The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1873

There is no hope at all, no children of glory.

Standing there, there is only one prepared evil god walking on the road of chaos.

The last inheritance left by the ancient snake of order was trampled to pieces by the evil gods, and even relied on this inheritance to get her involved in a conspiracy that could never be restored.

No, this is just the beginning.

Nutz didn't know why Rope, as a chaotic demigod, was able to hide from her unparalleled perception, but there must be a more terrifying threat lurking behind it.

"Is that so... Is this what you're thinking about?"

Nutz stared at the space filled with the avatars of evil gods.

"By virtue of the particularity of the Chosen One, let you raise the banner of war again... You are eager to use chaos to touch the multiverse again, eager for destruction and our blood."

"So what if you know?"

Naiyako's emerald green pupils were full of cruelty.

"No matter what we do, it has nothing to do with you from now on. Maybe you will take down the glorious results for us by yourself at that time. Nutz, the twilight of the goddess of light is today."


Looking up, Nutz found that at some point, the sky of her divine kingdom, which always existed in light, was slowly covered by a dimness.

The divine kingdom of light is gradually shrouded in darkness.

Chapter 101 Corruption and Depravity

The eternal kingdom of light presents the appearance of dusk when the night comes.

This is a sign that Nutz is beginning to lose control of the kingdom of God.

"Corruption and depravity, what entered into my body is your masterpiece from ancient times. Do you want to play with me in the palm of your hand like "Lord of Death" Azakaron? "

The grey-haired beauty's anger reached a critical point.

"Nyarlathotep, do you think I will do what you want? Don't underestimate me!"

Searing and destruction began to happen around Nutz.

But after a moment, Nutz coughed out golden blood as if being backlashed by his own divine power, and the momentum he had just gathered disappeared without a trace.

The silver-haired girl giggled.

"Underestimate you? How come, you are Shabu's good opponent. Seriously, she is not inferior to a powerful ancient god. It might be better to say that I attach great importance to you, so the "dose" I gave you was also Azakaron's five. more than double. I don't want to confront you head-on and become a lamp that attracts other ancient gods. "

The power is completely blocked.

The power of erosion roared and twisted wildly in the divine body, blocking Nutz's terrifying divine power and divinity.

"My people! Come before me! Use your long swords and glory, and give death to the hateful demon!"

Knowing she cannot fight, the Winged One of Light calls out to her legion.

In the blink of an eye, tens of millions of God's Court guards emerged, densely packed in the sky.

They swarmed in without the fear of facing the three pillar gods.

The lowest are demigod guardians of the oracle, they are born to be the queen's long sword, the killing machine of war.

"Eliminate the demons!"

The guardians of the oracle roared wildly, and pointed their weapons at the abominable evil god incarnation occupying the surrounding area of ​​the throne.

Numerous divine spells of light and purification were used.

While protecting their god, they launched a terrifying offensive against Nyarlathotep.

As a result of the legion effect, Luo Pei's eyes were almost burned by the brilliant magic.

However, in the next second, just like a movie pressing the pause button, all existence is frozen in space.

Be it the divine arts or the guardians of the oracle, even the floating clouds in the sky and the twilight light are stagnant in the world together.

"I order you to go to the end of time and not to disobey."

A grand and solemn imperial order, an irresistible divine order.

Under the vomit-intensive divinity, Nutz's oracle guardians couldn't even resist, just like gently wiping off the dust on the window, all of them disappeared in mid-air.

Nutz raised his head weakly.

Originally, every piece of space belonged to her kingdom of God, and unknown colors began to appear.

It is a thing of infinite being and self, in which all things are, and which is in all things.

A collection of colorful bubbles containing ultimate wisdom, overlooking the lord of all cornerstones of the universe.

"Even you... Yog Sothoth, the One of All Things, is involved in this conspiracy, how far are you planning to carry out that despicable and hateful plan! "

"I don't need to explain to you."

Yog Sothoth's voice was emotionless.

"For you, everything is coming to an end, our action has been completed, even if this is your kingdom of God, even if you have good power, the fate that is already destined will not change in any way."

"The Tenth Kingdom of Heaven. Ogwensen...cough cough!"

Nutz wants to fight, just like her indomitable soul, intends to detonate the entire kingdom of the Tenth Heaven Ogwensen.

Even if it's just for a moment, I just want to stop the actions of the two great evil gods and fight for a glimmer of life.

But the pain and erosion of her soul made her unable to use her magic at all, not to mention that the control of the Kingdom of God was far away from her palm.

As the one who returns everything to one said, the actions of the evil gods have been completed.

Moreover, if even Yog-Sothoth descends here, it proves that whether it is the Light Elemental Plane or other worlds ruled by them, their time and space are cut off by the One Who Returns All Things, and there is no notification to other ancient worlds. God did not call for help.


In the blink of an eye, Nutz tasted fresh feelings again.

In the way she least expected.

The gray-haired beauty forced herself to stand up straight.

But the moment he stood up straight, he was kicked on the back by Naiyazi and flew far away.

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