The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 392

"Aren't we brothers? I know you're going to do something, but I'm going to come and help you from a long distance. Don't you bring a free thug?"

"You know it's a fight?"

Luo Pei replied blankly, but his tone softened. 】

This guy, after all, is one of my "friends"...

"Of course!" Tony yelled, "Aside from fighting, do we spend so much thought on other things?"

Can't refute.

Although Tony doesn't understand the world, he is surprisingly keen on this kind of thing.

But it cannot be allowed.

Athena and Luo Hao are both people who will obey their own arrangements, but Tony is not necessarily. It can be seen from the last time he ran away in the blink of an eye. It's really impossible to be able to do things like popping up to pick up leaks.

If this is the case, then don't blame me for being dark... Rope has made a decision.

Standing up, he looked down at Salvatore Tony and asked.

"So you have to fight against me?"

"It's not the opposite... It's not too much to take me to an interesting thing, right?"

"Okay, I understand."

This guy is simply moldy without fighting.

Rope stopped talking, turned around and returned to the room on the first floor under Salvatore Tony's strange gaze.

A few minutes later, Luo Pei changed into casual clothes and came out.

He pointed out the door.

"Go, I'll take you to a good place."

"...Why?" Tony subconsciously felt something was wrong.

Moving his shoulders, Luo Pei said lightly.

"Since the language does not make sense, I will use actions to dispel your thoughts. I will go to an uninhabited island with me, where no one will take care of us until the end of time. If you win, let alone let you join in, the prey will be handed over It’s okay to give it to you.”


Even if the sixth sense was calling the police, Tony, as a martial idiot, still couldn't refuse the proposal immediately.

"If you lose..."

Rope gave a ferocious smile.

"Not only does Italy belong to me, but you also have to be my retainer obediently. I don't know if you dare to accept it? Either fight or get out. Of course, if you don't accept the conditions, I will simply beat you to death and throw you into the sea." Okay. See how you chose Tony!"

This proposal made Tony a little embarrassed.

It's true that the Luo Pei brothers are very strong, but they have also grown up recently. If he could be defeated, not only would he be able to harvest a God of Disobedience that made the Luo Pei brothers spend a lot of time in this boring time, but he would respect himself more or less in the future...

Like being cursed.

Salvatore Tony hadn't seen the God of Disobedience since he killed the "God of Dionysus" Dionysus, which was also the reason why he couldn't wait to pounce upon seeing the fishy smell.

But if you lose, it's not just a matter of embarrassment... The territory is okay, and you are a retainer or something... Well...

Italy's Campione, Salvatore Toni is caught in a dilemma.

"How do you think about it?"

"Hmm..." Tony frowned, and nodded firmly after thinking for a while.

"Okay! I promise you! But I will choose the location of the battle. I can't go to an isolated island. It must be held in a place far away from the ocean in this country. Your power is too stupid!"

"no problem."

This will not only beat Tony half to death, making him temporarily unable to move, but even the territory of Italy and the combat power of a godslayer will become his own possessions.

It's not interesting to just play too much, just like the fight with Tony at the beginning.

It's wonderful to have a lottery!

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Second

The battle took place between a forest in the east of Chiyoda District, Tokyo.

The typhoon was just as exaggerated. By the time Saya Gongxin and Qingqiu Yuan Huina rushed to the place because of their reports and gave up all the tedious affairs in their hands, the entire Yuzi Mountain was almost destroyed.

There are traces of fire, and mudslides flow down the mountain smoothly. Everywhere, there were corpses of animals that had no time to escape, but there were no human remains.

The most exaggerated is the crack in the middle of Yuzi Mountain.

Smooth, as if a cream cake was cut in the middle by a sharp knife, extending from the top of the mountain to the feet of Ena Kiyoshuin and Kaoru Saya, I think the same scene is on the other side of the mountain.

"this is……?"

The short-haired girl squatted down and touched the cracks in the ground.

Apart from power, there is nothing else that can cause such an exaggerated effect, but she has some understanding of the king's power. Except for the most famous sword of words and spirits, there is no other power that can cause such "sharp" consequences.

Could it be the new power that was taken away after killing Yu Husband? Saya Gongxin was muttering to herself.

But Keina Qingqiuin, who was traveling with her, came to a different conclusion.

"This is the authority of the Italian Demon King. My husband talked to me about him before."

With a relaxed tone, Ena looked around like a curious baby, with a slightly surprised expression.

"This is the wreckage of the battle between the devil and the devil, it's amazing..."

When Rope fought Azazel and Vauban, Eina was still practicing in the mountains, and later Monkey King was stopped by Erica and Liliana, so this is theoretically the first time she witnessed The world's highest combat powers are wreaking havoc on the earth.

Shocking enough.

"Campione from Italy?"

Saya Gongxin thought of the blond young man who followed Luo Pei when he first came to Japan, and sighed helplessly.

"...Ah, the Marquis of Vauban, the leader of Luo Hao, and the king of swords in Italy. Our king is really a man who can't sit still. Could it be that he wants to challenge the reborn godslayers one by one... ...What nonsense."

Her position is only qualified for this complaint.

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