The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 364

Chapter 229 Meeting with the leader again

After the incident gradually subsided and everything was on the right track, Luo Pei resumed his previous life as a rice bug.

Don't leave the door, don't walk through the second door, just like a boudoir in the old society.

And it's much more moisturizing.

Liliana, Erika, and Kiyoshuin Ena, three beautiful girls are serving, plus a goddess with an ambiguous attitude, it seems that there is nothing wrong with calling his villa a "men's paradise".

Except that Huina and Erika still don't see eye to eye, his mood is still stable. After all, the two girls were really angry before, and it is probably impossible to reconcile for a while. They can only get along slowly to let time dilute the previous unhappiness.

Then, on an ordinary midday day, he welcomed the guests he had invited.

Luo Hao, the "leader" of the "Five Hells Sacred Cult", and her disciple Lu Yinghua.

"Wang, Lu Yinghua and the leader arrived fifteen minutes ago."

In the upstairs room, Erica spoke softly behind Rope's back.

"I have arranged for the maids to take care of them. Shouldn't you go see them as soon as possible? The leader's patience has never been very good..."

"Don't worry."

Luo Pei raised his head slightly, and the tall mirror reflected his whole body in it. An expensive handmade black suit, leather shoes of the same color under his feet, fair skin, plus his handsome appearance and characteristic light blue eyes, no matter who it is, as long as the aesthetic sense does not go to a strange place, they will draw a "Beautiful Boy" review.

The superlative kind.

Adjusting the neckline and tightening the tie, Luo Pei showed a satisfied smile.

"Well, the occasional black one looks good too. Erica, what do you think?"

"If you didn't change into this suit for the leader, I'm afraid I would like it better."


"It doesn't matter, after all, he is a young lion king."

Erica smiled indifferently, and affectionately helped Luo Pei tidy up the folds of the jacket in the blind spot.

"If you were like the Marquis of Vauban, I would be a little confused about what to do. I have said this question a long time ago, right? However, your appetite is really getting bigger and bigger, not only the goddess Athena, Even the godslayers of our compatriots have been included in the hunting list... Really..."

As she spoke, Erica's voice became lower and lower, and she pulled down her hand suddenly, and the tie tightly wrapped around Luo Pei's neck.

"It hurts..."

In daily life, the senses are not deliberately blocked, and the soft throat is attacked and the breathing is taken away. Lopez clutched his neck in pain, but couldn't bear to forcefully break away Erica's slender hands, for fear that his excessive strength would hurt the blond girl.

"Forget about that! You won't even let go of that crazy, ignorant oriental maiden! As long as you order a woman with that appearance, there are as many lovers in line as you want, why bother to find her who violated your order! Thinking of this, I You are really angry! Lord Luo Pei!" Erica said through gritted teeth.

"I have to give a little response to the kindness of the opposite sex. Besides, it's all over, it's just a small friction, why can't we get along well..."

"I knew you would say that!"

Luo Pei could only smile awkwardly, not wanting to touch Erica's bad luck at this time.

After all, it was a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. While scolding him, Erica let go of her hand, and thoughtfully helped Luo Pei put the tie back in its original position.

Acting like a baby and making trouble out of no reason, Italian red roses are very clear.

After finishing dressing, Luo Pei walked downstairs. Erica consciously didn't follow, and stayed in the room to sort out the clothes that had been turned out and thrown around for her king.

Going down the stairs, he saw an ancient girl who came all the way from China.

It wasn't the cheongsam I saw last time, Luo Hao was wearing a regular Hanfu, except that the color had changed a bit, it was almost the same as the first time Luo Pei saw her, a beauty with a dusty temperament.

"Too slow, Rope."

"Sorry, it took a while to organize the clothes."

Sitting down opposite Luo Hao, Luo Pei leaned comfortably on the back of the sofa.

During this period, Lu Yinghua was worthy of being one of the most eye-catching characters in the entire Godslayer. When he saw Luo Pei sitting down, he immediately got up from the seat next to him and left the hall calmly.

The king's conversation is left to the two of them. If the subordinate hears something that shouldn't be heard, the only one who suffers is himself.

Even if his master won't really kill him, a visit to the ghost gate is still indispensable.

"Brother Lu has such a witty personality, Luo Hao, are you being too high-handed?" Luo Pei looked at Lu Yinghua's back, and spoke to Luo Hao with a smile.

"At a young age, you are a rich young master who is second to none, but you made him into a "gynophobia"..." He shook his head, sighing regretfully.

"Although my own apprentices are also quite demanding, you are too harsh, Master."

After Senna settled down in Luo Pei's villa, her schedule was almost full of secret arts courses. There was only one day in a week that Luo Pei gave her, and the rest of the time was soaked in various In the sea of ​​forbidden art.

A few days before the battle with Dou Conquer Buddha, Luo Pei also avoided the girls, personally took Senna to Tokyo at night for the first hunting, and completed some terrifying human experiments——

Even people like him can't help but start to sympathize with Lu Yinghua, one can imagine how miserable this rich man is.

"Through hard work, you can get real talent and real learning." Luo Hao said lightly, without any desire to discuss this matter in depth.

"You called me all the way here, probably not to discuss with me how to teach apprentices. I promised to fight again after killing Monkey King. I, Luo Hao, came here as promised!"

It's because everyone has the idea of ​​getting back after being beaten. Luo Hao, who has been so strong all his life and respected martial arts, is stronger than others.

After Luo Pei said those words before, she spent a lot of time thinking about Luo Pei's attack routine, and she believed that she would not make the same mistake last time.

"What I say will naturally not count." Luo Pei nodded.

"Before the fight to make friends with fists, I have one more thing to inform you. I originally planned to carry it down by myself, but with one more person and one hand, it may turn into an unprecedented big battle between the Godslayer and the God of Disobedience. Melee, I want to ask for your position."

For a domineering person like Luo Hao, of course Luo Pei would not use Athena's silky countermeasures to win him over.

If she doesn't agree, in order to prevent the girl leader from beating her up, I'm afraid that Luo Pei will really temporarily take away her mobility and lock her in the basement to relieve her mood.


"Huh? Big melee?"

Luo Hao became interested, with a slightly surprised expression on his indifferent expression.

"Tell me."

"I don't know, Master, have you ever heard the name "King of the End"? "

PS: Hurry up to the next FGO to push the plot, there are a lot of new heroic spirits, and the new Fap, I feel that I will be eliminated by the times if I don’t make up anymore...

Chapter 230: Kill them all, leave none behind!

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