The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 370

"Huh? Brother Luo Pei and sisters, do you have something to say? It sounds serious."

Sensing Luo Pei's unfriendly tone, Wanli Guguang turned over, lay on the back of the sofa and looked at Luo Pei cautiously.

"Are you arguing?"

This is the most serious thing that can be imagined in the girl's little head.


Luo Pei smiled and touched Wanli Guguang's head, and did not intend to tell the truth.

"It's just some boring topic about the accident in Chiba County. Didn't your sister make it clear when she brought you here?"

"Hmm..." Wanli Guguang shook his head.

"My sister just said that she would bring me to see Big Brother Luo Pei, but she didn't tell me the reason..."

Speaking of this, the girl's eyes began to brighten.

"Can I listen to it? I also want to know what my brothers and sisters are going to say."


Luo Pei smiled and took out a biscuit from the plate, stuffed it into Wanli Guguang's mouth, and forcibly slapped and fed a group of middle school girls.

"Stay here honestly, don't run around, and come to play with you when your brother and your sister finish their work."


Wanli Guguang puffed up his cheeks and chewed the biscuits, and then cast his eyes on Wanli Gu Yuri with malicious intent.

"Sister, don't make brother angry~ I still hope that brother will become a real "brother". "

The girl's mind is delicate, except for Luo Pei who doesn't understand Japanese customs very well, Mariya Yuri and Saya Gongxin all understood the meaning of Xiaoguang's words, and couldn't help but feel ashamed of the girl's precocity now.

"Little light!"

Wanli Guyou blushed furiously, and wanted to teach his sister a lesson, but looked at Luo Pei, who was not looking very well beside him, and gave up.


Mariya Yuri didn't dare to teach herself in front of Luo Pei when she was finished, so Mariya Guguang made a face and slid off the sofa, continuing to watch her anime.

"Let's go."

Luo Pei said lightly, and then opened the door of the room.

The two girls followed behind the king, taking small steps nervously. Unlike the troublesome Saya Gongxin, Mariya Yuri is afraid of Lopei only because he is a "God Slayer".

Inari God bless, I hope it can develop in a good direction... The brown-haired priestess prayed silently.

Pushing open the door of the study, Luo Pei sat directly on the chair behind the main desk, carried forward the vacation spirit of being able to lie down but never sit, and able to sit but never stand, and examined the two girls who bowed their heads.

"Miss Saya Palace, you come first." Luo Pei pointed at the table.

"Miss Wanligu and Xiaoguang were both called by you, right? I have to say it was a wise choice. Looking at the face of these two, I wouldn't take your life, but if your rhetoric doesn't let I am satisfied, this boldness still needs to be punished a little... such as taking away your thinking ability?"

The blond boy spoke horrifying words without changing his face, and Shaye Gongxin's whole body trembled.

No matter how mature and stable she is, she is still a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. Facing such a terrible threat, it is like walking a tightrope if she is a little careless, she will be doomed.

"I... am here to apologize to you on behalf of the Official History Compilation Committee. "

Shaye Gongxin lowered her head and said bitterly.

"We are extremely sorry for the incident in Xitian Palace. It disturbed your hunting pleasure and started a battle with your knights. For this, we extend our solemn apologies to you. Those who work at the bottom will be lenient... and will not be held accountable."

This is really interesting.

Looking at the girl with short hair, Luo Pei almost laughed out loud, but he held it back very well.

Originally, he didn't intend to do any drama of "settling accounts after autumn". In general, the matter of Xitian Palace is still his fault. Shaye Gongxin and his party said that they offended the godslayer, they might as well say that they have done their duty, and there is no reason to trouble these people anymore. ...

As a result, before he could speak, the victim pitifully ran to the door and begged for forgiveness. Luo Pei couldn't help but lament that power is such a good thing.

——It can turn black into white and wrong into right.

Not in a hurry to reply, Luo Pei just nodded when he heard the words.


Since he begged for forgiveness, he would like to see what bargaining chip Japan can come up with to appease a raging godslayer.

If there is an advantage, do not take advantage of it!

"This..." Saya Gongxin hesitated for a moment, and gritted her teeth.

"To express our apologies to you, the "Official History Compilation Committee" and my "Saya Palace Family", together with Tokyo, Hokkaido, and Chiba prefectures under the rule, offered to the king to provide you with offerings and human resources. And the Hime Miko who belongs to "Musashino" will belong to you! "

The previous paragraph is nothing, but to sum it up, it is to give money to people and give loyalty. Anyway, it is impossible for Luo Pei to really rule these places and people himself. What happened before and what will happen afterward is nothing more than his name.

But Saya Gongxin's last sentence deserves Luo Pei's attention.

As we all know, thanks to Japan's special Shinto system, their nymphs have always been the best resources in the world to connect with gods, and the city of "Musashino" is the base camp for the registration of these nymphs, which can almost be said to include All the high-ranking maidens in Japan.

This big gift was sent out, and the Japanese side definitely suffered a lot.

"Miss Saya Palace!?"

Mariya Yuri looked at his companion at a loss, with a surprised expression full of disbelief.

——She is the Hime Miko from Musashino!

Full of kindness and compassion to help Saya Gongxin, but the other party sold himself and Musashino's ownership rights to the godslayer without saying a word, as a prop to curry favor with him.

What is this!

"The above is our compensation for offending you, I hope you are satisfied."

Saya Gongxin ignored Yuri Wanligu and made a conclusion with her head down.

I'm sorry Yuri... This is the decision of the higher authorities, and I beg you for help just to save my life... Please forgive me.

Chapter 236: Saya Gongxin's Gift (Part 2)

"Yes, it seems that Japan has spent a lot of money."

Luo Pei looked at the tea girl who stopped talking because of timidity, and continued.

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