The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 365

"The "King of the End"...? "

Luo Hao read the name lightly, his expression moved slightly, presumably he also knew the rumors circulating among the godslayers.

——The hero of steel holds the sword in his hand, annihilating all Rakshasa kings, liberating the land and people from the tyrannical domination.

"That's right." Rope nodded.

"When the number of godslayers on the earth reaches a critical value, the strongest and last "steel" will wake up and wipe out all godslayers in this era... The leader has heard of it, right? "

Among the Godslayers, Luo Hao was the one with the least information, followed by Mrs. Aisha who traveled all day.

But to put it this way, the leader may not be as rich in information as the Black Prince and the Marquis, but even if he has been ignorant for two centuries, he will still have some understanding of such important matters, and Luo Pei definitely does not need to explain it from the beginning.

"A rare name, and it's still spit out from the mouth of you, a "newcomer"..."

The black-haired beauty in ancient costume frowned and said coldly.

"Don't beat around the bush, just say what you know." Regarding this kind of information, since Luo Pei mentioned it, Luo Hao certainly can't take it lightly, it must be mastered.

"The awakening of "Steel" is approaching, in this island country in the Far East. "

He said succinctly.

"Next to you, there is an ancient clan that has assembled in this country. They are headed by the hero Kamitsuki Susanoo, and the supernatural beings who followed him to the nether world jointly suppressed the "Steel of Discord"... Even the Great Sage Equaling Heaven has been used to seal the great curse of the dragon and snake. Haven't you doubted anything for so many years, leader? "


Luo Hao was silent.

She didn't have much doubt about what Luo Pei said.

She herself has thought about such things in the long years-why was the Chinese God of Fighting lured to Japan? Why is Dragon Snake so eager to find steel to suppress?

However, due to her arrogance and prejudice, she has always looked down upon her neighbor's mud legs, subconsciously, she didn't think about big things, and only wanted to kill Monkey King and end its shame.

"Susano... the hero of the Wa Kingdom. You really have the guts to do such a big thing, and still hide it from me..."

During the words, the girl revealed a slight anger, anyone who was deceived in the dark by a pawn who looked down upon her would not be very happy.

"Can you tell me these words, have you found the sleeping place of the "King of the End"? "


Rope told a lie.

He has his own plan, Luo Hao's temper is too strong, he is afraid that the plan will be ruined, otherwise it will be troublesome.

"Hokkaido, Okinawa, or some small island outside Japan, the news I can know now is just "an island country where steel sleeps in the Far East", so don't embarrass me too much about the specific coordinates. Even so, I got the news from a disobedient god. "

He didn't intend to tell Luo Hao about Athena either.

The goddess also knew how to be funny, and restrained her aura, and Luo Hao, who had once lost to him in Luo Pei's territory, naturally did not dare to be too presumptuous, so she turned a blind eye to the scene of being on the first floor.

"You are well-informed, and you have something to do with the God of Disobedience."

"In the new era, there must be a different approach. No matter how capable the subordinates are, there are still some secrets that they cannot touch." Luo Pei smiled subtly, and his acting skills were superb.

No matter how big the intelligence network is, it cannot be bigger than the setting. Only by making good use of this advantage can we feel like a fish in water.

"So, what is the purpose of you disclosing the news about the Last Steel to me?" Luo Hao sneered and said, "Hurry up and get to the point, junior who has nothing to gain, you must be planning to get something from me."

Does the person who gets you count?

Luo Pei thought for a while, it seemed that such a wisecrack should not be said when he was so serious, so he gave up.

He clenched his fists, coughed a few times and said.

"I hope you and I can form an alliance."

"Reason." Luo Hao said succinctly: "Your strength is weird and unpredictable, and your specific strength is even higher than mine. What is the reason for finding a second godslayer to form an alliance with?"

The leader is also straightforward, and when it comes to business, he is frank and astonishing about the fact that he is at a disadvantage.

Luo Pei thought for a while, and there was no need to hide this point from Luo Hao, so he confessed everything.

"According to rumors, the power of the "King of the End" is equal to the sum of the total number of reincarnated godslayers, that is to say, the more godslayers there are, the stronger he will be. And in the current prosperity, except for the Marquis of Vauban who has been killed by me, there are still six people including you and me, so the power of the "King of the End" will be unprecedented..."

There has never been an era in history where there were so many godslayers, and they had even reached the point of saturation, which can be called the best and worst era.

——For the people, it is good to avoid natural disasters that cannot be followed, but it is bad for the godslayer to have the sword of Damocles sharper on their heads.

"I'm not talented. If there are no accidents, I'm probably the strongest among the godslayers at that time, right? But even so, I dare not guarantee that I can defeat the King of the End, such a fierce and powerful enemy. "

Luo Pei's words made Luo Hao feel a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't deny it.

Killing the Marquis, defeating the King of Swords and her, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the strongest in combat - the Black Prince, Pluto, and Mrs. Aisha are not regarded by the leader at all.

Luo Hao couldn't help paying attention to the meaning expressed in his words.

"Your plan is to join forces with me to deal with the "King of the End"? "

"No, I just want you to help me "open up the battlefield". "

Luo Pei was still smiling, but this time the smile made Luo Hao inexplicably feel a chill.

It was as if some kind of deep-sea monster was sharpening its sharp teeth, waiting to feast on it at any time. It was eerie, terrifying, and smelled like blood.

"Master, don't you think that there are too many godslayers wandering around in this world and too many obstructive forces? Shouldn't we clean up the self-righteous miscellaneous fish before eliminating the biggest threat?"

Mrs. Aisha and Pluto Anna are not people who like to make trouble and have a good heart, so they can be placed.

Although Salvatore Tony has a relationship with him, it depends on whether he has spirituality. If he doesn't come to make trouble, otherwise he can only say sorry.

As for the Black Prince Alexander Gascoigne, the Godfather Guinevia, and the Disobedient Lancelot—

His task is to "kill the ten disobedient gods", and his ultimate goal is the "sage" Rama. Anyone who stands in his way, who intends to plan, who hinders him from taking the nominal dominance of this world into his pocket, is the target that Rope needs to kill.

Get rid of them all, leave none behind!

It's time to clean up the mess in Europe.

Chapter 231 I am super good at killing fellow godslayers!

Hearing Luo Pei's words, the expression on the leader's delicate face was stunned.

It's not that she hasn't thought about killing the same godslayer. Let's just take the Marquis of Vauban as an example. If Luo Hao could kill him, the ashes of the wolf king would have been chilled a century ago, and it would be his turn to prosper in northern Europe for so many years after he provoked the leader.

Are Godslayers so easy to kill?

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