introduce fire and death into Paradise. Is it a bit strange for you who have done this to accuse me of being wrong?" Breaking away from logic and common sense?"

"I never thought that the demon king after the personification of dystopia would be so sophistry!"

Canary played with the cane, twirled around and then slammed on the ground.

"You want an answer? Well, I'll give you the answer! Human beings are a race that grows amidst progress and setbacks, and the history of human beings is the history of struggle. Your captivity is not a paradise, but the deepest hell that drags humans into the eternal hell! There is no survival Stress, no emotions, no vitality, then human beings are doomed to degenerate! Until they become the dust of the universe!"

"The heaviest pressure on human beings is the pressure of survival. I removed it from human beings. What's wrong?"

Dystopia asked.

"You feel angry just because you have angry emotions, so delete the angry emotions, wouldn't you feel happy? If it were someone else, I wouldn't be curious, but you are my child, and you walked out from here Lost one, don't you know the happiness of "nothingness"? "

Canary was silent for a long time before speaking slowly.

"...It is precisely because I know that I will come to you."

"It is the folly of man to deny the way without accepting it."

Dystopia said.

"But I will not blame you for your stupidity, I will protect you, even if I have to fight you before that. Come, challenger, representative, only as the final trial of mankind, "Dystopia" admits Your correctness, prove your correctness by your actions to overcome this trial! "

"I will."

Canary knew that a dystopian attack was coming.

Sure enough, in an instant, the demon king's spirit, which is the final trial of mankind, shone with twilight light.

Endless fragments of the world and civilization, like a torrential river, enveloped the canary in it.

Existing in it are humans, and it is impossible for other races to enter.

Burning, killing and plundering; invasion and oppression; class differentiation; enslavement of the same race... The bad habits of human beings are presented in the most vivid form in front of Canary, and the last dawn is the devil as a dystopia.

The blond girl did not close her eyes, calmly engraving those miserable images in her mind.

Words spread silently, praising human courage, wisdom, and evolution, bit by bit, stripping out positive concepts from the negative effects that are as numerous as stars.

At this extremely tense moment, I don't know if it was Canary's auditory hallucinations, and a whisper of a sigh came into my ears.

"Human right and wrong... are trivial."

The girl looked up.

The strange space of civilization flows, and black snowflakes fall.

Chapter 92 Human Possibilities Are Worth Trembling Under the Stars and Darkness

Unbelievable black snowflakes fell in clear and dense pieces.

Their shape is not the hexagonal shape of ordinary snowflakes.

Irregular as stardust, shining with a dark sublime light.

Attracted by those psychedelic lights, Canary almost forgot that she was on the way to the final trial of conquering human beings.

But it was a hero and a poet anyway, the blond girl immediately reacted, thinking it was a dystopian trick, she held a cane in both hands to be more vigilant, and the eulogy in her mouth did not stop at all.

Until a warm palm covered the top of her head.

To be honest, Canary was taken aback at that moment, sweating all over her back.

As a result, her constricted pupils relaxed a little while waiting for a familiar face to appear.

A handsome young man with black hair and blue eyes, an impossible demon king, and the ultimate human trial of "Universal Uselessness" appear in this world that has been pulled into the sphere of authority by dystopia.

"Human right and wrong are both boring and irrelevant."

Luo Pei walked up to Canary with a smile, and said to the Dystopian Demon King as if chatting.

"Human beings always equate themselves with the whole world in arrogance and arrogance, but they don't know that as parasites on the planet, birth or destruction, detachment or death are insignificant to the planet and the universe itself. Forging the path of evolution with blood and blood, or realizing a utopian life, are just dreams of racial self-satisfaction."

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