The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1877

Pest was momentarily at a loss for words, and could only look down at her toes.

Luo Pei scratched his face, as if he knew what was going on.

"Have the maids told you unnecessary things again?"

"This, this is just my own desire to learn! It has nothing to do with the maids! Please see clearly!" Pest said anxiously.

Girls are quite self-sacrificing.

However, the misunderstanding is getting deeper and deeper.

"Stop, end."

Luo Pei raised his hand, interrupting Pest's crazy delusion.

Like eating and drinking, he naturally hugged Pest's shoulder. The girl's body was as stiff as a piece of wood in her arms, full of repulsion but she didn't dare to push Luo Pei away, she could only use nervous breathing to express the unrest in her heart.

"You are Anilaine's maid, and you are the person I ordered to take care of. Don't be inexplicably afraid of me because of the evaluation of some objective factors."

Luo Pei walked forward with her arms around Pest.

"Look, you can feel my temperature, my breathing, right? You can also understand my language. Although these are not necessary things for me, but you can feel it, which proves that I am with you at this moment Barely standing on the same line, your fear is as meaningless as a child's timidity."

The voice of the Demon King has the effect of calming fear.

It's like sitting leisurely in a cafe in the afternoon, watching the noisy people coming and going outside, but the surroundings are peaceful and peaceful.

In an instant, Pest's panic was calmed down.

With the power to manipulate people's hearts, it is a veritable magical voice.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I lost my composure..."

Pest answered cautiously.

Luo Pei smiled and said: "Look, isn't this very good? Speaking of which, why do you wear maid costumes that I have clearly ordered to take care of? You shouldn't be the kind of girl who is interested in maid costumes, right?"

"Pest can't repay you and the master's kindness. At least she should do something that a maid should do."

The girl raised her head and stared at Luo Pei pitifully.

"Does that annoy you?"

"Is this the case, it's a good thing that you have your own ideas... um..."

Luo Pei supported Pest's shoulders, pulled her to stand in front of him, and scanned the girl up and down.

Pest is a typical slender loli who can no longer be typical, probably due to a serious illness, both her face and her arms and legs look very weak, and this weakness is not so disgusting. . In short, Pest is the type that easily arouses people's desire to protect and ravage.

This unique temperament, combined with the black and white maid outfit, as well as the standard white pantyhose and round-toed leather shoes, brings out the cuteness she should have to the extreme, and I can't wait to hug her and have a bite.

"His Majesty……"

Pest seemed unable to stand Luo Pei's aggressive gaze, and pulled the hem of her skirt with a blushing face.

"Is there something wrong with me? Sure enough, with my inferior posture, I don't suit this kind of dress..."

No wonder Pest's inferiority complex.

Ever since her fate started to deviate from the track, all the existences she has seen are high-ranking creatures.

Be it evil gods, demon kings, vampires, or protoss, even the most common moon rabbits in the magic palace are the famous aristocratic race in Hakoniwa, protected by gods and Buddhas. In comparison, even if she is blessed by the Goddess of Life, she is just a lucky human girl.

Came back to his senses, Luo Pei smiled and shook his head.

"It's nothing, the maid costume is very suitable for you, Pest. You know, I hate the guy who said this kind of standard answer. If you can make me say this, no one in the three thousand worlds of Hakoniwa can refute it." .”


Pest thanked clumsily, not knowing whether it was because of the praise for her beauty, or because His Majesty the Demon King was so eloquent.

Occasionally, his eyes collided with the black-haired young man, and his domineering possessiveness stung Pest a little.

This made the girl think of something she shouldn't have thought of.

She had seen the resident concubine of this magic palace, the vampire princess Lamia. From the explanation of the princess among the princesses, Miss Lamia, Pest knew that His Majesty Luo Pei had a normal concept of love and desire, and he liked beautiful girls very much.

Originally, Pest didn't think that her thin appearance could be taken by Luo Pei. The moon rabbit girls are all outstanding, and the high-ranking ones have the ultimate beauty. Logically speaking, it is unlikely that the devil will cast his sights on her. Little maid.

Now it seems that her understanding seems to be wrong.

But frankly speaking, Pest has not yet made up her mind to serve the monarch with her beauty.

"Your Majesty, I suddenly remembered that the master still needs me to serve..."

When Pest wanted to find an excuse to get away, there was an exclamation from the end of the corridor.

Before the girl could turn her head to see who it was, she was pushed away from Luo Pei's arms after a gust of wind passed by.

Light green hair fluttered in the air.

"My lord father is so eccentric! We, the daughters, are supposed to serve you in groups! But you are molesting my maid here!"

Daughter of Cthulhu, "God of Volcano and Power" Anilian.

After realizing who it was, Pest knelt down without hesitation.

Because Anilein is her true ruler, the god she must worship.

Luo Pei helplessly let Anileen rub against her arms, and asked while stroking her head.

"Anilaine, normally you should be sleeping at this time, why did you come to me suddenly?"

"It's my father who came to my bedroom." Anilein said sweetly: "As long as there is your movement, no matter how indulging in sleep, I will wake up under the reminder of "Father Radar"! "

Father Radar? What the hell is that?

After thinking about it, Luo Pei can only attribute it to his daughters and his soul connection.

Sleep is the link of superconsciousness. As the daughter of the Eternal Sleeper, Anilein's sixth sense is absolutely not bad.

"Okay, I'm not molesting your maid." Luo Pei said softly: "It's okay for Somona and Estred to be noisy in front of me, I went out for a walk to relax, and happened to meet Pest. "

"Somona and Astrid are arguing in front of you? Unforgivable!"

Anilian criticized the plastic sisterhood, and then posted it with a smile like a face-changing Sichuan opera.

"I will definitely not bother my father! Come to my bedroom, my father and I will enter the dream world together, and heal my father's restlessness and mental exhaustion..."

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