The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1876

"I fully understand, Father!"

"That's it, I'm going out for a walk."

After Luo Pei finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the door of the study.

"Hey, Father, isn't it time for the two of us to be alone in love?"

Somona reluctantly wants to continue clinging to Luo Pei.

How could Astrid give her this chance, veins appeared on her forehead, and she stopped in front of Samona in an instant.

"Sister Samona! There are a lot of books here that need to be rearranged. As a sister, you can come and help my sister!"

"You can't even do that kind of trivial thing. Sister Astrid is really ashamed of the status of a god bestowed on you by His Majesty Cthugha and Father..."

"Stop talking nonsense, come and help!"

Hearing the noise of the two sisters getting farther and farther away, Luo Pei shook his head helplessly.

It's just that the smile on the corner of his mouth can't go away.

Noisy also has the fun of it, the stronger the family atmosphere, the happier for Luo Pei.

Walking in the empty hallway of the magic palace, the black-haired young man's thoughts began to drift to the business again.

Fighting against "Absolute Evil" Aziz Dakaha is already a certain arrangement, whether it is the simulated star creation map "Avesta" or the spirit of "Absolute Evil", it is very attractive to him The value of strength and feeding.

But the most important thing is the third permanent institution.

Maxwell, dystopia, absolute evil—

Except for the puppet Cobelia, who is not yet a demon king, the existing demon kings related to the third permanent organization have basically surfaced.

Next, is the main body of the third permanent mechanism.

——Backward to Sixteen Nights.

The third star particle is lodged in the body, as the experimental body of the third permanent mechanism.

Unlike the way other worlds deal with it, Rope does not intend to ignore the protagonist of the original work, and the things held by Reverse Izayoi are necessary for his puzzle.

It's just that whether to seize it directly, or to induce Rehui Izayoi to become the "third permanent mechanism" of human beings' final trial, and then use "everything is useless" to kill and devour it, this makes Luo Pei have a difficult choice.

There is no doubt that the former takes less effort than the latter.

Similarly, the power contained in it naturally cannot be equated with the latter.

The complete "Third Permanent Mechanism" is the strongest final trial of mankind in the era two thousand years later, the last fantasy mystery in human history.

"However, how to turn Reverse Izayoi into the final trial of mankind is distressing..."

The black-haired youth was completely absorbed in thinking.

A sudden burst of resistance stopped his steps.

"it hurts!"

The black-haired youth took a closer look, and saw a young girl in a maid outfit lying on the ground.

The sight barrier around the corner caused the girl to bump into him.

She rubbed her sprained ankle, tears in her eyes.

When the girl saw the person she bumped into, her pretty face lost all blood.

"Master Demon King..."

"What a coincidence, Pest."

Chapter 103 Top Copper Alchemist

Pestre, a French aristocratic girl who was born during the Black Death in the 13th century, is only a dozen years old, and she is extremely legendary from the perspective of human beings.

Whether it is a girl, self-taught to become a scholar-level agricultural expert, or the development of cold-resistant crops after the grain production was reduced during the Ice Age, all are glorious resumes that are enough to be recorded in history. For the era when food was equal to population and life, this statement is not an exaggeration at all.

According to Hakoniwa's rules, it is also possible to issue a small spirit grid related to agriculture.

But fate played a big joke with this human being's proud girl.

The haze of the Black Death surrounded his head like tarsal maggots, betrayed by his father and family, and thrown into the dungeon. He coughed until he vomited blood, but no one cared about it. He stayed with the rat every day and slowly waited for death.

Fortunately, turning points always come inadvertently.

The black magic, which was forbidden to be studied by his father before, accidentally summoned Anilane, the god of volcano and power. Pest did not let go of this dangerous straw, grabbed it with all her strength, and earned a sliver of power to live from the hands of the evil god.

Now, as the servant of the evil god, wandering in the magic palace where human beings finally tried "everything is useless", Pest's experience can be used to write several large books.

The girl considers herself quite lucky.

— until just now.

Pest looked at the black-haired young man in front of her like a dehydrated fish, fear eating away at her heart.

The girl who is good at learning has not stopped what she is good at during these times. She has learned the rules of Hakoniwa, big and small forces, and common sense through the moon rabbit maids who have lived in the magic palace for many years. Except that she still doesn't understand the origin of her master Anilane, she understands the rest, and she is more like a local resident than a local resident of Hakoniwa.

In the same way, she is also worthy, who is the existence that she offends now.

The undoubted ruler of this palace, the legendary daemon of Hakoniwa's two-digit "full power domain", the evil trial feared by the gods, and her master's supreme father.

I don't know if the descriptions of the maids have deepened Pest's sense of fear, and now the girl has lost the calmness she had when she first met Rope.

So it is not unreasonable to say that ignorance is bliss.

"What's wrong? Pest." Luo Pei stretched out his hand, trying to pull Pest up from the ground, "I heard from Saya that she has transformed your body for you, so you shouldn't lose your standing just because you knocked down recklessly Get your strength up."

Rather than saying that Pest was knocked down and unable to stand up, it would be better to say that she was so frightened by Rope that her legs went limp.

Looking at the hand stretched out in front of her, how could Pest dare to accept it.

Shocked, she quickly stood up and kept saluting.

"I'm very sorry! You deserve death for hitting you! Please forgive me!"

Hearing this, Luo Pei laughed.

"Is my face so intimidating with such a strong reaction? I'm not bragging, my girls say my smiling face is extra gentle and charming."

"No, I..."

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