The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 383

No matter how you look at it, this place has nothing to do with "beautiful scenery". The battle between the gods and the devil, this small world, which is almost the size of a city, has been ravaged and devastated.

On the spot where the battle took place, after a burst of spatial ripples, Rope was "spit" out.

The blond boy was drenched, lying on the swamp to expel the seawater from his body, allowing his lungs to re-adapt to the air.

After vomiting, Luo Pei was exhausted and lay on the ground in the shape of a "big".

Fortunately, the title "Blesser of the Sea God" played its role, preventing the dirty muddy water from contaminating Luo Pei's newly changed clothes.

——As for the original clothes, they have long been turned into garbage in the deep sea of ​​Tyrus under the ravages of Miss Kraken.

"Good, so strong."

Luo Pei swallowed hard, and touched his aching belly.

It was always Luo Pei who asked his two knights to beg for mercy. Unexpectedly, he also experienced the feeling of "overload".

If it weren't for the excellent physical fitness of the Nephilim, he might even struggle to breathe.

It was the first time for Rope and Cthulhu, both painful and happy.

Thankfully, Cthulhu didn't turn back into himself in that state. Let Luo Pei's san value be preserved, so that he will not be adjusted to a mental breakdown.

Although he boasted to Azalia that "it doesn't matter how the evil god is", but if he is asked to try the indescribable negative distance contact now, Luo Pei will definitely refuse.

Thinking of this, Luo Pei suddenly recalled Azalea who was suddenly silent before the incident.

"...Hello, Miss Azalea?"

He spoke cautiously to the system in his brain.

"You should know, right? This is force majeure, and it's not realistic to resist Cthulhu with my current strength. So...well, that, can you answer me first?"

Different from his existing female partners, Azalea and he really love each other to the point of giving everything for each other. It's not just about strengthening, he also doesn't want the system mother and himself to feel alienated because of this matter.

After a while, Azalia's voice came from Rope's head.

'...Ape, don't worry, I don't mean to blame you. It is force majeure under the current circumstances, I know it. '

"Very good."

Luo Pei breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

"I didn't expect Cthulhu to be so messy. I remember it's a male god...or the one with a wife, what's it called, Idh.yaa?...Forget it, anyway Gender is a joke to those evil gods. The king in yellow is also a male god, and still faces me with a female face...I really don’t know what the hell that octopus thinks."

'way of thinking? '

Azalea's voice was a little gloomy.

'She will soon have no need to think. Don't worry, Luo Pei, I have written down your humiliation. Don't think too much, hurry up and complete our trial quickly. With my help, you'll soon be a match for that bat-octopus. Not only you...'

Immediately, the gloom turned into biting coldness.

'... When I am liberated, I will let her know what I did wrong, and dare to take it before me... Hehe, how should I kill her? Feed my bug avatar? Too cheap for her...'

Luo Pei really wanted to say "I don't feel humiliated", but considering the surging killing intent of his own system mother, he wisely kept his mouth shut.

I hope that time can dilute her dissatisfaction, it's not a big deal anyway... Speaking of it, I really look forward to the child between myself and Cthulhu...

"Azalia, you see, Cthulhu basically disdains to tell lies. She said that she would give birth to an heir for me, so she probably didn't run away. So, are the children of humans and the old rulers destined to Becoming an alien? Miss Lavinia Whateley gave birth to the Whateley Brothers for Yogg Sothoth, the One of All Things...Will my offspring become like that? "

Rope picks a bad topic to distract Azalia.

Let the latter be very upset.

'You're still thinking about that big octopus! ? If you want children and wait for us to complete the trial, I will give you as many children as you want! ! '

Azalia's angry voice became a little louder.

Well, she was thinking about avenging the "defiled" Rope, but the "victim" was already thinking about the child.

Azalia suddenly felt that she was a bit like the heroine who was deeply poisoned by the heroine in the galgame. She couldn't do anything except forgive the bastard, and watched him flirt outside.

Is the wife really new? ! ! Azalea roared wildly in her heart.

"It's business, don't be angry... I can't do anything if I don't want to. If there is no accident, I will have an extra child in decades or hundreds of years. It is not a crime." Luo Pei didn't care Said.


Considering human beings' preference for offspring, Azalia dared not say anything more.

Don't look at Azalia's fierceness and temper with Luo Pei sometimes, but she is very timid towards Luo Pei.

Because of love, so timid. She didn't dare to argue with her host on key issues, and would only honestly answer what Luo Pei wanted.

'... Well, from the time I was bound to you, I might be doomed to be crushed by you, Ape. ’ said Azalea with a sigh.

'I can't guarantee the abnormal shape of the body, but that bitch...Cthulhu said that he would give your child divinity, so don't worry at all. Having divinity is not comparable to semi-finished products like the Whateley brothers. Changing body shape is one of the easiest things for a demigod. '

"Really." Luo Pei showed a happy smile.

"That's really something to look forward to."

Young, but soon to be a father.

The child's mother was also a Great Old One, though Rope felt something was wrong. But he was still a little excited about the fact that he was about to have an heir.

'snort! '

Azalia noticed the happiness in Rope's heart, snorted and stopped talking.

She made up her mind, one month, no, one week, no, three days...

Within three days, whatever Luo Pei told her, she would absolutely ignore him! Azalia swears on her own body!

"Well, anyway, the matter here has come to an end."

Almost recovered, Luo Pei stood up and stretched.

Athena's coat of arms was tampered with by Cthulhu. Maybe the silver-haired goddess could not see the situation of meeting Cthulhu, but the situation of killing Susano before entered Athena's sight flawlessly.

"Rewards" aside, the goddess should recognize and obey me now, right?

Except for Cthulhu's accident, there is basically no difference from Rope's plan.

Kill Susano, completely divide Japan into his own territory, and welcome the last monsters from all walks of life. Finally complete the trials of this world.

Thinking of this, Luo Pei walked towards the place where Athena was contentedly.

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