The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1868

The smooth progress of things was somewhat beyond his imagination.

Luo Pei thought that it would take at least half a year of familiarization to cultivate trust before he could go to the core of the Kingdom of God, but Nutz gave him a promise directly.

- This undoubtedly saves a lot of time and effort.

Hearing Luo Pei's praise, Nutz touched his face in surprise.

"My really strange, very few existences would choose such a compliment."

"Can't your followers understand your beauty?"

"No, even if they understand, they don't express it in such a concept."

Nutz's delicate body trembled with a smile.

"It's so interesting, Luo Pei, you actually faced an ancient god that existed in ancient times, and first praised her appearance... Does Luo Pei really treat me as the opposite sex?"

"It seems to be offensive, which is really rude..."

"No, no, no, this is not an offense. On the contrary, I want you to maintain this understanding, Rope."

The gray-haired beauty stood up and lifted the hem of her skirt in a pretentious manner.

"Rope, do you know? For a long time, this is the first time I have made such a posture. It is rare to have such an experience. You must not fall into the cliché."

For Nutz, she spent much more time fighting with the shining spear than she spent ruling the kingdom as a queen.

Moreover, her identity also determines that no existence dares to ask her to show herself in the posture that a woman should have in front of her.

Luo Pei was the first existence to express his thoughts so frankly.

Nutz felt very novel and happy.

"If that's what you want."

Seeing that Nutz's behavior became less and less like that of an ancient god, an inexplicable brilliance flashed in Luo Pei's eyes.

In addition to power and authority, the dark-haired youth sees other corrupting values ​​in the Wings of Light.

Isn't polluting the pure light exactly what a demon who sings joy should do?

Chapter 98: Before the Tsunami

"Light is the gift of the multiverse, the realization of the power of guidance. If there is a power that is as beautiful as a fairy tale, it must be light. The eternal sacred fire in my heart can help me overcome the haze and ugliness."

Lopez recited the verses in "Light of Redemption". The language of the high elves was full of rhythm, but his face was obviously not indulged in the emotional rendering of the writer.

'madness! Light is just a phenomenon, and only a fool would regard light as an omnipotent divine force due to its natural affinity for the phototaxis of ordinary creatures! ’ Azalia criticized mercilessly: ‘The divine relationship between light and heat is like twin brothers. When Nutz brandished a spear and burned millions of demon legions, he didn’t see how different her power is! '

"Your evaluation is obviously biased, right?"

Luo Pei smiled and closed the book in his hand.

Azalia's dissatisfied voice came.

‘It’s not that Ape, you have been talking about the knowledge of those nasty guys recently, which made me a little annoyed. Could it be that, Ape, you really plan to sum up experience from this knowledge, trying to gain some divinity in a positive sense? '

"I don't have that interest, and the divinity that can be guided by the knowledge stored in the Kingdom of Nutz has an essential conflict with me. It can be simply viewed as information and stories."

The black-haired young man picked up another book exuding a purifying atmosphere, flipped through it at an incredible speed, and recorded the secret knowledge contained in the book in his mind.

The books that have been selected and read next to him have piled up like a hill.

"In the final analysis, what I'm doing now is just waiting for the opportunity to pass the time. Before the right time comes, there is nothing wrong with concentrating on studying. You just reluctantly chat with me?"

'You really can't do anything about Ape...'

While chatting with the system mother, Luo Pei kept flipping through the books with one hand, and brewed a cup of fragrant coffee for himself with the other hand.

With the smell of books, coffee, and a touch of historical dust, Luo Pei has been in the solemn and solemn library for more than three months. During this period, Nutz came several times, but Rope never got the promise to enter the core area of ​​the Kingdom of God.

It seems that Nutz has been busy with what she thinks the evil gods are plotting.

Of course, Luo Pei was not in a hurry. He didn't even mention it during this period of time, guaranteeing his current role.

Brunettes love the calm before the storm.

After a while, Luo Pei's fingers rested on the page.

The sound of high-heeled shoes clicked next to my ears, and soon, a woman from the Tian clan with wings on her back appeared. Standing in front of Luo Pei with a light prism, she bowed gracefully.

"It's an honor to meet His Excellency Luo Pei. I am Muola, one of the 188 clerks of Huo Fansutra. Your Majesty the Queen ordered me to serve you. If Your Excellency Luo Pei starts to be interested in the upper kingdom of God, It will be I who will lead you to Her Majesty's country."

After all, it is an old-fashioned ancient god, a girl from the Celestial Clan who looks inconspicuous in front of her eyes, but in Luo Pei's perception, she actually has the personality of a "half god".

Although it seems that divinity is just a single and weak thing like "light", it is still a demigod anyway.

The Kingdom of God's reputation as the ultimate power of the gods is not just a lie, not to mention all the wonderful things, just these believers and family members who serve the Kingdom of God are a huge resource for war.

Is it finally time?

Luo Pei calmly took a sip of the coffee, the bitter taste of the black coffee was refreshing.

"I don't quite understand the meaning of interest in Miss Muola's mouth. I want to know when His Majesty Nutz needs me to go?"

"Of course it's your convenient time, it's up to you to decide."

Muola said.

"Your Majesty Nutz is thinking that you may start to get bored with Huo Fansutra's reserve knowledge. After all, the books here are invariably about power and divinity."

"Is that so?"

"What do you think? Do you want to start now, or wait? If you choose to wait, I will replace His Majesty Nutz and become your guide in this book city, that is, recommend some books that I think are good. .”

"No need, let's go to the tenth heaven."

Luo Pei got up and handed the coffee in his hand to Muola.

The Celestial Clan girl looked puzzled.

"Well, Lord Luo Pei... The Celestial Clan does not need to eat in any sense, we are a race that relies on light to survive..."

"At least taste it, the refreshing drink is still very good."


Muola picked up the coffee cup hesitantly and took a sip.

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