The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 376


When Luo Pei was still pondering the meaning of Susanoo's words, the sense of the iron sword in his hand suddenly disappeared.

Then there was a silver light towards his neck.

Did you let go? !

Turning his head, after dodging the ten-fist sword, the wheel of the God of War emerged behind his back, and the pointer slid to the "camel" pattern.

"—All those who do evil, be afraid of my power. Now I will have the majesty of ten mountains, the strength of a hundred rivers, and the strength of a thousand camels! The majestic me raises the mark of a ferocious camel !"

The ultra-high-speed chant was completed in an instant, and Luo Pei nailed Susanoo's abdomen with a fierce knee, and then turned around and kicked him far away, like a speedboat gliding on the water, continuously After breaking a few towering ancient trees, they were embedded in the mud soaked by the flood.

Only then did he have the time to glance at his right hand.

"This is……?"

Starting at the wrist, his right hand has disappeared.

No, it should be called "beheaded".

The cut surface is smooth, the muscles, bones, and tendons are clearly visible, and there is no blood seeping, as if it should be like this.

Ignore Bhishma's power? Is the Sky Feather Cut sharp enough to this level?

Luo Pei frowned and didn't care. Anyway, with his own repair speed, such an injury would recover in a few minutes at most.

"This kind of reaction... King Rakshasa, you should have the power of "immortal body"? "

Susano bared his teeth, holding the Ten Fist Sword in one hand, and the right palm that was cut off by Lopez in the other.

Judging from the slightly embarrassing appearance, the purely physical damage incarnation of "Camel" is not so delicious.

He threw Luo Pei's right hand over, and Luo Pei reached out to catch it.

"There is also the characteristic of "steel". No wonder you are not afraid of sharp blades, and dare to take my ten-fist sword with your bare hands. Have you ever fought with more than one "steel" before? The defense against "Sharp Blade" is in place. "

Susanoo raised his sword and said with a little pride.

"However, it's a pity that the sword my father gave me was not for cutting people."

"What's the meaning?"

Similar to the curse of Diarmuid Audi's "Yellow Rose That Will Destroy"?

Luo Pei thought for a while, threw away his right hand at will, and then tore his right arm off his shoulder with his left hand.

Blood splashed everywhere, followed by super-speed regeneration under the nourishment of water.

——If it’s a curse, wouldn’t it be good to change the arm?

However, it stopped when the flesh and blood regenerated to the wrist.

The scene was the same as when it was cut off, but the "curse" didn't seem to disappear just because Rope changed his arm.


Luo Pei looked a little ugly.

Athena was watching, and he suffered a small loss when he came up, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

——No man wants to embarrass himself in front of the woman he loves.

"Haha, don't waste your time."

Susanoo laughed and explained.

"Your hand wasn't cut off by me at all, even the Ten Fist Sword didn't bypass the power of the "power of steel" to cut your body, it just "separated" your right hand from your body. "


Lopez muttered, and immediately thought of something.

"The sea, the god of the sea, the weapon inherited from the father, the steel born from the soil, the parting island... Izanagi's spear of the sky?"

It's not useless to spend all day in the pile of books. Luo Pei recognized the predecessor of the Ten Fist Sword immediately.

It is rumored that the artifact that was born on the island of Japan, the spear that Izanagi was first blessed by the gods—the Heavenly Qiong Spear...

Also known as the Amanuma Spear.

"Oh! Very learned."

Susanoo raised his ten fists and swords flat, and said regretfully.

"Originally this weapon was a little stronger, but I hated spear skills, so I ordered it to reduce its long handle and become what it is now like a long sword... Think about it carefully, if I had known that I would be like you For hostile battles, it’s better to keep it in its original form.”

If the hilt of the Ten Fist Sword grows three or four times, wouldn't it look like a spear!

"Speaking of which, do you feel sleepy?" Susanoo said something unclear.

"Your physique is really good. My wine gourd has been opened a long time ago. The aroma has been wafting for so long, but you still haven't fallen?"

As he spoke, he patted his waist.

There, an inconspicuous gourd was hanging on Susanoo's belt. The bottle mouth was just as he said, and the cork had long since disappeared.

The plot of the eight childish girl!

The most famous legend of Susanoo as a god of culture is to intoxicate the Yamata no Orochi with the aroma of wine, and then cut off the snake's head with a ten-fist sword.

"Old guy, you and the "Steel" I've seen are really two different kinds of people. "

Luo Pei said with a gloomy expression: "Such an unappealing strategy can be easily used in battle. I really underestimate a little hairy god like you."

"I can't help it. Seeing that you are not surprised by the Ten Fist Sword, even if I have such a sharp weapon, I should not be your opponent..."

Susanoo sealed the gourd's mouth and said calmly.

"It will take about ten minutes depending on the situation... Your current effort should not be one-fifth of your strength, right? If you don't find some "accidents" in this situation, I can only be sent back to the myth by you It's..."

"One-fifth... Hmph. You seem to have seen my full strength... Mmm!"

Luo Pei's head began to become drowsy, and he bit the tip of his tongue to dispel the sleepiness that forcibly surged up.

Obviously he doesn't need to sleep physically anymore, but the smell of divine wine will force him to fall asleep.

Like Cthulhu whispering in the ear——

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