The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 369

The three of them followed behind Senna and stepped into Wang's residence.

Compared with the formality of Saya Gongxin and Wanli Gu Yuli, Wanli Guguang is obviously much more lively.

Ever since she met Luo Pei, she will always be doted on by that handsome big brother. No matter how her sister repeatedly reminds her to respect and respect the king, once the little girl's personality gets close, it will be difficult to change her attitude.

"Hey, Sister Sena, are you Brother Luo Pei's disciple?"

Xiaoguang asked with her head tilted, ignoring Mariya Yuri secretly pulling her clothes behind her back.

"um, yes."

Senna looked at the light following her, and said gently: "Although the time is short, I am indeed Lord Luo Pei's disciple now."

"Are you the same as Brother Luo Pei? All kinds of spells or something."

"Ah..." Sena was a little embarrassed by the little girl's question.

"The time is short, of course it can't be compared with Master Master. Hmm... my sister can only barely use such tricks now."

She raised her hand and gathered a small wheal in her palm, which really looked like a trick.

But unlike the young Hikaru, Marigani Yuri held his breath and looked at the wheal in Sena's hand. With her excellent aptitude, she could completely see how terrifying the wind was.

Sickness, pain, death—this wind is undoubtedly the magic wind of the gods, the wind of disease that makes people cry in pain.

As expected of the king's disciple... Seeing that Hikari Wanliya still wanted to touch the wind, Yuri Wanliya didn't care about being rude, and pulled Xiaoguang behind her, smiling apologetically at Senna.

"My sister is causing you trouble, please don't pay attention to her."


Senna loosened the wheal from her hands.

When Wanli Guguang wanted to touch just now, she was startled.

This is Master's guest, if she gets sick by the wind of the king in yellow, then she will be in bad luck. Like doubling courses or something.

Thanks to Lopez, this poor girl hasn't slept well for a week in a row because she hasn't completed the course in recent days. If it gets worse, Senna will really have the urge to bang her head against the wall.

In front of a wide door on the second floor, Sena stopped in her tracks and knocked gently on the door.

"Master, three young girls came to you and said they were members of the "Official History Compilation Committee" and "Musashino". "

"Come in." Luo Pei's voice came from the room.

After leading the way, Senna didn't have any ink stains, and immediately walked to her room after paying her respects.

She was sure that he wished that he was reciting those obscure and evil mantras at the desk more than himself appearing in the sight of the master.

...The youth of the hell is buried under magic like this. Senna sighed.

After Senna left, Saya Gongxin and Mariya Yuri looked at each other, and finally the short-haired priestess took the handrail of the door.

To die sooner or later is to die... She gritted her teeth and pushed open the gate of the Demon King's castle.

The temperature in the room is very comfortable, the luxurious setting, and the stacks of bookshelves full of secret and magic books.

Wang was lying on the central sofa in a strange, paralyzed posture, holding a black remote control in his hand, watching a movie on TV with a bored face.


"You are so courageous, Miss Saya Palace."

Luo Pei didn't look back, and said lightly.

"Last time I had a conflict with my subordinates, and you dared to come to the door within a few days. Are you impatient... Poof!"

"Brother Luo Pei!"

Before he could finish pretending B, Wanli Guguang swooped down on Luo Pei's stomach.

If it hurts enough, it won't hurt, after all, where is the physical fitness.

But Luo Pei had already downed two or three bottles of red wine because he was bored before watching the movie, and now Wanli Guguang smashed it, which still made his stomach feel a little uncomfortable.

"Xiaoguang, next time you want to attack me, please let me finish my sentence..."

Luo Pei looked at the junior high school loli in his arms, grabbed her by the back collar like a cat, and lifted her up from his body.

"Hey." Wanli Guguang smirked.

"Big brother, you don't even ask Xiao Guang to play. I even told my classmates that I met a super handsome big brother. They all seem to see you."

"Uh... is it..."

——Harvest "Junior Lolita's Praise", the effect is "Satisfaction +1".

Looking at Wanli Guguang's unscrupulous actions, Saya Gongxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, it was the right choice to bring Wanli Guguang. Wang's tolerance for this little girl is really unimaginable...

"Also, Brother Luo Pei, except for the snacks you buy me, my sister won't let me eat. Sure enough, Brother Luo Pei is the best here!"

"It's great...Okay, I understand, I'll go get it right away. Here, here, give you the remote control, go watch TV by yourself."

"Yeah, it just so happens that "The Frog in Spectacles and the Prince in Red" is about to start broadcasting..."

Not to mention the TV series that makes people have a strange sense of sight, I learned to hint at a young age, and the future is limitless...

Luo Pei stood up and stretched, ignoring the embarrassing Yuri Militani and Kaoru Saya, went straight to his desk, opened the drawer, took out snacks to pass the time, and threw them to Xiao Light.

Lovely loli always makes people can't help pampering, even a person like Luo Pei who doesn't eat people is no exception.

PS: Take a shouldn't be taken away (scared)

Chapter 235: Saya Gongxin's Gift (Part 1)

The TV made a frolicking sound, Wanli Guguang sat quietly on the sofa where Luo Pei was originally sitting, eating snacks and watching anime.

"Let Xiaoguang play for a while, let's change places."

Lopez picked up the coat from the hanger and said to the two disturbed girls.

"It's best to sort out the words in your head. I don't want to hear words that I don't like in a while, understand? Especially you, Miss Saya Palace."

"Yes!" x2

The two girls responded quickly.

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