The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 398

She is being punished by Luo Pei to clean the entire courtyard because she is lazy when learning the secret arts.

There is still homework about secret arts at night. Although I don't know what the handsome master asked me to do again, Senna must not finish it before sunset.

However, she still didn't have the courage to resist the master's words, obediently put down the things in her hands, and came to Luo Pei's study.


"Yo, are you still feeling wronged?"

Rope sneered.

"Miss Sena, my sternness is my responsibility to you. Don't you want power? Could it be that behind a successful great mystic is laziness and playfulness? For such a long time, the secret of the great magic wind I have only completed two-thirds of my art research, so I am really ashamed of my talent."


Senna lowered her head and blinked her dry eyes.

I don't blame her for being lazy.

When she came here, she was determined to make a big news, but soon, the boring and repetitive syllable reciting, and the spells like ghost charms wiped out the girl's desire for power.

The most important thing is that since she came to Japan, she has hardly been out of Luo Pei's villa. After a long time like this and studying the secret art of the unknown all night, Senna's spirit has somewhat deteriorated.

Seeing this, Erica hugged Senna with some distress, and then pretended to stare at Luo Pei viciously.

"Wang! You should also be a little more considerate, Senna is an ordinary person, and this grade is just the time to play, so don't ask too much."

"When I was her age..."

Luo Pei was about to pretend to be bigger, and suddenly remembered that he seemed to be lazy than Senna before entering the hospital and meeting the system, and then he hesitated to talk about it...

He coughed lightly, and then said to Senna.

"...You don't need to do the garden work, go back to your room, tidy up and salute, and then go back to Sweden. This is a social practice class, and the entire Nordic magic associations, big and small, will be handed over to you—— The disciple of Godslayer Rope, in the hands of Senna Atum. The specific steps will be taught to you by the staff of the Bronze Black Cross branch in Northern Europe, don't let me down."

Hearing Erica talk about the rule, he remembered that the Marquis's territory was still hanging half-dead.

The Bronze Black Cross is an Italian association after all, and it is often a little powerless when it is beyond the reach.

Senna is a Swede first of all. Although her own strength has been criticized by herself, it is definitely enough to deal with some magicians who have never seen the world. Let her take over Northern Europe, just to stabilize her authority there.

—By the way, give my apprentice a long vacation.

He's not a fool, of course it can be seen that Senna has gone downhill in her studies, so a proper change of environment will only benefit her and not harm her.

"Master-student contract" is such a troublesome thing... Luo Pei sighed.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Erica asked in surprise, "Senna doesn't understand anything, so it would be a bit inappropriate to go through like this..."

"I have to learn because I don't know how to do it. She is my disciple, not my slave. It is impossible to be locked in my villa forever and not see the world."

"Oh?" Erica smiled maliciously upon hearing this.

"So to you, Liliana and I are ○slaves? And Seishuin Ena, it's your... well, how should I say it... ○ toilet?"

"See how you understand..."

Luo Pei and Erica suddenly started a dirty joke between couples, which made Senna blush.

Don't take me with you when you are arguing... I am to Master... um...

"Any more questions?" he asked Senna.

"No, no."

"Then hurry up and go to your room. You should be very happy to go back to Sweden to see your family..."

Rope waved his hand, making Senna retreat.

He could see that the girl was looking forward to returning home this time.

That's good...

Get rid of irrelevant personnel, the Black Prince has landed, and the war will start at any time.

Guinevia and Lancelot can be put aside for the time being. Given the connection between the King of the End and the Demon King, even if they are left alone, the gray-haired brave man will come to fight with him with the Divine Sword of Salvation instead of bothering him. , might as well wait quietly.

It's almost autumn...

The season of falling leaves brings an end to this world.

Chapter 256: Rope and Genivia

Kinki in central and western Japan, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture.

A few days after Alek and the cadres of the Wangli factory landed in a private plane, he did not act together with his subordinates, but wandered around the city aimlessly.

Logically speaking, he should go to Tokyo. The new king has the inside story of the Holy Grail and the King of the End. If he stays in this city without contacting him, Alek will never have a chance to get any news in his life.

But he was not sure about Rope's attitude.

Absolutely superior to his own strength, according to Vauban's fate, Alek's reason does not allow him to send himself to the edge of the tiger's mouth. Even with the lightning-fast power of "Electric Light and Flint", he dare not guarantee that nothing will happen.

So, Alec is waiting.

The spy was released, and he was waiting for an "opportunity" that he didn't even know what it was.


It was almost evening.

Walking leisurely among unfamiliar cities, Alek was almost on the verge of reaching the suburbs.

There are fewer and fewer pedestrians on both sides, and that’s right. After all, after the off-duty time, except for those overtime parties who forget to eat and sleep, most of the roads are couples who come out to date in the dark, or a few students chatting and walking. into a variety of restaurants.

eat something...

Alek saw a Chinese restaurant next to him, and walked in involuntarily.

"A fried rice."


There are no young people in the store, most of them are office workers in suits and leather shoes.

Alek stopped in his tracks, looked around for a while, and then found a place to sit down as usual.

He casually picked up a newspaper and read it, not paying attention at all, if it wasn't for his overly outstanding appearance and temperament, he would really have a bit of travel demeanor.

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