The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 394

"...Speaking of which, where are your compatriots who fought with you?"

He won't be killed again... Shaye Gongxin remembered what happened to the Marquis not long ago.

With this tyrannical character, it is not surprising that even former friends who traveled with him would provoke a fight and kill him because of something going wrong.

In this case, the leader of Southern Europe was killed in Japan...

Shaye Gongxin secretly had a headache.

"Here. There."

Luo Pei immediately dispelled Saya Gongxin's worries, and pointed behind him.

"Ah, it's really there."

Ena poked her head over.

Behind the rock, the blond youth was crawling there motionless like a corpse.

Chapter 253: The Wine of Dreams, Huina's Proposal

Compared with Lopez's trivial injuries, Salvatore Tony's injuries looked much more serious just by his embarrassing appearance.

The scorching heat of the sun almost burned the skin to carbon. The hand that was not covered by the power of the "torn silver arm" was corroded by something like strong acid, leaving only white bones, and some things like lime were stained on it...

Terrible, talking about what Tony looks like now.

"Is this... still alive?" Hui Na asked in disbelief.

With such an injury, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a living person!

"Ah, of course alive."

Luo Pei said indifferently: "Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to drag him down from the mountain with great effort. The life of the godslayer is unimaginable. This kind of injury seems exaggerated. If you insist on recovering, it will take about a few months." I can jump up and down."

As he said that, he turned over on the rock, as if to prove his words, he kept kicking Tony, who was half dead on the ground, with his feet.

"Hey, wake up, you're not dead yet, are you?"

The two girls looked a little speechless.

This way of waking up, not to mention the current situation of the Sword King, even if there is nothing to do, it can be kicked out, right?

But soon they were surprised to find that the wounded lying on the ground showed signs of waking up.

Tony spat out a mouthful of muddy water in pain, and said with difficulty in a hoarse voice.

"...Stop kicking. If you keep kicking, I'm really going to die."

"Look, isn't this alive and well?" Luo Pei smiled and spread his hands.

"...If you don't want the life of the Italian leader, I think it's better to treat it first." Saya Gongxin suggested embarrassingly.

"It's okay, I have a solution."

Hearing Luo Pei's words, Tony coughed a few more times, turned over and panted heavily, his scorched face had long lost his original handsomeness.

"Please, brother, help me contact the medical staff quickly... I think I can still save it..." He is in burning pain now, even if the sun's flames have been extinguished, the remaining feeling makes Tony feel worse than death.

——The natural enemy of "steel" is the "sun".

"If you don't come here, you won't have to suffer this crime. If you insist on coming to Japan to provoke me, you deserve to be beaten."

Luo Pei picked up the wine gourd and poured it on Tony's body.

The transparent wine slid down like a waterfall, dripping onto the scorched skin. Although the injury didn't improve, judging from Tony's expression, he definitely felt much better.

"My lord, is this...?"

Hui Na obviously knows the goods. Her qualifications as a "Yuan Miko" are much higher than that of Saya Gongxin, and she can see the extraordinaryness of the liquor in Luo Pei's gourd at a glance.

"Well, my authority."

Luo Pei shook the gourd and laughed.

"The "dream wine" usurped from your grandfather can not only make people or gods fall asleep quickly, but also remove some curses or damage residues. Now I'm using the alcohol that was removed. "

He was a little careless before, and he didn't expect Tony to turn "steel" into something like poisonous poison, which was painted on his shoulders. Those curses rushed into his body along the wound, if it wasn't for the wine, Luo Pei would still be uncomfortable for a while.

It was just uncomfortable for a while.

Salvatore Tony undoubtedly grew up compared to the first time he faced Rope. But if he is growing by addition, then Luo Pei's strength is doubling.

There is no comparison.

Seeing that he was not disturbed by anger, Salvatore, who was in a deep sleep, told Saya Gongxin:

"This guy is fine, you go get two people up, take him to a nearby hospital, and I'll treat his missing left arm when he wakes up. Well, in this way, Italy, no, the whole of southern Europe will belong to me It's all over."

Although the bet was on Italy, Salvatore Tony himself was the leader of Southern Europe, and he became his own vassal. Isn't that vassal's territory the same as Rope's?

Rope thinks there is nothing wrong with this logic.


The short-haired girl looked at Luo Pei in surprise and couldn't believe her ears.

"... Nanou, is it yours?"


Luo Pei got down from the rock. Because of his title, he didn't step into the muddy water like the two girls, but stood on it steadily.

"This fool bet with me that if I win, Nanou will belong to me, and he will also become my retainer. Isn't it a big deal?"

"Your Majesty is amazing!"


Saya Gongxin took a deep breath.

She is not as simple as Qing Qiuyuan Ena thought.

Defeating the King of Swords and ruling the King of Swords are two completely different things. There is a big difference.

In fact, apart from providing the strongest military backing as the ruler, Rope doesn’t care about rule and governance at all. Almost all of his knights and subordinates are in charge of the operation. The person in charge of Japan is of course the first to surrender. The Saya Palace is warm.

If the King of Swords doesn't cheat, Southern Europe will be handed over to Luo Pei according to the bet. In addition to Northern Europe that took away the Marquis, nearly half of the entire Europe will fall under his control. As for Japan, which is also under his rule, the person in charge Saya Gongxin can completely propose some mysterious cultural or technological exchanges.

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