The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 368

"Miss Wanligu, I know it's too much for you to meet that terrifying king again, but I really have nothing to do."

Shaye Gongxin looked at the hesitant tea-haired girl, gritted her teeth and took another dose of strong medicine.

"This time it's not just a matter of disobeying the order. After understanding the king's order, he still insisted on moving forward, and even went to war with the king's Ji knight. I am afraid that in the king's eyes, this is a very serious provocation against his majesty, right? Hear that? According to the news, the king may be too busy with conflicts with the leader to get out of it recently, but if he waits for him to recall what happened on Riguang Mountain last, the disaster for the whole of Japan will come as expected. Japan is an island near the sea, and the new king, he is the most famous The only way is to manipulate the tsunami! The disaster in East Japan is very likely to happen again, do you know what this means?"

She said in a heavy tone.

"It's okay if I can calm the king's anger by sacrificing only myself this time. If not, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of lives will be drowned in the tsunami, and even the boats of Santuchuan will not be able to board. Go up, become bones in the mud. I think about it, except for Qingqiuyuan, which has become the concubine of the new king, in the whole of Japan, you sisters have the best relationship with the king, and you can talk, that's why this time is different. Please, I hope you think twice!"


As soon as the big hat was buttoned down, Mariya Yuri obviously panicked and became even more nervous.

"...My relationship with Wang can only be described as mediocre, but my younger sister Guang is very attached to him. During that time, I often saw the two of them talking and laughing..."

... That's why I'm begging you, to be precise, your sister!

Compared with Wanli Yayuri, Luo Pei likes and dotes on her younger sister Wanli Guguang, and this matter has been specially investigated by Saya Gongxin.

She can freely enter and exit the hotel where Wang used to be, and she can also ask Wang to buy the snacks and things she likes. This kind of treatment was not even enjoyed by the original Qingqiuyuan Huina!

"But... I don't want Guang to get involved with the Godslayer anymore..."

Mariya Yuri lowered his eyes and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito.

"King Rope and the Marquis are the same kind of Godslayer... No, King Rope is more terrifying than the Marquis. I'm afraid that one day what happened when I was young will repeat itself on Guang's body, so..."

The Marquis of Vauban recruited mikos to summon the gods, but a considerable part of the mikos and witches died. Mariya Yuri didn't want to pin his hopes on the high survival rate that can only be obtained by outstanding talents. After experiencing Azazel's call, staying away from the terrifying people was what this poor witch wanted to do.

"Is it... oh."

Saya Gongxin sighed, returned to her seat, and looked at the gloomy sky.

"There's nothing you can do about it. You also have your difficulties..." She said bitterly, "I'm sorry for taking the liberty to invite you here. Miss Wanligu, you can go back. I'll figure out the rest..."

"Sorry..." Mariya Yuri said apologetically.

"It's just that I want to ask you one more thing." Saya Gongxin sorted out the files on the desktop, her voice was very low.

"If I die at the king's place, please don't refuse any more. You must find a way to eliminate the king's anger towards Japan, and don't implicate innocent people... That guy Huina doesn't know what dissuasion is at all. I only know how to obey my husband and be jealous with Western women... Ah, I said something unnecessary, and if something like that really happened, I'll leave it to you."


Mariya Yuri was speechless.

This kind of tone of confession before dying made the gentle priestess do not know what to do.

Saya Gongxin can also be regarded as her boss, and she has taken care of Wanli Gu Yuli more or less all the time, if she only sacrificed herself, then she would definitely not refuse to accompany her to meet Wang Wanli Gu Yuri.

But if he had to bring his younger sister... As the eldest sister, Mariya Yuri hesitated.

At this time, she thought of the handsome young man in the shrine who was gentle, powerful and elegant. Facing himself and Guang Zong with a gentle smile, it almost makes people forget his identity.

As for that person, even though he did bad things in Riguang Mountain, he probably, maybe, might not be that kind of unreasonable person. Although he is sometimes scarier than the Marquis, he also loves light very much. If we go... maybe we can dissuade that king.

The girl was shaken.

——That's why I say that appearance and attitude are the two most impressive elements.

If it was someone like the Marquis, Wanliya Yuri might hesitate, but he would eventually watch Saya Gongxin go to die because of his sister.

After a long time, just when Saya Gongxin was about to pack up and go out, Marigani Yuri spoke.

"Can... let me make a call?"

"Of course, what do you want?"

"I'm going to inform Hikari." Miliya Yuri said in a low voice: "She should still be in class, I'll call the teacher and ask her to come over...then we can go together."

I'm sorry Hikaru, but I still can't sit idly by... Wan Li Gu Yuri thought with a heartache.

"...that would be great."

Saya Gongxin let out a long breath.

After talking so much, I finally pulled these two shrine maidens together.

In this way, no matter how bad his mood was, the king would not take his life on the spot.

If Qingqiuyuan Huina reminisces about the old love again, and can say something nicely, this incident should be exposed... Really, why do all the bad things happen to me!

"I'll send a car to your sister's school right now. Let's go to Wang's address as soon as possible."


The two girls left Saya Gongxin's office with the same heavy heart.

Go to Rope's villa.

Chapter 234 Lolita is for pampering

By the time Saya Gongxin and Wanliya Yuri received Xiaoguang and went to Luo Pei's villa, it was already past three o'clock.

The surrounding knights were more or less familiar with the three of them, so they didn't bother to ask. As long as it is not a person who looks suspicious, the knights will not meddle in their own business, this is what Erica specially ordered.

Ding dong!

After pressing the doorbell, a sweet voice came from the inside of the room after a while.

"Please wait."

After opening the door, there was a face that Saya Gongxin had never seen before.

She has long brown and black hair, and a pretty but not very pretty face. The faint dark circles under her eyes, which seem to be caused by staying up all night, are a bit of an eyesore, but it doesn't prevent the girl from being dubbed a "beauty".

Wang's new woman...? Saya Gongxin thought to herself.

"Who are you?" Senna asked suspiciously.

"Ah, I'm Kaoru Saya from the Official History Compilation Committee. These two are "Musashino" miko Mariya Yuri and her younger sister Mariya Mitsu, who are here to meet the king! "Recovering, Saya Gongxin hurriedly saluted.

No matter who this girl is, being able to be so comfortable in Wang's residence is an important task. They are here today to plead guilty and apologize, their attitude can be lowered as low as they can, the details determine the success or failure of the incident.

"Hi." Sena nodded back with a smile.

"I'm Master Ropei's apprentice Senna Artem, master is upstairs, I'll take you up there."

"Thank you so much!" It turned out to be an apprentice...

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