The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 393

Accepting everything and dealing with the funeral is all she can do as a member of the most peripheral member of the Luo Pei faction. Any other move is a "passover" move, and a little carelessness will attract the king's disgust and terrible punishment.

Looking at Ena with a very natural expression, she couldn't help but ask a little strangely.

"Ena, aren't you worried about the king?"

She turned her head to look at the remaining Yuzi Mountain.

"Just by imagining such a scene, you can know how terrible the two kings fought... Don't you feel a little nervous?"

"Not at all, Ena trusts the king!"

Without even the slightest hesitation, Ena answered Saya Gongxin's question straightforwardly.

After killing the "grandfather" who was unattainable in her eyes, after a short period of sadness, Ena's blind worship of Luo Pei reached a new height.

I'm afraid that even if Lopez says that he will be crowned the "sole emperor" of this world tomorrow, Ena will smile beside him and express his conviction.

Just like what Luo Pei said at the beginning, the girl Qingqiuyuan Huina has benign mental problems for Luo Pei.

"No matter who the opponent is, my husband will never lose!"

"I don't know where your blind self-confidence comes from. You haven't been in contact with Wang for more than two months..."

Saya Gongxin stood up. At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit who looked like a civil servant was trotting up to them.

Judging from the sweat on his forehead, the journey was not short.

"Sha, Lord Shaye Palace..." He panted violently. Although he was from the other world, his physical fitness was very suitable for his age.

"It's okay, just speak slowly."

Saya Gongxin properly showed her kind side.


The man took a deep breath and reported concisely.

"There are 237 people in Yutiao Village. Excluding those who have not been found, the number of injured people is currently 37, and the number of victims... is zero!" He said regretfully.

"However, more than 80% of the houses have been affected by flash floods, and they are already uninhabitable."


Shaye Gongxin frowned and asked, "Have you found out? Is it really the village under Yuzi Mountain?"

In the battle between the king and the king, there were only so many injuries? ! Not a single person has died yet? !

You must know that in Chiba County, after the battle between King Rope and Azazel, there was almost no room for corpses in the morgue of the hospital, and the death toll had to be counted in thousands.


The man wiped the sweat off his brow and said.

"I heard from an old man in the village that two young men with blond hair came here, and for some reason, they all left the village together, like a collective sleepwalking."

"...Spiritual suggestion." Saya Gongxin muttered a magic word in a low voice.

"Huh? It doesn't look like something my husband would do?"

"Well, I'm afraid it's the Italian godslayer, or King Rope has some other reason."

Shaye Gongxin didn't delve into it, and immediately ordered her subordinates.

"It's the greatest luck that no one died. Follow the usual practice of ordinary people meeting magicians, erase their memories, and modify them into natural disasters. The rest will be placed and paid for by our bureaucrats."


The man in the suit didn't dare to stay for a moment, turned around and ran back at the same speed as before.

"Huina, shall we go and find the king?" Saya Gongxin said, "It looks like the battle is over. If the king is injured, we can treat it as soon as possible."


Ena nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Originally enduring nagging at home, such boring words as "strive for some benefits for the family", "have a child early", "obey your husband in everything", but now she can break free and return to her husband. Happy enough.

After speaking, the two walked directly up the mountain along the crack.

Because the terrain was soaked by water, the road up the mountain was not easy. Occasionally, Huina would help Saya Gongxin to resist the aftermath of some flames burning trees, so the speed of progress was not fast at all.

But even at this speed, after the two walked for nearly five minutes, they saw the person they were looking for.

The blond boy was sitting on the rock, and the clothes on his upper body had long since disappeared. Several deep sword wounds were engraved on his statue-like body, and the edge of the wound was still glowing with a faint silver light.

——The current king of Japan, Rope.

Like an elephant who doesn't care about the ants around him, he didn't notice the girls immediately. Instead, he transformed a green jade gourd from his hands out of thin air, gulping down the wine-like liquid.

Strange to say, those wounds that looked horrible, like some kind of curse, emitted silver smoke immediately after Luo Pei drank the wine, and then quickly healed.

"...It seems that I am worrying too much."

Saya Gongxin breathed a sigh of relief.

In Japan that lost Yu Husband, Luo Pei is their backbone. Even if some people still believe in the few remaining ancients in the Nether World, the one who is in charge is definitely the God Slayer who ruled Japan. Shaye Gongxin, who had just tasted the sweetness, certainly didn't want any accidents for the king.

"My lord!"


Hearing the familiar voice, Luo Pei stopped drinking, looked in the direction of the sound, and then smiled.

"I didn't expect you to come first. I made too much noise?"

Seeing her companion trotting all the way into the embrace of the king, Shaye Gongxin smiled and saluted her new monarch with a perfect posture.

"I have met the king. What did you say? You can show compassion for the lives of the people. The loss of the mountains and forests is nothing. You just have to enjoy yourself."

"Huh? Oh, that has nothing to do with me."

Lopei motioned for Ena to let go, and took another sip of his drink.

"That idiot Tony has been yelling all the time, saying that he was afraid he wouldn't have fun, and I had no choice but to let the villagers leave. I want to thank you for thanking him."


Shaye Gongxin was choked on the spot, and immediately changed the topic to avoid embarrassment.

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