The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1888

It's over, it's really over... Is today the beginning of a chain of misfortunes? Vientiane Useless and the Queen of Halloween…

"Bai Xue, we have a task for you." Bai Yasha said.

Bai Xueji replied weakly.

"Please order..."

"Follow Luo Pei on this matter and help him with the trivial matters of the community. Oh, by the way, you are a member of "Thousand Eyes" from today on. "

"……why me?"

"what why?"

Bai Yasha looked at Bai Xueji with a stiff expression in surprise.

"Didn't we give you to Luo Pei just now? I still have to ask why for such a trivial matter. The servant is not qualified."

Didn't the arrangement be withdrawn?

The master of the Toli Tunisian Waterfall, "Water God of the Snake" Bai Xueji was silent.

Chapter 110: The Priestess Who Was Sacrifice to Yasha

Monsters, beings given this title, exist like tarsal maggots no matter what kind of world or society they are in.

Maybe the word "monster" in Bai Xueji's mind is a bit funny, after all, as a giant snake god, she is also a monster in the eyes of ordinary people. practical thinker.

Pressure, unparalleled pressure.

The pitch-black back is like a vortex black hole, and if you just put your eyes on it, you will timidly avoid it. The unhurried pace stepped on her heart every time, and the identity of the god kept wailing to make her escape from the surrounding area of ​​the man in front of her, as if she would be obliterated in the next moment if she didn't do so.

——The natural enemy of the gods.

No, it is probably more appropriate to describe it as the end of the gods.

This is the ancient period of Hakoniwa. It is regarded as a respected domain of authority on a par with the "Tiandong theory". Human beings who cannot be defeated will finally test the demon king "Vientiane useless".

He is also the master who is in charge of her right now.

"Huh? Bai Xue, what's the matter?"

Sensing Bai Xueji's footsteps stopped, Luo Pei turned his head and asked.

The moment she was focused by Wanxiang's useless gaze, Bai Xueji shuddered, like a little snake being stared at by an eagle, and insurmountable fear appeared in her pupils.

"No, there is nothing! Master... Then, do you want to meet the messenger of "Queen Halloween" directly next? If so, this concubine will prepare it for you, please wait a moment..."

"Don't be so troublesome, let's go directly to see her together." Luo Pei took out a paper contract from his jacket: "Bai Ye has given me the contract about entering the "Thousand Eyes" community, and I will take it out when the time comes, Halloween The Queen's people have no reason to question my identity. "

"This, this way, the master is really thoughtful..."

"Thoughtful? You were also present at the conversation I had with Bai Ye just now. Could it be that you didn't hear our plan clearly?"

"No! How dare you! The concubine is listening! There are good ones!"

Deliberately flattering instead provoked questioning, Bai Xueji waved her hands as if she was about to cry.

Although he is a snake god, he still seems to retain his personality as a living sacrifice. He is unexpectedly a crybaby.

Luo Pei blinked, and could easily see the beauty's fear. At the same time, doubts arise, why is Bai Xueji so afraid of herself?

He controlled his breath very well, and Bai Xueji didn't seem to be so scared just because of the rumor that everything was useless.

Soon, he realized an important point.

That is, Bai Xueji holds the godhead, which belongs to the acquired gods.

And he himself is a great demon who can eat three thousand gods and Buddhas alive, so the relationship between him and Bai Xueji is not enough to be described as a knife and a fish.

"I see."

Luo Pei nodded in understanding and said with a smile.

"It's just that I haven't thought about it."

Bai Xueji was wondering why Luo Pei would say this, and immediately she felt the dreadful vortex on the black-haired youth gradually fade away.

"To be honest, I don't have the experience of getting close to Godhead holders with less than four digits. It's only natural for you to feel scared. Instincts can't be eliminated by just suppressing the breath."

The gods are also divided into levels in Little Garden. The gods that Luo Pei used to get close to each other had four digits at the lowest, and three digits and two digits were also common. Although gods of that level will definitely be affected by Vientiane Uselessness, it is not impossible to restrain their instincts.

Bai Xueji's strength is only about five figures, and she is still at the bottom of the five figures.

Strength determines that she will be very powerless in front of Luo Pei.

Bai Xueji was not stupid to a certain extent, she realized that Luo Pei was protecting her, she lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Thank you, Master..."

"It's enough to face me with the same attitude you face Bai Ye. The titles like concubine and master sound quite strange."

Rope shook his head.

"I didn't intend to plunder you at first, it's all because Bai Ye suddenly raised my attention. Seeing your good looks, it's hard for me to refuse."


Bai Xueji didn't know how to answer, so she could only answer in a low voice.

She has no right to choose, no right to refute. In the small garden with strict affiliation, Bai Xueji is Bai Yasha's property, and whatever she does with her is in line with the rules.

It's just that the big demon king in front of him spoke unexpectedly frankly, and even bluntly said that he was eyeing her appearance...

"Does Baixue like the yard here very much?"

"Ah, sorry!"

Hearing Luo Pei's urging, Bai Xueji quickly put all the messy thoughts behind her head, and continued to walk half a step behind Luo Pei towards the "Thousand Eyes" Annex.

"How did Baixue become Bai Ye's servant? I only know the name of the living sacrifice in Yashachi. Can you explain it in detail if it is convenient? I am quite curious."

Luo Pei spoke to Bai Xueji with ease.

If the master has doubts, the slaves naturally cannot hide them.

Bai Xueji recalled it for a moment, then organized her words and said.

"As you know, living sacrifices always occur in ignorant and backward places. The villagers and farmers couldn't understand what happened in their eyes, and they all classified it as the anger of the gods or the evil spirits. Appease the dissatisfaction of gods and demons...every year, choose a victim to give an unjust death."

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