The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 373

He took the coat of arms with a smile and put it in the pocket of his coat.

"It's such a perfect rhetoric, I can't bear to refuse it. Well, then let's look forward to some rewards from the goddess."

After all, he walked along the dirt path without looking back.

In the center of the darkness, the girl Athena curled up her body, closed her eyes, and stayed in place quietly

Let this concubine take a real look at your strength... Can you kill the last steel... End this absurd death situation that has lasted for thousands of years...


The mountain road is boring and uninteresting.

After walking for nearly fifteen minutes, along the way, the entangled water on Luo Pei's body cut through the thorns and thorns, and opened up a relatively wide road in the lush woods.

But so far, he has not seen any living creatures.

Be it birds or animals, or the chirping of insects that should exist in the grass, there are none of them.

It was as if the only sound of his footsteps was left in the whole world, so silent that it made people chill.

At this time, the cumulonimbus cloud in the sky became more gloomy, and the sign of the storm had already shown its fangs.

"It's not an option to go on like this..."

Rope stopped in his tracks.

Originally, he should have brought Ena who was most familiar with this place.

But considering that the god he was going to kill was the guy called "Grandpa" by the black long straight girl. In order not to hurt his woman's heart, Luo Pei lied to Hui Na that he would go on a trip to relax, and secretly came to the underworld with Athena.

Sure enough, he got lost.

It is not easy to accurately find the original description "a hut built next to a river" in a huge mountain forest.

That being the case, it would be easier for Susanoo to find him instead.

Luo Pei closed his eyes, squatted down and stroked the wet ground.

"There is plenty of water, so it should be able to turn out beautiful waves..."

Speaking of which, except for the time he played against Tony in Sardinia, he has never used the tsunami ability of "Sigh of the Shallow Sea" again.

It's really ashamed of his title.

He recited the spirit of speech.

"—Oceans, lakes, rivers, obey me! Destroy the enemy in front of me with the power of ten thousand waves! Deprive it of life!"

Soil, air, rivers, all the water was extracted and gathered at the feet of Luo Pei, forming a huge lake in the blink of an eye.

The water level rose higher and higher, mixing with the soil and turning into a mudslide.

Rope manipulated them, not letting them escape in all directions, but gathering together, raising the water level higher and higher.

The galloping water was like a rabid wild horse, restless at the feet of Luo Pei, almost wanting to let go of the rein and destroy everything in front of him.

—The target is these mountains and bedrock.

Luo Pei wants to see, his lair is flooded, can Susano still sit still like he has been for a hundred years?

PS: The third watch is completed...

PS: I forgot when I updated it two days ago. Regarding the book review area "This body is evil", I went to see the similarity between my novel and "Game of Different Dimensions". From the "Earth Division Finals" Volume "Chapter Nine Cruel Battlefield (2)" begins, and there are more or less "references" to my part.

I put it on the shelves on July 31, 2016, and the chapter I started to learn from was updated on December 27, 2016. It is self-evident who is the same.

Well, just to clarify... I used to chase after his "Roaming in Two Dimensions"... My mood is complicated...


Chapter 238 Tian Yuyu cut out of the sheath, Luo Pei's eighth prey

The water roared.

The huge flood that lost its power and shackles, like a wild beast, rampaged through the mountains.

Whatever stands in its way, whether trees or rocks, are destroyed by the might of nature.

With Luo Pei as the center, the tsunami is spreading crazily around.

In front of a hut not far from the mountain, Susanoo sat on the steps and stroked his beard, looking at the wonderful scenery where the water meets the sky above the earth, and said to the back without turning his head.

"Princess, you really hit the spot. That kid really came here."

"—Mr. Yu is going to fight?"

The twelve-single princess held on to the door frame, her exquisite face still calm.

Just by looking at it, one can understand how powerful that young master is. With her aptitude, the aura of no less than six gods shone like bright lights in her perception.

"Forgive me for speaking bluntly, it's better for Mrs. Yu to retreat temporarily. The young master's power is at its peak, and you haven't held a long sword in a hundred years. If there is a fight, I'm afraid it will be more or less fatal."

Susanoo does have some strength as a "steel", but how can the god of killing Rope be worse than him? Rather, almost all the gods who were defeated by him have deeper roots than the little-known "Hero of Steel" in the Far East.

The winning rate is only 20%, which is almost after considering all the stupid mistakes that Luo Pei made in the battle.

"What the princess sees is very true."

The mage in black walked out from the door and stood at the same position as Princess Liulitong.

"That little doll is young, and his strength is really scary. Wouldn't it be better for me to avoid the edge first and slowly think of a countermeasure?"

After all, several of them are regarded as cowards, and there are as many tricks as possible.

But Susano rejected the black-clothed archmage who had always had a common language.

"You go back to your own residence first."

The rough man stood up.

At some point, his cane has turned into a blade.

The slender hilt is tied with white brocade at the end. It is not so much a Japanese sword, but more like an ancient Chinese long sword.

Tian Yu Yu Zhan, also known as the Ten Fist Sword, is the sword of Izanagi, the father of the Japanese gods. It once beheaded the "God of Fire" Kagu Tumei. After being succeeded by Susano, he killed the monster Yaqi Orochi who made waves, which, like the Kusanagi sword, was the key to helping him become "steel".

There are even rumors that the Ten Fist Sword is the ancestor of all swords in the world. Of course, it is not known whether this is the official history of the myth, or the gossip of various biographies.

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