The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 375

"... Liuli Zhiyuan did unnecessary things. If I had known today, I would have tried my best to stop her." Susanoo sighed.

The clouds in the sky grew darker.

The roar of thunder lingered in the clouds, and the patter of raindrops fell, adding a damp feeling to the space baptized by the flood again.

Susanoo, calling for a storm.

"Are you ready?"

Luo Pei didn't try to snatch the right to control the sky, but simply looked at the old man opposite and asked.

"Isn't it impossible for you to prepare again? It's your privilege as Grandpa Huina."

"Who do you think you're talking to, kid."

"That's right, trampling on other people's good intentions will cost you..."

Luo Pei shook his head and walked towards Susanoo.

One step, two steps, three steps.

At the fourth step, the God of War's wheel appeared behind him, like a shell being fired, he lowered his body and rushed out.

Hand to hand? Susanoo showed a ferocious smile.

As a hero with a sword, his martial arts are self-evident. If there is anything else Susanoo can be proud of, his swordsmanship must be among the best.

The wooden clogs kicked up the blade of the Ten Fist Sword, and the God of Steel slashed at the heavy-handed Luo Pei with his backhand.

The momentary staggering, the feeling of the blade touching the opponent made Susanoo's face change.


Looking at the airflow wrapped around the blade, Susanoo casually shook it away, and then moved over twenty meters at a speed that was inconsistent with his thick body.

Luo Pei was standing behind him, holding a long sword made of thunder in his hand, but his body was unscathed.

If Susano had been a little slower, then Lei's blade would have come into intimate contact with his neck, this is no joke.

——Although he is steel, he doesn't have an indestructible body.

"Even at the speed of the wind, will you still notice it? You are worthy of the identity of the wind god."

Luo Pei looked at the sword in his hand and threw it away casually. In the process of falling, Lei Jian turned into a burst of electricity and disappeared.

"It's a pity that "Seventy-two Changes" doesn't have the ability to transform light, otherwise I really want to know your ability, whether you can escape even the speed of light. "

"The Monkey God of the West Heaven Palace...was killed by you and then deprived of power. It's really sad."

A long time ago, Susanoo and Sun Wukong had a lot of teachings, so he could see the master of the ability to change at a glance.

"Don't worry, soon you will become one of the gods killed by me."

Rope stretched out his hand and plunged into the rapids of the river.

The water flowed backwards and turned into a water dragon, rushing towards Susanoo in layers. The imitated dragon teeth even shone coldly, enough to show their sharpness.

When they arrived in front of Susanoo, there were more than tens of thousands of mimic water dragons.

Faced with such a turbulent attack, the latter was much calmer than before.

He didn't panic, and with a majestic face, he drew a wave in the water with the blade of his sword, uttering words.

"Call me by my name - Suzhan Wuzun! The ocean must not open its fangs to its old master! Those who are protected by me, step back from my presence!"

The waves are calmed down.

It was a tentative attack, but Luo Pei didn't care.

He can now be sure that Susanoo in this world is not only the god of "storm" and "steel", but also has the godhead of "ocean"!

Before Susano became the god of destruction, he was the protector of the ocean, protecting the ocean and his father with a strong and powerful body. But he was born to cry, and then angered Izanagi, the father of the gods, and drove him out of the sea.

This is how he started his journey as a hero.

That is to say, before becoming a hero god and land god, he was originally an out-and-out god of the sea. But because the description is too vague, it has not been recognized by the world.

Born from the Izanami of the earth, it has cooling water but no fire for forging steel, so it needs to be combined with its sister "Sun God" Amaterasu to pick up Izanaki's sword and kill the dragon snake——Su The origin of Sano Steel.

In this way, the forged sword of words and spirits will be more accurate.

The storm in the sky became more intense.

After subduing the raging waves, Susanoo no longer hid his clumsiness, and the turbulent steel divine power erupted, echoing the brewing storm.

"—O storm that destroys everything! Show our fury and devastate the earth!"

In the sky where Susanoo's sword pointed, a more crazy storm was circling, and finally turned into the most terrifying and powerful tornado in the wind disaster, pressing down on Luo Pei's position like a drill penetrating the earth.

At the same time, Susanoo was unwilling to be lonely. After the call was completed, he laughed heartily and waved the ten-fist sword to merge into the tornado itself.

Sword light and storm, the original posture of the God of Destruction appeared in front of Luo Pei.

Chapter 240: Heavenly Spear and Eight Young Girls

In the face of such an attack, even though manipulating the storm is one of Rope's powers, he didn't think big enough to try to wrest control from a wind god's attack, which would undoubtedly be a foolish approach.

Without taking out the thunder sword again, Luo Pei relied on his own steel body to forcefully withstand the sharp and frenzied storm, and stretched out his palm to Susanoo's sword.

"——I will only sleep peacefully under the death of my own choice! Here, I refuse any form of harm, and all forces that intend to harm me will be isolated by the oath and cannot invade! Refuse to "slash"! "

He could see that Susanoo was very dependent on the Ten Fist Sword.

So he planned to do a high-difficulty empty-handed sword, and try to see if he could tear the sword from his hand. In this way, without the most important element of "steel", "sword", Susanoo's resistance to "warrior" will be minimized, greatly shortening the time of entanglement with this hero of steel in the underworld.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you fail, as long as you spend a little more effort.

As for whether one's own power can't resist the sharpness of the ten-fist sword, it's not within the scope of Luo Pei's consideration at all.

joke! Salvatore's "Silver Arm" can cut off even the power, even if such a sharp blade cannot cut off the "Oath of Protection" in the first time, a Far Eastern god will be stronger than the Celtic Dannu Is the king of the gods even stronger?

Thinking this way, after Luo Pei's left hand defended Susanoo's fist, his right hand touched the sword of the ancestor of Japanese mythology, Tian Yu Yu Zhan.

Hold on tight!

In the gust of wind, Susanoo's rough face revealed a scheming smile.

"Although I'm very sorry for my old buddy who has gone back, but I hope you don't regard the Ten Fist Sword and the Kusanagi Sword as a unique thing, this sword can host my father's divinity."

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