The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1869

Afterwards, the strange bitter taste made the face of the girl from the Celestial Clan very exciting.

"It's really, really special...I don't like it very much."

"Endless life is used to try new things. Behaviors such as cleansing and penance may be able to adjust the body and mind for a short time, but if it lasts for a long time, it will be torture. I think you Celestial Clan are too conservative in this regard and stereotyped."

"Indulgence and greed are great sins! We are pure emissaries of light, how can we indulge in sensual pleasures!"

"Okay, okay, just a casual suggestion, Miss Muola, please don't go online."

Luo Pei glanced at the wings behind Muola.

"Anyway, no matter whether you accept my suggestion or not, you are bound to usher in some changes..."

The black-haired young man was very curious. After their main god ushered in corruption, these pure messengers of light resolutely cleared the boundaries of the collapse of faith, or were they like the ancient snake people in Azakhalon, twisting themselves to follow the gods loyalty.

"A change is ushered in? Your Excellency Luo Pei, what do you mean by this?"

"It's nothing, without further ado, Miss Muola will lead the way."

The eighth heavenly kingdom "Hovansutra", the ninth heavenly kingdom "Navi", and then the tenth heavenly kingdom "Ogwensen", which means "Supreme Light" in the high elven language.

The tenth kingdom of heaven, the core of the divine kingdom of the great ancient god "Winged One of Light" Nutz.

It exists on the back of a huge eagle, and its endless rays of light illuminate the void, turning into bands of light that hang down, linking the other nine kingdoms.

In Ogwenson, the wind is the breath of healing, and the rain is the holy water of purification. The majestic yet elegant courtyard is meticulously carved by ingenious craftsmen, and mortals cannot describe one percent of its beauty in a lifetime.

If it weren't for Ropey's key to order, with his status as a high-level demigod of the evil god system, he might be hurt just by entering Ogwensen.

Slowly approaching the divine court on the eagle, Rope saw the guardians of the oracle surrounding the divine court.

Surprisingly, some of those soldiers are not in fantasy style. They are wearing thick and simple power armor, with lightsabers full of futuristic sci-fi feeling in their hands, and some are carrying simple supernatural photon cannons.

"Do you think it's weird?"

Muola saw Luo Pei's doubts and explained responsibly.

"To be honest, I'm still not used to their attire. A long time ago, Her Majesty the Queen had a cooperative relationship with Her Majesty the Pioneer, and our families learned from each other's strengths at that time. Now those who wear that kind of armor The guardian of the oracle is the veteran left over from the great war at that time."

"Pioneer... do you mean Felak?"

"It's His Majesty Felak! Your Excellency Luo Pei actually knows that god?"

"...know a thing or two."

Not only did he know that in the previous world, he also confronted the incarnation of the "God of Technology" Felak and successfully killed it.

It seems that the alliance between the ancient gods is also complicated.

The girl from the Celestial Clan led Luo Pei to the main entrance of the God Court and stopped.

"Without the oracle, I can't enter the center of the court. Your Excellency, Luo Pei, let the guards lead you. May the light be with you forever."

"May the light be with you forever."

The scope of the Shenting is not very large, and it is the same as an ordinary continent.

But because it is the area where Nutz's body exists, the divine power emitted unconsciously by the Winged Ones of Light has completely blocked divine arts such as space transfer, and Rope can only travel by the means of transportation of the Praetorian Guards.

The gentle tentacles of will extended to the demon's mind.

"I'm sorry I can't lead you here myself, Rope."

Nutz said apologetically.

"Troublesome, I have had forty-seven avatars encounter chaotic emergencies, and are now counting the possibility of a conspiracy."

"I am very grateful that you allow me to look up at your divine body as a demigod."

"Well, I have prepared knowledge for you that you should like, but before that, come to me first, Rope."

The journey took about 30 minutes, and by the time the Janissaries rigidly followed the etiquette and laid out a white unicorn plush blanket with gold trim under Luo Pei's feet, the stars in the sky had gathered to one point.

On the 5,000-story audience ladder, the black-haired young man walked up step by step.

The closer to Nutz's body, the less hostility Rope exudes in his consciousness.

At the moment of climbing to the top, the line of sight is blocked by light.

The light of warmth, the light of compassion, the light of majesty, the light of conquest, the light of battle, the light of redemption... all kinds of light, they all have the same appearance, but they contain strong discrimination.

After his eyes adapted to the light, Luo Pei saw his target this time.

Behind the arch of the sky, the goddess of light sits gracefully on her throne.


happy New Year.

Chapter 99: The Corrupted Blade Stabbing at the Goddess

He was about twenty feet tall, with long gray hair hanging down the throne to the ground, and his skin seemed to be flowing with light, crystal clear. She holds a golden scale in her left hand and a spear shining with divine light in her right hand, symbolizing the tough personality style of arbitration and conquest.

Luo Pei did not move on, but knelt down on one knee after stepping through the arch, carefully observing the ceremony of seeing God.

"It's been a long time since I used the main body to make a sound. I remember that the last time I drove the main body was during the war with "Mother of the Black Goat" Shabu Nicholas. "

Nutz's tone is still so gentle, dispelling the darkness in his heart like the morning sun.

"Seeing my real divine body, is there anything Luo Pei wants to say?"

"Very beautiful, dazzling."

"Of course, because I am the light."

"Your brilliance is naturally bright and bright, but it is your own appearance that I admire."

Rope watched Nutz seriously.

"Whether you have long hair, or the majestic and gentle queen temperament, I like the type. Your appearance is unparalleled in the world."

Hearing such an answer, Nutz couldn't help shaking his shoulders and laughing.

"Sure enough, it's Luo Pei's answer. I was looking forward to this... It's not in vain that I let you see my divine body. I can stand in front of a powerful and ancient god, not afraid of her majesty, but praise her for her appearance. , after searching the entire multiverse, you are the only one left, Luo Pei.”

"I will salute you because your personality is above mine, basic politeness. But if you want to ask me how I feel when I see your appearance, the answer will naturally not be affected by your rank."

"Get up, you are different from those family members and servants, as a caller, you cannot kneel down to your future allies."

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