The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 379

"...the smell of sea water?"

Susanoo's expression changed, and he suddenly turned over in the air.

Ignoring the dark environment, God's sight saw the bottom of the crack at a glance.

It was not the underground world surrounded by dark red magma in his impression, the gloomy stagnant water overflowed his sight, with a strong and ominous smell.


fell into the water.

……What exactly is going on? The rugged man expelled the air from his body, and looked around at the unfamiliar environment.

As the god of the sea, he didn't worry about drowning himself. Although it was different from the divinity produced by forged steel, the god of the sea was his predecessor after all.

The situation is abnormal, so that there is no panic.

But this scene, which was different from what he had expected, still made Susano raise his inner vigilance.

In the dark green sea water, there is nothing dead, not to mention aquatic life, there are not even a few floating plants. There is also the silence and darkness that is enough to kill a patient with deep-sea phobia immediately.

That demon king... Susano thought.

With the power of the sea god, it is not difficult to create a vast ocean in a waterless place. However, to create such a scene in a short period of time in such a place where earth fires are prevalent, the mana power consumed is not a joke, which made Susano think more about Rope's power.

... Forget it, let's meet the enemy here. If the Demon King was really that easy to deal with, the Godslayer wouldn't be the sworn enemy of the gods.

There are some differences from the most perfect situation, but it is still being accepted.

Not long after, with the sound of rocks falling into the water, a human figure exuding heat like the sun entered the deep sea, and Susanoo raised his spirits.

"I thought it would take a little longer to find you in this deep sea, but I didn't expect you to stop where you are, Suzhan Mingzun."

The voice was inconceivably transmitted from the water to Susanoo's ears.

Luo Pei's golden sword shimmered, and he looked at the big man in kimono below him mockingly.

"What's the matter? Don't you continue running away like a mouse? You, who ran away, don't look like the kind of steel hero who cares about his honor and dignity."

"It's too much, Godslayer..." Susanoo sighed.

"I will use this method against you. Doesn't it just prove your strength? There is no need to talk about it all the time. You can only blame yourself for being careless. If you pay a little attention to my legend, you should It's better to stop breathing when we meet each other. It's not hard for you, is it?"

Both of them are existences that have a relationship with the ocean, so they can communicate normally in the water.

"I will make up for my mistakes with actions."

The pressure of the sea water increased, and there were faint shadows like snakes and crabs constantly appearing around.

Susanoo held the ten-fist sword tightly, and without looking back, he slashed horizontally.


The howling sound was more like the sound of sulfuric acid dissolving something.

The sea dragon and the ghost crab, which intended to sneak attack on the God of Steel, were divided into two sections together with the sea water, revealing a short-lived vacuum environment. Taking advantage of this moment, Valkyrie created something out of nothing, and defied the laws of physics to hang a gust of magic wind in the water, completely destroying the monsters that were separated but not dead.

Withdrawing the sword, Susano deftly blocked the golden sword that Lopei stabbed at.

"It seems that your ten-fist sword can't separate the blade of "wisdom". "

In the darkness, Luo Pei showed a smiling face.

"Now I'm completely relieved, and the time left is enough."


Susanoo looked unhappy.

The legend of Tian Yu Yu Zhan, or the Qiong Spear of the Sky is the legend of dividing the "Ocean" to create the "Earth".

In that rumored age of gods, the ancestors of human beings had not yet been born, let alone the history and wisdom extended in the future. Therefore, even if the Jade Spear of Heaven has the power to divide mountains and seas and ignore the power of steel, it cannot cut off the fragile and easily tampered wisdom.

——The limitation of mythology is reflected here.

The golden blade began to glow, which was a sign that the spirit of words was about to be injected.

The light echoed with the darkness of the bottom of the sea, making the area within a few hundred meters of the battle between the two look like a heaven in the abyss.

In the farther deep sea, the master of this place, the Supreme Sea God, is silently watching all this.

Chapter 243: Killing Kujian Susano’s Life

"—You are a hero!"

In the darkness, under the golden light, Luo Pei announced slowly.

The sound travels through the water, firm and unmistakable.

"You are one of the three noble sons in Japanese mythology! The gods from the legendary "Kojiki"! Wind, barrenness, sea, and destruction are all symbols of you. Being expelled from the sea by your father is "the storm blowing from the sea" . Destroying Gao Tianyuan and oppressing his eldest sister, Dainichi, means "the storm blows through the house, and the dark clouds cover the sun." To kill the God of Food is to "give barbaric barrenness". You are the out-and-out "destroyer", the god of impertinence and rage! But it is undeniable that you are also the originator of the most important culture in Japan. Therefore, you have the characteristics of a "cultural god"! "

I don’t know if it’s Luo Pei’s illusion. I always feel that in this projection of Cthulhu’s divine kingdom, his golden sword is as if it is strengthened. There is no need for the golden sword field, it is just the beginning of the word spirit, dozens of branches The blade moved with his heart and floated around his body.

Facing the numerous golden swords, Susanoo seemed to be stared at by a ferocious beast, and his skin soaked in the water tingled slightly.

The big man clicked his tongue.

"This sense of oppression... Welleslana, the Wisdom Sword of the Zoroastrian Army God really lives up to its reputation. Clear the god's personality, then seal and cut it off... No wonder you can become so strong in a short period of time."

Swinging the Tian Yu Yu Zhan in his hand, several sword qi rushed towards Luo Pei, trying to interrupt his chanting of the spirit of speech. But the blades of those branches seem to have spirituality. Before the sword energy reaches Luo Pei, they self-activate and form a "shield" to block the attack that contains the concept of "separation".

Susanoo didn't have the indestructible body of King Kong and the dharma body of Buddha like Sun Wukong, so naturally he didn't dare to fight with him when the opponent was fully engaged.

And this is just in the arms of Luo Pei.

If it's a fast-paced melee combat, with the skill of the God of Steel, maybe it's really possible to interrupt his speech, but if it's a medium-to-long-distance attack...

Rope will let Susano know what cruelty and disparity are.

"At the end of the day, when you get rid of the fog covered by layers of mythology, the truth of your essence is not a simple local god, but has a more complicated origin."

As if peeling off the cocoon, Luo Pei slowly told the origin of Susanoo.

"Cultures in East Asia were basically the same a few centuries ago. The exchanges of various merchants and the circulation of folk myths have created similarities in legends. Among them, the most widely spread is "heroes." No matter where in the world, as long as the society is still in feudal society, there will be such rumors and anecdotes about the brave man saving the people from the oppressor. Over time, you who are feared and admired in Japan have been endowed with the characteristics of a "hero"! "

In the entire East Asian circle, China is the most influential around Civilization Mapping.

One of the ancient civilizations, official history and unofficial history, there are as many myths and legends as there are. Merchants in the coastal areas travel to and from other countries. In these legends, there are more or less anecdotes about chatting after drinking, relieving boredom during travel, and having fun with the guests and hosts after successful transactions. Little has flowed into the ears of the local people.

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