The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 396

Dots of light, like fireflies, occupied the dark room, and the teacup in his hand disappeared in the light.

Lopez offered his sacrifice and summoned the ancient nobles far away in the "Elemental World. Light".

The light became stronger and more dazzling, making Saya Gongxin unable to see, she subconsciously blocked her eyes with her hands.

After a few breaths, the light weakened slightly, the girl took away her palm, and a strange existence appeared in her line of sight.

Like a glass-like creation, light flows through the body of this mysterious creature like blood. It wears a jade-like crown on its head, without eyes and facial features, and its limbs are also very slender and weird.

"The lord of the light element, according to the contract, heal the human being in front of him."

Luo Pei instructed the light elemental lord.

The ability Nutz bestowed on him is not available in normal times. He is already almost immortal, he can heal his injuries by himself, and his combat power is not inferior to that of a light elemental lord, so only when he wants to heal others, can Luo Pei think of this ability of charging phone bills.


In silent response, the Elemental Lord of Light raised his "hand"—or something resembling a hand.

The light, tore apart the quilt covering the King of Swords, gathered on the bones of his left hand.

In just about three seconds, Salvatore's corroded left hand reappeared on his body, just like the original one.

——In terms of "healing", there is no such thing as a family of light elements in the entire multiverse.

God does not count.

After finishing what it was supposed to do, the Lord of Light Elements didn't even say goodbye, and left this world coldly and without saying a word.

Saya Gongxin was stunned watching from the side.

It is common knowledge that Godslayers are immune to external spells, but her king did not know how to break this iron rule.

power? I am afraid that is the only conclusion.

Once again, Saya Gongxin was deeply afraid of the diversification of powers of the king she served.

How many pillars of gods have been killed...the terrible demon king...


After the left hand was cured, Tony was also awakened.

He sat up in a daze, grasping the messy blond hair with his left hand, looking at Luo Pei and Saya Gongxin.

"... Is dinner ready?"


With a kind smile on his face, Luo Pei walked over, and the light blue water of death in his hand became the shape of a cup.

"Come on, drink some water first."


Seeing what Luo Pei was holding, Salvatore subconsciously jumped away like a monkey.

Now fully awake.

"...Don't scare me, brother."

He exhaled and patted his beating heart.

"I've already lost one hand, I don't want to touch that thing again...huh?" He finally came to his senses, looking at his left hand that was patting his chest, a little puzzled.

"My hand...wasn't it corroded when I was fighting you?"

Luo Pei pouted, and dispersed the dangerous water in his hand.

"For you not to be a one-armed swordsman, I'll hook you up again."

"Haha, thank you."

Salvatore smiled heartlessly, as if losing one of his hands was not a big deal.

Then he was a little annoyed.

"Sure enough, I still lost to you, brother. It's really uncomfortable. It's as if my hard work and development of power these days have been denied... You guy, where did you come from?"

"Stop talking about these irrelevant topics for me." Luo Pei didn't answer his words at all.

"Bet, remember?"


Tony had an unhappy expression of "I didn't get away with it", and then said helplessly.

"...Okay, I, Salvatore Tony, still keep my word. Italy belongs to you, and you can ask me to be your subordinate, as long as you don't hinder me from fighting and practicing swords."


Rope showed a sinister, boss-like expression.

"Not only Italy, you have already lost to me in the whole of Southern Europe, Salvatore Tony!"


The blond young man looked at Luo Pei in astonishment.

He doesn't care about the territory, but it doesn't mean he can hand over his entire family. Salvatore Tony had chivalry in his heart, and when he promised the group of magic associations to be the leader, he had to protect them while enjoying the offerings.

——Whether it is profit or life.

"Hey, stop joking, didn't we agree? Italy and I will be your retainers, brother, you won't let me have no place to go back, right?"

"Who's kidding you?" Rope said, "It's true that Italy is the site of the bet, but you forgot the other one."

"I'll be your retainer, that's right. When did the whole of Southern Europe get involved?" Tony was confused.

Luo Pei smiled and began to force his logic.

"Come on, let me talk to you. You are my retainer, so you have to obey my orders unconditionally, right?"

"Yes, that's right." Tony felt something was wrong.

"Then I am ordering you to give me all the control over Southern Europe, and you have to obey, right?"


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