The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 378

Dagon's huge body was hunched in the temple, and it whispered to the sleeping alien in a language that humans could not understand.

A body bigger than Dagon filled the temple to the brim, with characteristics of bats, octopuses, and humans. The tentacles of the mouth swayed unconsciously in deep sleep, and the limp claw-like objects pinched the slender coral right The staff, the already tattered wings were further deformed under the heavy pressure, and just looking at it would make people feel "painful".

——The prototype of Cthulhu, the old ruler!

When living normally, Cthulhu obviously did not have the leisurely mood of turning himself into a human female in front of Luo Pei, and kept sleeping soundly in his original posture.

Dagon's call made Sea God open his slender eyes.

"...what's the matter?"

The sound it made was sticky and low, without any emotion.

This is certainly not a sign of Cthulhu's anger—in fact, even if he was awakened from his sleep when facing his own god, he would not blame Dagon and Hydra too much.

Anyway, as long as you close your eyes, you can fall asleep again, and it doesn't affect anything.

"A part of your kingdom of God has been summoned by a mystic. It seems that the mystic is fighting an elf in a certain world." Dagon bowed his head respectfully.

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in Cthulhu's mood.

"Do you need to inform me of such a thing? You created the secret technique of Abyss of Dreams."

"The user of the secret technique is a human named Rope."

After Dagon finished speaking, the water around it trembled slightly.

When it raised its head, the huge alien octopus had disappeared, replaced by an elegant human female with long dark green hair.


She said simply, obviously wanting to use the avatar to meet Rope.

"... Your Majesty Cthulhu, I'm afraid this is not very good?"

The gills on Dagon's face closed several times, expressing its helplessness towards its owner.

"After the incident of His Majesty the King in Yellow, the ancient gods' monitoring of the Kingdom of God has been improved. It is inevitable that you use your avatar to leave..."

"Rope is our hope. He is in trouble. Shouldn't we help him and make him closer to us? My brother Hastur has already taken the lead. This is the perfect opportunity. "

In addition to the righteousness of the gods, the evil god himself also wants to gain some benefits, but for some reason, Rope always prefers Hasta instead of himself who had the first contact with him.

This happened to be an opportunity to increase Lopei's favorability, and Cthulhu would certainly not let it go.

"Untimely, Your Majesty."

Dagon loyally dissuaded him.

"It's better to let me go and help that human being when he needs help. If there is no danger, I will just watch."

Compared with the four-element Cthulhu, an unknown subordinate is more suitable to come forward. This is Dagon's idea.

"Dagon, you..."

Cthulhu's expression became very subtle.

"... want to grab Lopez from me?"


The old ruler with the fish head and human form accepted the rest of the explanation.

It is wondering whether its master has slept for too long, and its thinking circuit has become strange.

More and more like their usual food - the way humans think.

"...This is the door for the teleportation, please wait a moment."


Cthulhu nodded, held the shrunken coral scepter in his hand, and walked out of the temple.


Both Cthulhu and Hastur are male gods in the original mythology. The word "brother" is really correct...

...or big JJ girls? (Fear)

Chapter 242 In the deep sea, the golden sword begins to shine

The two curtains of waterfalls flowed down, and the scenery quickly disappeared in Susanoo's eyes.

As if falling into a never-ending abyss, the wind brought the smell of flames buried deep in the center of the earth, and Susanoo's spirit was lifted.

He is the Valkyrie of "steel". The combination of wind, fire and water will make him more brave.

Looking at the sky that was getting smaller and smaller, Susanoo keenly felt that his opponent had almost no hesitation, and jumped off just like him.

"Sure enough, I chased it down. It seems that there is still a hard fight before the wine can take effect..."

Stretching his body, the big man cut through the water flow with his ten-fist sword while keeping falling downwards, separated and then overlapped the rocks on both sides to form a blocking barrier. Those with weaker eyesight might think that the space rocks created by Susanoo might be the bottom of the crack.

But this is just a trick to delay time.

His purpose is the center of the earth.

In this small world where Susano has lived for nearly five hundred years, he knows exactly where and what is.

Divide the earth, underground poisonous fire, magma—cooling water, fire forging steel, and fully enhance the divinity of your "sword".

In this way, even if he is inferior to that young godslayer in strength, he won't lose too badly in a short period of time.

At least that was the case in the short ten minutes before the divine wine took effect.

All that is left is to wait for the demon king to sleep peacefully like a child, and then he will use his sword to chop his corpse into thousands of pieces, and then seal each corpse to avoid the disturbance of the resurrection power.

The method was a little low, but Susanoo had no choice but to do it. After all, the enemy is too powerful, head-to-head confrontation is tantamount to seeking death.

He hasn't lived enough yet.

The lower you go, the more untouchable the false light becomes. All around the Storm God was silence and darkness, except for the sound of wind and water dripping through the rock slabs, only some strange humming sounds.

close to the center of the earth-

But at this moment, Susanoo noticed something was wrong.

Suddenly, the smell wafting from below changed its appearance. It's no longer the sultry hot air, but the salty, damp smell.

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