The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1889

The behavior of living sacrifices has been banned repeatedly since the concept of religion was born by human beings.

People think that living and beautiful sacrifices will be accepted by the gods and demons, and the gods and demons will stop being angry when they are happy, thus taking away their own bad luck, which is an ugly behavior based on selfishness.

"Living Sacrifice, a masterpiece of Hinduism and Christianity, further developed by "Saint" Paul. "Rope said: "Hinduism's sacred worship of flames, plus Paul once said to believers to "dedicate themselves to God", after misinterpretation and fusion, living sacrifices prospered worldwide. This is also the root of the witch hunting movement. one. "

"Exactly. But I was chosen as a living sacrifice not because of the high-end reasons, but because of the ignorance of the villagers." Bai Xueji said softly: "When I was a human being, there was a lake named Yasha Pond on the mountain of my hometown. Every year, the lake breaks its embankment and destroys the crops and takes away lives. The villagers don't know what to do, so they can only use the most primitive witch culture to deal with it, and select women with outstanding looks to dedicate to the Yasha in the lake."

"Before me, four living sacrifices died in the icy water of the lake...I am the fifth witch of the lake. Fortunately, when I was bitten by a water snake and was about to drown in the lake, Yasha really appeared."

"Yasha asked me if I wanted to die as a human, or to live as her subordinate god. There was no hesitation, and I agreed to Yasha's request almost instantly. When I came back to my senses, I became a The big snake is entrenched in the Yasha Pond."

"A five-figure godhead is not a small number. Although Bai Ye has the confidence to show it, it shouldn't be because of kindness that she gave you this godhead, right?"

If just a living sacrifice can make people look different and bestow a five-figure godhead, then Hakoniwa probably doesn't need a class below the five-figure figure.

Bai Xueji laughed in front of Luo Pei for the first time.

"Indeed, master. I only found out afterwards that I was not only lucky enough to meet Master Shiraiyasha, but also happened to be widely spread in human history as the concept of "Yasha Pond" and "Living Sacrifice". Base. "

"Writer Izumi Kyoka's "Yasha Pond"... the spirit of the mountain torrent concept." Luo Pei smiled and shook his head: "This can also explain why you became the master of the waterfall. Falls are often confused as the source of flash floods."


Bai Xueji said happily.

But immediately recalling the identity of the person in front of him, his expression became cowardly again.

"You don't need to look like this, I prefer your expression like that just now."

Luo Pei said leisurely, calming Bai Xueji's anxiety.

"I have no intention of giving away the things I got. But since you have followed me, I will at least treat you like you did when I was under Baiye, and you will not be treated excessively. Don't worry about this, I have no rumors. So terrible."

"Yes, thank you, Master."

I don't know if the effect of instinct has been eliminated, but Bai Xueji found that she has indeed lost a lot of fear.

The two-digit Demon King is surprisingly close to the people...just like Lord Shiroyasha...

Bai Xueji thought so.

As everyone knows, after a few minutes, the beauty of the snake will probably overthrow this view again.

Chapter 111 Calling the Protoss of Gold and Realm

The door, which was so huge that it felt heavy at a glance, was gently pushed open by Bai Xueji's small hands.

Amidst the crunching sound of iron rubbing, the indoor environment came into Luo Pei's sight.

It is a very weird style, but because of Shiroyasha's personal preference, it is decorated with Japanese-style furniture in a castle-like building as a whole. The sense of contradiction formed by the mixture of two incompatible temperaments surrounds the top of the hall all the time.

Sitting in front of the round table in the center is a heroic beauty.

She was wearing a decent deacon uniform and long braids, holding a book and observing it carefully as if to pass the time.

The arrival of Luo Pei and Bai Xueji makes her close the book.

But the moment she raised her head, the indifferent expression of the mature woman turned into astonishment.

"This appearance... Could it be that you are the master of "Vientiane Useless"? "

"It's easy to know me."

Luo Pei walked towards the woman, took out the contract to join "Thousand Eyes", and showed it to the other party.

"Acknowledge in the name of Vientiane Useless, at this moment I will become a member of the community "Thousand Eyes" under the banner of the twin goddesses, and accept the gift game challenge from you and other "Halloween Queens" on behalf of "Thousand Eyes". "

An orange flame appeared out of thin air, burning the contract to ashes, which also symbolized Hakoniwa's acknowledgment of the validity of Lope's words.

An unexpected explosive incident, the beauty with a single ponytail could not continue to sit comfortably in her seat.

She stood up abruptly, took two steps back, and said hastily.

"Please don't make a joke! Master Wanxiang is useless, how can you enter under the banner of others with your identity! Please terminate the contract immediately, this is not a joke!"

"Of course it's not a joke, I'm serious."

Roper pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Before we communicate further, why don't you introduce yourself first?"

"... Excuse me."

The woman with a single ponytail suppressed her restlessness and panic, and knelt down on one knee in a very standard court ceremony.

"Community "QueenHalloween" member, chief deacon, head maid, and queen's supervisor, Scatha, has seen Vientiane useless sir! "

One of the many legends in Celtic mythology, the king of the nether world of the dead and souls.

Rope rested his chin on the back of his hand.

"Celtic mythology... If I remember correctly, wasn't that pantheon destroyed under the ravages of "dystopia"? "

"When a mirror is shattered, there will still be pieces of wreckage."

"That's right, your queen had a good relationship with the Celtic gods a long time ago." Rope looked at Scathach: "The godhead of the god of death remains. Can you survive the catastrophe of "Utopia"? "

"Your wisdom is unmatched."

Scathach said flatteringly, and immediately brought the topic back on track.

"If the words just now were impolite, please forgive me, Lord Wanxiang Wuyong. It was just words of panic. I will continue to boldly ask you to withdraw the contract at this moment, and at the same time, "QueenHalloween" withdraws the request to face the gift game challenge of "Thousand Eyes". I hope you can understand the powers conferred by the Hakoniwa rules. "QueenHalloween" has no intention of taking any hostile actions with you. "

When Vientiane Wuwu appeared in sight, Scathach decided not to accept it at all in this gift game.

Because no matter what, it is not a wise choice to play the gift game with a human being who is the final trial, or the kind of godslayer who is almost incomprehensible.

There is no reason to face such a terrifying existence for seven-figure trading rights.

"Oh? It turns out that things like invitation letters can be returned after they are sent out? I only played the game once with the sponsor's authority, so I don't know the details of these derived rules."

The dark-haired youth leaned back.

"I don't accept your withdrawal request. Tell the Queen of Halloween that if she agrees to this gift game and wins, I will cancel all the favors she owed me in ancient times."

The game he wants to play is not yet anyone else's turn to refuse.

Scathach obviously realized the resolute attitude of the demon king in front of him.

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