The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 384


Mr. Ke's wife gave birth to several children for Mr. Ke, and then Mr. Ke gave birth to Luo Pei... Thinking about it, the SAN value plummeted...

Still the same sentence, I feel unbearable and not allowed to scold Qiao Ji in the book review area! (righteous)

Chapter 246 New Territory: Japan

Tokyo's Chiyoda district is known as the political and economic center of Japan. Not only the Imperial Palace, the Japanese National Assembly, the Metropolitan Police Department, and the Supreme Court stand here, but also various business giants have their headquarters here.

And in the central location of this treasure land, even among the many luxury floors, the building of the Shaye Palace family still stands out from the crowd, showing luxury and glory.

The hundreds of years of dominance in the world have added a mysterious color to their glory.

Now these things belong to Rope in name.

On the top of the Shaye Palace Building, Luo Pei, who just came back from the Netherworld, is lying leisurely on a chair, drinking the expensive red wine handed over by the waiters, and various snacks with unique flavors.

"Yeah, it's really resurrected."

He put down his glass and looked at the artificially paved lawn and unique landscape around him, as well as the huge swimming pool that occupied a quarter of the top floor.

"Choosing to go to the Nether World with you is really the right choice. To be honest, the taste of the sea of ​​Tyres is really not flattering, the salty smell, I really don't know how Cthulhu lived... ..."

Lopez shook his head and said something that the people around him couldn't understand.

But even if they don't understand them, they have to apologize, because in front of them is one of the strongest monsters in the world, even the Patriarch is far away.

"You, what did you say?"

Saya Gongxin was wearing a priestess costume and stood beside her with her head bowed. Even though the weather was cool today, the girl's forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Not only the pressure brought by Rope, but also the silver-haired woman standing on the edge of the building, who seemed to be looking into the distance.

She was not Luo Pei. Even though she had seen this goddess before, the gap between ordinary human beings and gods who disobeyed made the girl's whole heart rise in her throat.

——The sense of urgency that he might be killed at any time because of the opponent's displeasure.

"Say, come to think of it, Wang, you really gave Mrs. Yu to..." She asked cautiously, as if she didn't dare to accept this reality.

"Well, killed."

Rope nodded, showing a refreshing smile.

"Although the old man's power is a little troublesome, he is not my opponent after all. I pulled him into the deep sea and cut off his head, and his power has also been clearly accepted... Well, do you want to see my new power? Quite Interesting power."

"No no no!"

Shaye Gongxin quickly waved her hand.

Seeing the power of a godslayer, no matter what its nature is, as long as it is the power of a god, ordinary humans must definitely stay away. Even a closed and mysterious world like Japan is regarded as common sense.

However, compared to this, the death of the Japanese behind-the-scenes decision-maker Yu Husband made Saya Gongxin feel even more scared.

Even that old man... what will Japan be like in the future...

The sense of panic of losing the dragon's head and the sense of fear of the demon king in front of her, two specious emotions tormented the young Shaye Gongxin and made her lose her position.

I should be the first to know the news, but the news will not be concealed for too long... After losing the backing of Youshi, there must be organizations and families in remote areas of Japan who will not obey the "Four Great Masters" and "Official Editorial Committee" system , there will inevitably be civil turmoil at that time... But the devil king is in Tokyo, and two of the four major families now have two subordinates who belong to him in name. up...

The girl's mind was in a mess for a while.

"That's right at this point. I originally planned to ask Ena to do it, considering her relationship with Susanoo...Forget it, give her some time, the sooner you know, the better."

Luo Pei thought for a while, and said to Saya Gongxin.

"I have something to do with your Saya Palace family."

"...Ah? Ah!"

When she came back to her senses, Saya Gongxin suppressed the uneasiness on her expression, and said respectfully to Luo Pei.

"What orders do you have, the Shaye Palace family will definitely go through fire and water!"

"Haha, it's not that exaggerated."

Rope waved his hand and said with a smile.

"My territory is Sardinia, and Italy is the territory of that guy Tony. Although he lost to me, I always feel like living there is bullying that fool, so I plan to move to Japan. Now kill Xu Sanohao, the whole of Japan should not have a greater right to speak than me, right?"

"Your order is our imperial edict! The Shaye Palace family will execute all your orders without hesitation, even if we are asked to die!"

Shaye Gongxin said firmly and without hesitation.

——The problem of standing in line after cleaning up.

She has been a smart woman since she was a child, otherwise she would not be able to become the sub-head of the official editorial committee in Tokyo at this age. In Japan without Susanoo, even though there are still some ancients hidden in the underworld, those are not comparable to the strongest godslayers.

No matter how much trouble there is, after today, the mysterious side of Japan will usher in a new era.

Are the forces of the old age who stand firm and drown, or are they attached to the new towering tree of Luo Pei? Shaye Gongxin didn't even need to hesitate, and immediately chose the latter.

"Very good." Luo Pei nodded in satisfaction.

"The order given to you is - to declare to the mysterious side of the world. Starting today, Japan in the Far East will be my territory. If there is one, I will not be afraid that I will turn it into lime and use it to build walls. Just come to my place and look for trouble. Of course, it is up to you to clean up the disharmonious voices in Japan."

Luo Pei stood up and stared closely at the short-haired girl.

"No matter who it is, how long the family's origin is, and how powerful it is in Japan, as long as they don't obey me, Luo Pei, their new master, I will kill them all! No one will be left! This is what I give you Saya Do you understand the rights of the Gong family?"

"Ming, I understand."

Sha Ye Gongxin trembled under the piercing murderous aura, and replied with difficulty.

"Wang, if there are really people who don't have eyes, the distribution of the territories of those families and organizations that have been dealt with..."

"What does it matter to me?"

The murderous aura melted like spring snow in an instant, Luo Pei lay back on the chair, picked up a glass of juice and sucked it.

"If you can eat enough for your Shaye Palace family, you can eat it yourself. If you can't eat enough, you can give it to the Qingqiuyuan family. Anyway, your task is to not let my eyes see the desperate guy. I don't care about the rest."


After the fear, the first thing Shaye Palace felt was not pity for those destined to make trouble, but a sense of joy that went straight to his mind.

How many people are there who are visibly violating the Four Great Masters and the Official History Compilation Committee? Not to mention half of Japan, at least in the fringes, about a quarter of the land is governed by local prominent families. These forces and organizations are surprisingly conservative. They never open their eyes to see the world, but in Dominate one-third of an acre of land in his own family.

With the king's order, the Shaye Palace family can forcibly consume these forces without worrying about any criticism.

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