The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 397

Salvatore reacted abruptly and said loudly.

"Are you changing the concept secretly?! In the Middle Ages, even retainers can keep their own territory. Brother, it's unreasonable for you to take it all at once!"

Wow, society is really sinister.

"You disagree?"

Luo Pei looked at Tony playfully, and said with pretended regret.

"Seeing that you only have four pitiful powers so far, I was thinking of giving you news about the God of Disobedience that will definitely appear... Now that you disagree, then I have no reason to tell you."


For a moment, the expression on Tony's face was wonderful.

He hesitated for a while, then asked in a low voice.


"Look at how much power I have now. Think about it with your brain, which is not as big as a walnut kernel. Will I tell lies?"


Confused for another while, Tony lowered his head helplessly.

"...Take it, but at least in Southern Europe, give me a place to live."

"A wise choice, my subordinate." Luo Pei nodded in satisfaction.

"Naples in the Campania region of Italy, where there is the Hera Stone Pillar, it will attract the "Hero God of Steel" Perseus, and the rest is up to you. "

Rope doesn't need this disobedient god.

His goal is Rama and Hanuman. After killing these two gods, the mission will end, and he will not be in the mood to go to Naples to find this troublesome trouble.

Might as well give it to Salvatore.

"Saya Gongxin, come up with a contract, get Tony to sign it, and hand it over to me later."


Seeing the King of Swords who had his fortune stolen after two or three words, Saya Gongxin mourned for a second for the magic association in Southern Europe.

The purpose of coming has been achieved, and there is no point in staying, so Lopez is ready to leave.

"Your internal injuries haven't healed yet, don't mess around, I will arrange a plane to send you back to Italy in the afternoon." He said, "Go back this time, and you will personally notify all the forces under your jurisdiction in Southern Europe. From the beginning, the king they want to serve is not you, but me, do you understand Salvatore Tony?"

"Yes, yes, my lord, I will obey your orders."

In this way, Southern Europe, Northern Europe, and Japan will be completely under their own rule...

Rope smiled knowingly, then turned and left.

PS: Second update, make up for yesterday's

Chapter 255 The season of falling leaves is coming

After seeing off Tony, Luo Pei didn't have a few days of leisure before welcoming one of his default enemies.

——"Black Prince" Alek.

Real name, Alexander Gascoigne.

"My lord, it's confirmed that the Black Prince's Wangli Factory has secretly landed in Japan."

In the study, Erica was reporting the latest information.

"The leader is "Ice Man" Dennis, and some other cadre-level figures of the Wangli Factory. But the Black Prince himself never appeared. "

"It's normal not to show up."

Throwing the information aside casually, Luo Pei said with a smile.

"That guy calls himself a "rationalist". A face-to-face meeting like Salvatore Tony's is impossible. Even if he doesn't know my hostility towards him now, he will still subconsciously conceal his identity when he comes to my notorious Godslayer site. "

He continued: "Don't worry, I'll let the leader find him out. Just pass the information to Lu Yinghua later."

Letting Luo Hao deal with the Black Prince was something that Luo Pei had already arranged.


Erica hesitated and asked Rope.

"You're targeting the Black Prince. Could it be possible that even the UK wants to get it? In Italy, after Sir Salvatore returned, there have been sporadic rumors that you want to follow the example of the ancient king and "conquer the world" , I am afraid that this will push you to the opposite of all kings..."

Rope's strength is the strongest of all Godslayers.

On this point, Princess Bai in the Council of Sages gave a pertinent conclusion.

"That king is indifferent to life, an extremely powerful overlord. No one else is allowed to keep pace with him. Sir Salvatore of Italy was defeated and took over the rulership of Southern Europe, and the Marquis of Vauban in Northern Europe was killed. In other places, I am afraid that he has the idea of ​​"killing" or "accepting" all the godslayers in the reincarnation. "

This point of view is recognized by most of the elites in the inner world, causing the magic associations, except for Southern Europe and Japan where Tony is in charge, to be more or less wary of Lopez's forces.

"We've been together for so long, Erica, don't you know my character?" Luo Pei laughed.

"Am I like the kind of person who has great ambitions for hegemony? Taking away Northern Europe is because the land of no man is idle, and Tony's territory is even weaker. From taking away the dominance of Southern Europe to the current place Has anything changed? No. I've done everything right, except for the name, so that's "conquering the world"? "

"That's right." Erica breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you have such ambitions, you won't stay with us in Sardinia for a year..."

As Luo Pei's power grows stronger, Erica has more and more things to worry about.

Perhaps in the eyes of those who don't know, there are some suspicions that Rope was evaded by two knights, Erica and Liliana, but only the two girls themselves know that their king has never been the type who likes to take care of such things.

——Fighting with gods and demon kings on the battlefield, enjoying the tenderness of girls afterwards, and having a place to stay in all parts of the world is enough for Luo Pei.

His "land grab" is not so much a real desire, but rather a forced search for some benefits, otherwise Luo Pei will always feel that he is losing money, and if he really wants to go online to manage this and that, Luo Pei must have a look of disgust and say, "No Can't" and so on.

"Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered something..."

Rope stood up, walked to the window under Erica's incomprehensible gaze, and shouted downstairs.

"Senna! Sena! Come to my study!"

In the courtyard, the girl who was squatting among the flowers and pruning leaves shivered, then looked at her master on the second floor with a mournful face.

"Master... I haven't finished my work yet. The whole yard is so big. If I delay now, I won't be able to sleep well at night..."

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