The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1874

"The feet feel first-class!"

The silver-haired girl gave a thumbs up.

"I've been thinking of doing this for a long time! To kick her in the body of an ancient god in the kingdom of God, imagining it is unbearable!"

She walked up to Nutz who was lying on her stomach with three steps, and poked the cheek of the Winged One of Light.

"It's rare, it's really rare! You must have a lot to say now, right? How do you feel? Humiliated by your former opponent, you must be the same as me, and you can't bear the throbbing, right?"

"How could it be possible for you to succeed easily! My last strength..."

Nutz gritted his teeth.

In an instant, the glorious spear was transferred to Nutz's hands.

"The light turns alternately! My kingdom turns into a spear..."

Before the announcement of the oracle was over, Nutz's right hand, together with the infamous spear, was melted into liquid by the inexplicable attack.

Naiyako said with a regretful face.

"Haven't you seen it yet? The big bubble in the sky didn't come to your kingdom of God in the form of an incarnation, so stop doing useless work."

——The body of Yog Sothoth.

Second only to Azathoth and the Serpent of Order, the most terrifying deity in the multiverse.

Nutz looked up, looked at the bubbles containing endless stars in the sky, and laughed miserably.

"I didn't even see the scene in the war, I didn't expect to see it in my kingdom of God..."

"Nyarlathotep, hurry up, we don't have much free time for you to enjoy."

Yog Sothoth released a bubble that slowly descended.

Naiyako shrugged, manipulating her multiple avatars into action.

"Yes yes yes, this is the beginning. Oh, by the way. Little Rope, is there anything else you want to say to this guy at the end of her consciousness?"

Rope walked to Nutz's side and slowly squatted down.

"Why... it's you."

Tears oozed from the corners of the gray-haired beauty's eyes, turning into stardust and dissipating.

She really had high hopes for the Chosen One, but the Chosen One betrayed her from the beginning.

Luo Pei held Nutz's cheek gently and said.

"As I said, I hope to get your strength, your authority, and yourself, Your Majesty Nutz. But the position between the two of us is destined to turn into hostility the moment my identity is revealed, so I will plunder you in my own way."

"This is the fall, the Chosen One, the hopeless fall..."

"I've never denied it, but I do believe that the end of this path has what I want."

Rope kissed Nutz lightly.

"Sleep, Your Majesty Nutz, I am looking forward to a new you. At that time, you will become my indispensable help, continue to stand by my side with a spear in your hand."

——It shouldn’t be like this.

Snake's successor, it shouldn't be like this...

The darkness occupied the pupils of the goddess, and Nutz was so weak that he closed his eyes slowly, and fell into a deep sleep as Rope said.

The last thing she captured was a crowd of hideous alien avatars and a laughing, ominous silver-haired girl.

This was the end of the Winged Ones of Light as the Old Gods of Order.

Chaos and darkness cocooned the sleeping Nuts, in which new gods hating filth were being conceived.

When he came to Luo Pei, Naiyazi covered his mouth and smiled like a cat.

"What exaggerated feelings, little Luo Pei really doesn't even intend to let go of the ancient gods? You are worthy of being the prince who holds the divinity of "happiness" and preaches indulgence. "

"Just make yourself comfortable."

Rope smiled calmly.

"Nayako, I need the right to control after Nutz's corruption is completed."

"No problem, even we are your future subordinates, let alone a corrupt ancient god."

"Nutz won't lose his sanity and self-awareness like Azakalon will?"

"No." Naiyazi shook his head: "At that time we needed a crazy Azakalon, but now we don't need a crazy Nutz. The specific situation... Well, you can refer to Xanos."

"That's good, the rest of the work will trouble you two."

Young brunette looks at the bubble aggregates in the sky.

"His Majesty Yog Sothoth, can you transfer me back from Nutz's kingdom of God?"

"no problem."

The voice of the All-In-One is no longer the indifference when talking with Nutz, but is full of the softness of the wind and the drizzle.

Naiyazi blinked and quickly stood in front of Luo Pei.

"Wait! Little Rope is going to leave just like that? Don't stay and see what Nutz will look like in the end? It will definitely be interesting!"

"I can't see the brand-new Nutz now. Only after the coronation is completed and I have gained supreme power can I be truly qualified to be her ruler, just as I can lead you at that time."

Although it looks like nothing on the surface, whether it is the All-In-One or Nutz, the majesty and magnificence displayed by their bodies caused ripples in his heart.

The black-haired youth walked straight towards the portal.

The most important thing now is to consolidate the foundation and continue to accumulate strength. Everything else will be liquidated after becoming a god.

Naiyako scratched her head as she watched the black-haired youth disappear from the back.

"Is Xiao Luo Pei too serious?"

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"It always feels like we are a little cunning, throwing all the pressure on little Luo Pei."

"That's because Luo Pei himself is putting pressure on himself. There is not much we can do. Taking up our own responsibilities can be regarded as helping Luo Pei to share the pressure in disguise."

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