The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1878

"Let's talk about it when I have a chance. My desire to sleep is not very strong now."

Rope refused.

Anilein failed to invite favor, glanced at Pest, biting her nails and muttering.

"It turns out that Father likes this kind of type... Mistake, I should have known that I had become that way from the beginning... Father, can I trouble you to explain your preferences more clearly? I will reshape the body, definitely You won't be disappointed!"

"What do you think I am, top copper alchemist?"

He said so on the lips, but judging from the base statistics of Luo Pei's own girls of all colors, his rebuttal was not convincing.

Chapter 104 Small talk and the continuation of the spirit

Unable to hear a clear answer, Anilein quarreled unrelentingly for a while, and finally settled down again under the unbearable hand knife sanction of Luo Pei.

After that, there were two more people walking.

Anilein and Pest followed Rope and walked slowly to the garden of the magic palace.

Planted with plants that cannot grow in a normal ecological environment, the courtyard of the Demon Palace is completely worthy of such a gloomy palace. Just like its high popularity among Maid Moon Rabbit, it is a veritable cradle of fairy tales.

"Since you guys came, I've been busy with business, and I should have paid less greetings to you... Anilian, how does it feel to live here?"

Luo Pei squatted down casually to watch the ripening of the dream fruit, and asked Anilaine.

Anilein swayed her beautiful light green long hair, and made tea for Rope in the kiosk.

Originally, these trivial tasks were done by Pest, but her god wanted to do it herself anyway.

"Father, you don't need to have such a heavy sense of guilt towards us. As long as we can be by your side, we will be very happy no matter what happens. The sisters think so. You should also see that whenever we come to you, Xia Isn’t Lisette’s sweet expression? That’s the daughter of His Majesty Yog-Sothoth, and the impulse that can make her lose her divine essence is the best portrayal of the feelings of us daughters?”

"That's fine. If I can't make my most important person happy, my last value as a substandard father will disappear."

Luo Pei took off the dream fruit and took a bite, the sweet taste spread on the tip of his tongue.

This kind of fruit cultivated by the "God of Agriculture" community has always been a key item that the lower-level communities are eager to snap up. Its fruit has the characteristics of praying for the harvest of the earth, which is very helpful for the harvest of food.

But here in the useless magic palace of Vientiane, the value of dream fruit is left with its unique taste.

"Aniline and Pest want to eat something? They look pretty good."

"Thank you, Father!" Anilein happily took the fruit in Luo Pei's hand. Judging by her appearance, even if Luo Pei held the deadly poison in her hand, the volcano goddess would happily drink it.

Compared to Anilaine, Pest is much more reserved.

Especially when something like that happened just now, the blush on the girl's face still hasn't faded.

"Thank you, I, I don't have to."

Pest said timidly.

Seeing Luo Pei walking towards this side, she hurriedly pulled the seat away for the Demon King.

"Yes, what a pity."

Luo Pei sat down and looked at Anilaine, who was lying on the table opposite the seat, admiring him as if admiring a beautiful work of art, and couldn't help laughing.

"Anilaine, maybe you don't know, if you follow the order of appearance, you are the eldest daughter of all my children."

"Eh? Is there such a thing?" Anilaine's eyes widened: "Please tell me. According to the order I know, Sister Samona should be born before all our sisters, the daughter you first recognized .”

"Appearance is not birth. Cthulhu is the first evil god I saw, and also the first evil god to have a relationship with. So before everything is on the right track, I know that yours must be born."

Rope looked up at the sky.

"At that time, I was really scared. One of the four elements, the Eternal Sleeper, would ask me to make a child... Well, it was also at that time that my sanity value began to drop wildly."

"Understand understand."

Anilain nodded in agreement.

She knew best what her mother was.

"My mother has been indulging in dreams for many years, and the psychomorphic technology is the worst. Every time I look at her, I feel like I'm wearing a human skin mask, and I'm in danger of smiling like a fake."

"Hey, just listening to the description, I can feel your hard work. The deep sea of ​​Tyres, it is hard for you who have obtained the priesthood of "Volcano", right? Plus a mother like that..."

"I really hate the humidity, but I didn't have to work too hard. Ide Ya's mother took good care of me, as did Dagon and Hydra, and my brothers often sent out their avatars to play with me. Most importantly, Kexi Sister La has always been by my side."

"The "Daughter of Recovery" Kexila? "

Luo Pei thought for a while, that seems to be an unlocking item created by "Eternal Sleeper" Cthulhu in order to get rid of the long-term seal.

Of course, now that Cthulhu is still in the seal, the plan has naturally failed.


Mentioning Keshira, Anilein's eyes became very bright.

"She really doesn't look like an evil god, whether it's her attitude towards humans and mortal things, or her own personality. But I like sister Kexila very much! She taught me a lot of common sense. If it weren't for her, I would I'm afraid he has become a guy who is crazy about blood and power!"

Anilaine said a little less.

"Daughter of Recovery" Kexila is not only unlike the evil god in character, her power is also the lowest level of gods in history.

No, maybe using the word "god" on her is an insult to the gods.

This daughter of the four elements not only has little divine power and divinity, but was even captured by mortals once to study the ecology of evil gods. Although this humiliation was liquidated by other angry evil gods, it was enough for Kexila to lose her head in the family of "Eternal Sleeper" Cthulhu.

Keshira is despised by all the children of Cthulhu. The previous owner of the priesthood of Anilein, the "God of Usurpership" Ghatanothoa looked down on Keshira the most, and the Daughter of Shame and Recovery was born from the same mother.

"Longing for blood and power? It's not your fault. Who let your divinity be inherited from Ghatanothoa." In the family of the Eternal Sleeper, she is no longer alone and helpless, and has gained your friendship, and your friendship represents my attitude."

"Yes! I have already decided that I will use my whole life to protect sister Kexila so that she will not be bullied again."

"Although I am very pleased that my daughter can make such a realization, I still want to remind you, Anilein, for an immortal god, a lifetime is a heavy and long promise."

"You regard promises as the most important creed, and you must fulfill any promise at all costs. I'm just learning from you."

Anilaine said proudly.

For a moment, Luo Pei's heart was moved.

The feeling of spiritual continuation is really indescribable.

This is also the reason why the soul-connected daughter makes him so excited and doted on.

A smile appeared on the corner of the black-haired young man's mouth, his fingers moved away from the handle of the teacup, and his hands were clasped on the table.

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