The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 372

"I... want to stay here."

As for the godslayer who insisted on her service just now, she didn't have the courage to leave her younger sister here alone.

Mariya Yuri secretly glanced at Luo Pei's face, and after finding that the latter's facial expression had not changed, he lowered his head and said:

"Xiaoguang is too naughty, I'm afraid she will disrespect you, if you dislike me..."

"It's okay, just let's talk."

Luo Pei waved his hand and said, "Speaking of which, Yuri, you don't know me very well, so let's think of it as a way to deepen our understanding of each other this time."

"...That's bothering you."

Mariya Yuri saluted again.

After Saya Gongxin said goodbye, Luo Pei and Wanli Gu Yuli left the door of the study and walked towards the bedroom where Wanli Guguang was.

Inadvertently inserting willows and willows into shades, understatement, two of Japan's mysterious four major families belonged to Luo Pei's saddle, and even took the ownership of Mariya Yuri and Yuan Miko.

In this way, as long as the gods can be collected in the world, Rope hardly has to worry about the gods who don't follow.

Pushing open the bedroom door, Luo Pei smiled and walked towards Wanli Guguang.

Today is also a refreshing day--

Chapter 237: Entering the Nether World

On the third day after being sent back to Sister Wanligu, Luo Pei received a letter of allegiance from Saya Gongxin.

Shares in various companies on the surface, and some hidden rights. Being able to stand in Japan for hundreds of years, the power of the Saya Palace family is unimaginable, and even the election of the country's parliamentarians can have a certain degree of influence, let alone the management of the subordinate urban areas.

Now, of course, these belong to Rope.

He threw these precious documents like rubbish to his two Ji knights, told them not to show mercy, tried to install his own power as much as possible, and then completely disassociated himself from this matter.

He didn't have time for that kind of leisure.

The miko of "Musashino" is still preparing. During this period, Luo Pei, who feels that he has enough rest, has already started to prepare for his next hunt.

Kill Kujian Susano's life!

The god of storms in the Far East, the god of land in Izumo, the iron sword that took away the tail of Yamata no Orochi, and became the "heroic" god of steel.

It is the biggest behind-the-scenes manipulator in Japan. In the original book, Kusanagi Godou has an inexplicable relationship with him when he became a godslayer.

Now, it's time to unplug the old bastard.

"Sure enough, you can't just stay at home. If you haven't exercised for too long, your body will feel rusty."

Stretching his waist, Luo Pei got out of the dark cave in mid-air and landed with a light jump.

Athena, a girl with long silver hair, followed closely behind.

"Don't end up being beheaded by Gang because of laziness, the concubine will not collect the body for you."

"Where is this, I wouldn't be killed by an old man."

Athena glared dissatisfiedly at the ally who was laughing at her, and then looked around.

"Hmm - you can't be wrong, the smell of steel and storm, unless there is another hero of steel in this country, it must be the space where the retired steel god is located."

A thousand-year feud, the Goddess of Earth has never missed the perception of the mortal enemy, the Hero of Steel.

"I trust you, Athena. Since you said yes, then Susano must be here." He also looked at the surrounding scenery.

Lush vegetation, brown and wet land, and cumulonimbus clouds that linger in the sky. Like the scene in the usual mountains, the smell of soil and trees is very strong, and there is a trickling stream beside it.

"Is this really a ghost world?"

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a natural scenery in a mountainous area, which is slightly different from what Luo Pei thought.

"no doubt."

Athena opened her small white hand, a mass of darkness emerged from her palm, and then spread out like a plague, taking away the light within a radius of 500 meters.

That's all -

She was just leading the way, not helping Rope in his crusade. It is enough to circle your own territory a little bit, there is no need to make a lot of noise to let that steel know that you are coming.

"This is the realm of life and immortality, where the spirit is higher than the body, and the spirit is higher than the material world." She said looking at Luo Pei, who had no normal expression.

"Is your body really a human being? I have never seen a human being who didn't feel the slightest when I came to the Netherworld for the first time. Even a godslayer should feel uncomfortable for a while."

It takes time for the body to adapt to the other world. No matter how strong a person is in the real world, they will have a strong sense of vomiting, chills, headaches and other unsuitable complications when they come to the Nether World for the first time.

That was not the case with Rope.

In Athena's sight, his aura was even higher than the real world.

"Maybe my blood is more inclined to this side than reality." Luo Pei shrugged.

Nephilim is a bloodline that should not exist in reality.

The warlike race in Darksiders. The son of evil in mythology, the unclean product of angels and humans——

In the definition of the godslayer world, it is only reasonable for the fantasy race to live in the nether world. His bloodline is not from this world, but it also adapts to this rule.

"Oh, is that right...not human..."

Athena didn't delve into it, and finding out about other people's past was not the goddess' interest.

The soil broke free from the shackles of gravity, floated out of thin air, and turned into a "snake" coat of arms in Athena's palm.

She handed the coat of arms to Rope.

"I will watch this battle. Based on your performance, I will decide to follow your orders in the battle with the "King of the End", or to act according to my own ideas. "

"Hey, hey, Miss Athena, is it really okay to say something like this? It's super hurtful! I thought our relationship was so should I put it? Like a husband and wife?"

"Don't talk nonsense, take it!"

Athena impatiently stuffed the coat of arms into Rope's hand.

"Don't you want to prove your bravery to win my favor? This time, if you can kill the God of Steel under my watchful eyes, I will give you a reward that suits you better than before."

I didn't explain it clearly, but this hazy feeling is even more exciting.

Athena is worthy of being a goddess, and she immediately hit Rope's Achilles' heel.

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