The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1872

She can forgive his recklessness.

As long as you explain, as long as you kneel down in front of her and admit your mistakes, the Goddess of Light is willing to accept a child who has made mistakes, and will still love him.

"Explanation? Your Majesty Nutz, do you really think there is any need for an explanation?"

Rope smiled lightly.

"I pointed the sharp blade at your chest and stabbed it hard. This is the explanation I gave you."

"... Has your brain been completely dominated by madness?"

Nutz's angry eyes contained pain, she said bitterly.

"Even if you don't think about what the consequences of this attack will be, Luo Pei, just because you show hostility in front of an ancient god, your life is already in danger. Now kneel down and ask for my help." Forgive me, I'll just take it as some kind of impulse that overshadowed your rationality."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty Nutz, I can't salute in front of you."

The black-haired youth said.

"After the disguise fades away, you no longer have the qualifications to make me kneel down."

"Enough, I've heard enough."

Nutz hesitated for a moment before waving his spear.

The light was built around Luo Pei like building blocks, forming a divine cage in the blink of an eye and imprisoning him in it.

"What is the reason behind your crazy words? I will pursue them later. Now you can reflect on what stupid and serious crimes you have committed in the prison of my kingdom of God..."

"Just because of this?"

Luo Pei's fingers rested lightly on the light cage, and the hot temperature instantly burned the fingers of the black-haired youth to smoke.

But Luo Pei didn't move, instead, he held the bars of the cage with his whole hand.

Divine power burst out with a strong sense of ominousness, and a phantom of a dark blue demon god with no face and four arms emerged.

With a microscopic effect like a nuclear explosion, the cage shaped by Nutz was destroyed, along with the temple buildings around Rope.


Nutz couldn't believe his vision.

It's not because Luo Pei, as a high-level demigod, unfathomably released her from the confinement, but because of the nature of that power and phantom.

"The divine power of chaos, the body of the old ruler... the Chosen One, what are you..."

"All of this is a joke and a conspiracy, and you, Your Majesty Nutz, just cannot see through this joke and conspiracy, that's all."

The black-haired young man walked towards Nutz step by step.

"The time has come to welcome the new students, Your Majesty the Winged One of Light."

As soon as Luo Pei finished speaking, there was a strong throbbing of the soul, which made Nutz's consciousness blurred for a moment.

The body was injured for the first time in tens of millions of years. The gray-haired beauty supported her body fragilely with a spear, and covered her head with one hand. She was not used to such a negative feeling.

Soon, Nutz even noticed that the divine power in his body began to fail.

Confusing the senses, confusing the soul, obscuring perception, disturbing divine power, isolating divinity... All the negative effects swept like a tsunami, weakening Nutz with an extremely rapid and terrifying trend.

"What did you do to me... What is that stone?"

Nutz looked down at his chest.

The black lines that meander like poisonous snakes are deeper than the eternal night.

The goddess wanted to get rid of this negative effect, but the divine power of light, which was originally used for purification, was useless in the face of darkness and chaos.

Being able to erode the immortal body of an ancient god with such a high intensity is definitely not the power that a demigod can possess!

The taste that gradually emerged, without Luo Pei explaining, Nutz also understood what it was.

"The power of "Chaos" Nyarlathotep, the divine power of the evil gods... I have checked it myself, and there is no aura of chaos on your body... Go away! "

With the goddess spear waving, the surging light converged on the tip of the spear, attacking Luo Pei at a speed faster than a meteor.

Under normal circumstances, let alone a high-level demigod, even the incarnation of a god may not be able to withstand this attack.

However, the results were staggering.

Rope stood there motionless.

The light of divine power piercing the space stopped less than half a meter away from him.

The great power of corruption, the chaos that corrupts everything, the twisted cracks firmly fixed Nutz's attack, and then melted into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

"Coordinate fixation completed... hyperspace crossing completed... divine power transmission completed..."

Behind the black-haired youth, an indescribable color bloomed.

Night Howler, Swelling Daughter, Black Pharaoh, Faceless God, Beast, Night Hunter, A'Tu... Countless incarnations of the three-pillar god "Chaos" Nyarlathotep swarmed out from behind Rope.

Like locusts, they dominated the surrounding areas of the court with chaotic divine power the moment they appeared, suppressing Nutz's light to the point where it was almost invisible.

The curse of flesh and blood came, and everything rushed towards the abyss of corruption.

Until a beautiful girl with silver hair and blue eyes came to Nutz with a sweet smile.


Nutz roared out the girl's god name hoarsely.

"Is all this a conspiracy of yours!"

Naiyako blinked and clapped her hands happily.

"Successful! I knew Little Rope would definitely be able to do it. The biggest weakness of a female with wings is her arrogance. It is impossible for her to imagine that the harmless Chosen One, who has been personally confirmed by herself, will turn her head away. Come and give her a knife."

The God of Chaos ignored Nutz, who was like a candle in the wind, and hugged Luo Pei's right arm intimately.

Lopez smiled and took Nyarlathotep's hand in response.

"I'll leave the rest of the work to you, Nayako."

"Okay, dear, I will never let you down~"

Seeing the scene in front of him, no amount of doubts were cleared up.

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