The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 367

The Hanfu was soaked by sea water and stuck on the leader's exquisite jade body. Coupled with the immorality of the chains, this hazy ambiguity adds a bit of taboo temptation to the originally quiet girl.

"Master, I really beat you this time, right?" Luo Pei asked triumphantly.

"I didn't play small tricks. Power against power completely disintegrated all your moves. Well, although you pierced your internal organs once with your palm force on the way, overall this battle is my complete victory."

Being able to forge two swords of words and spirits means that the godslayer who is hostile to Lopei will lack the use of at least two powers.

"Very Powerful Vajra Magic", "Dragon Singing and Tiger Roaring Dafa", "Hundreds of Grass and Flowers. Thousands of Flowers Dazzling". Except for the useless "Yellow Liang Yicooking Dream" in battle, Luo Pei knows all of Luo Hao's abilities clearly. On the other hand, the leader doesn't know the bottom line.

In the last battle, the means used by Luo Pei were only a drop in the bucket.

"If you win, you win... Hurry up and get rid of this annoying chain!"

Twisting her beautiful body, the leader's cheeks were reddish, trying to break free from the chains of Luo Peiyan's sword.

But her incomparable divine power is still sealed in the blade in Luo Pei's hand, and it's probably a little naive to use her own strength to break free from the blade of wisdom.

Could it be that this junior has a special fondness for restraints, such as spider silk and chains, two times in a row... Luo Hao stared fiercely at Luo Pei, who was obviously very happy.

It can be seen from her beautiful clothes and neon clothes that she never leaves her body, even Luo Hao, who is as heroic as a man, still has a daughter's side. At first, the new king's descendant expressed explicit lust to himself, but now he is appreciated by the other party for being so shameful, which makes the leader a little annoyed.

To be angry is to be angry at yourself for not being up to date, and to be annoyed is to be annoyed at the unscrupulousness of Luo Pei, a womanizer.

"Understand, understand, it's rare to appreciate the appearance of the leader's influence. The one who can see this beautiful scenery and survive is probably the next person."

Luo Pei squinted his eyes contentedly, and with a flick of his fingers, he retracted the chains that were tied to Luo Hao's body.

The power of Gangli returned to itself, and the leader stood up with a moving wrist, regained her cold goddess style, and looked at Luo Pei coldly.

"...the next job."

"Hey, it's too much." Luo Pei immediately called out his grievances and pleaded innocent.

"Master, you are as slippery as a loach. Your body is so good, and you are my ally. If I don't use chains to tie you up, why should I give you a sword to pierce your intestines? Don't do it, I am super soft-hearted. "

"It's better than that, so you don't have to humiliate me."

Hearing this little girl bickering words, Luo Pei was relieved.

It seems that the leader's mood is very stable this time, and he doesn't have the spike after being defeated like last time. Presumably, before facing the second battle between the two, I had made a good psychological preparation for "losing".

After all, it is still a breath that cannot be swallowed. Now that I am convinced, everything will be easy to talk about.

"...The fight is over, do you still stay here for the New Year?"

"Come on, the Rope will take you ashore."

Luo Pei jumped off Jiaoyan with a smile, and made a gesture of invitation to the leader.

Obviously possessing supernatural powers, but insisting on calling on Luo Pei to use waves to entrust her, it was nothing more than to relieve the bad mood of the second defeat just now. Luo Pei was still very tolerant and magnanimous in this regard, and did not care about it with the leader.

The difference in treatment is reflected here. When Tony fought with him, he didn't care about the aftermath. He just floated back to the villa by himself, leaving a fool sword to fend for himself on the isolated island.

Beautiful women are always privileged—

Sitting on the waves, Luo Pei asked the ancient girl next to him who lowered his head.

"Well, we should be friends now, right?"


"That's to say, didn't we make an appointment? If I win, you'll be my friend. You can't count your words now, can you?"

"You won, if you say yes, it counts." Luo Hao said angrily.

"It's really great!" Luo Pei said with a sunny smile.

"As the saying goes, there is no pure friendship between men and women. If you promise me to be friends, then it will definitely turn into a gun in the end..."

"Shut up! Don't dirty my ears with obscene words!"

"I'm really curious how you know what I'm going to say..."


On the way home after flirting with the cold-faced beauty, Luo Pei expressed his pleasure.

The martial arts king of China has finally come to an end.


At the same time, in an office building in Tokyo, two mikos, a trainee miko, were talking.

The brown-haired girl was a little embarrassed, looking at Saya Gongxin who put on a priestess costume and put on light makeup, completely showing her feminine side.

The girl lowered her head slightly, and begged humbly.

"Please! Miss Wanligu, please accompany me to meet the king with your sister! The "Official Editing Committee" can only rely on you! "

Chapter 233 Apology

"That...Miss Saya Palace..."

Mariya Yuri dodged his eyes, twisted the folds of the skirt of the sailor suit with his white fingers, and wanted to refuse, but he was embarrassed how to speak.

But the girl opposite her didn't seem to understand Miss Wanligu's embarrassment at all.

Or even if you can see it, just pretend you didn't see it and ask for it.

There is no way, it has reached a dead end.

It has been several days since the turmoil in the Sunshine Shanxi Tiangong. The ape god who ruled back the earth dragon was killed by the godslayer. After turning against the godslayer, the mysterious side of Japan was restless. The identity of the god's concubine seems to have a tendency to seek refuge with the new king——

The same troubles have turned into a mountain of paper reports on the desktop, and the large and small voices inside the "Official History Compilation Committee" have added countless troubles to Sha Yegong Xinpin, who has been in his 20th year.

Just recently, the supreme leader of the mysterious side of Japan, the ancient who retired to the secluded world, issued the final decision on this matter.

——The responsibility is all attributed to Japan, go to apologize to the godslayer, and repair the relationship!

The order is unquestionable. After the order of the Nether World was issued, all those who could touch this level stopped talking and turned their "eyes" to the "Official History Compilation Committee". To be precise, it was Saya Gongxin, who had met Luo Pei more than once, and even the source of the feud, who showed the shameless attitude of "finishing the things you provoked by yourself".

Well, let the "Official History Compilation Committee" come forward after threatening the interests of the entire mysterious side, and push me out to sacrifice after getting into big trouble afterwards. What a bunch of hopeless old bastards!

The short-haired girl hated those colleagues who looked at her coldly.

Thanks to this incident, Saya Gongxin finally understood what it was like to "be slapped on the left cheek, but still rub the right cheek with a smile".

Helplessness, remorse, and a deep sense of despair for those who stand at the top of individual power in this world.

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