The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 501

As far as the number of times he has used his abilities in the hospital in the past two years... well, it seems that there are not many?

After all, there are some diseases that he finds troublesome, so he directly uses superpowers to get started.

"...Is there anything wrong with that? The increase of "yang" can curb the birth of things like ghosts, and it can be regarded as benefiting these poor guys in disguise. "

"Sure enough, it has something to do with you. It seems that you didn't do it deliberately, and you can do these things instinctively. I'm getting more and more curious about your real identity."

Aozaki Chengzi laughed.

"It's not bad, but it's great. Just like taking too much tonic can cause accidents, human beings are such fragile things. If you do this, normal people may benefit, but it's a problem for those who are extremely weak. A sharp knife that doesn't see blood. Let me guess, is there basically no critically ill patients in this hospital?"

What Cangqi Chengzi said was right, Guanbuzi Hospital didn't have many dying people a year ago, and most of them had already turned into ashes and passed away forever.

... Let’s just talk about why the physical fitness of people recently is so poor. It turns out that the problem lies with me, hey!

Luo Pei was a little embarrassed and said awkwardly.

"They don't care about my business...Miss Chengzi, do you have to discuss things that have nothing to do with our purpose here? You are not invited this time to investigate the ecology of the hospital."

"Indeed." Aozaki Chengzi took out a delicate small box and extinguished the cigarette in it.

"What I mean by that is to prepare you mentally, Mr. Luo Pei. The girl named Ershi stayed in this hospital for two years, right? Two years, in such a strong "Yangdi" without knowing ", most of the body is also affected. Plus she's already missing a part... well, I hope her problem isn't too serious. "

"Miss Chengzi can just do her job well, and the rest of the troubles... I have full authority to deal with."

Lopez's shoulders slumped, an admission of his mistake.

Just like an elephant doesn't care how much grass he has trampled on and how much environmental damage he has caused, this time it is indeed a matter of his negligence in the effects of his huge power.


Inside the hospital, there are very few people on duty because of weekends.

With the convenience of his status, Luo Pei didn't even need to report, and brought Aoqi Orange to the ward of the two ceremonies.

Pushing open the door, the girl was sitting on the bedside looking out the window in a daze.

"Miss Liangyi, have you met your family?"

Luo Pei smiled and greeted the two ceremonies.

The girl turned her head, and frowned slightly when she saw Luo Pei.

"...It's you, frivolous man."

It is not as silent as it was at the beginning, which means that the situation of the two ceremonies is indeed better. At least she is gradually returning from "nothingness" to "reality".

"Be gentle with the man who has taken care of you for two years."

Luo Pei said helplessly, pointing to Aozaki Orange next to him.

"This is an acting psychotherapist and magician. I came here to help you."

"I do not need."

"No, you need it." Rope pointed to her eyes.

"Do you think you've got rid of those eyes? You'll have to see those lines again in thirty hours at the most. Miss Orange is an expert in this kind of thing, and she'll teach you how to control those eyes."


Aozaki Chengzi greeted with a smile.

Regarding the two ceremonies, she was much more kind than when she saw Luo Pei, and she didn't even see the disgust deep in the girl's eyes.

"Is she like you too?"

"Not much difference."

Luo Pei said briefly, he turned his head and said to Ao Qicheng.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Miss Orange."

"No problem, Miss Liangyi's situation is much better than I imagined, at least if she is willing to communicate, it means that she has not been completely swallowed by the "emptiness". "

"Hey, I haven't agreed yet!"

The objections of the two ceremonies were naturally ignored by Luo Pei and Aozaki Orange.

The patients themselves have no right to object, do they?

After that, Luo Pei wisely left the venue to the two women, left the ward by himself, sat down on the promenade outside, and felt the breeze blowing in from the window at the end of the corridor.

His peace did not last long.

About thirty minutes later, Aozaki Touko came out of the ward of the two rituals.

"Done?" he asked.


Aozaki Chengzi's eyes are full of "what stupid things are you talking about".

"It's just in its infancy. Psychotherapy and magic eye mastery are a long process. During the production of dolls, I will come to talk to Liangyi every day in my free time."

"Okay, how about her health?"

"Very good." Aozaki Chengzi wanted to take out the cigarette as usual, but realized that his hand froze in the air for a moment in the hospital, and then put it down again.

"... That child is incredible. The phenomenon you caused hardly affected her, but was used by her body to make up for it. From a medical point of view, the two ceremonies are now a healthy body that does not need to stay in the hospital at all." people."

"She'll probably be out of the hospital soon."

"So, Rope."

Aozaki orange omits the title of "Mr."

"I plan to let her follow me and work for me for a period of time, so that she can have enough time to complete your commission. What do you think?"

Luo Pei is the employer of Cangqi Orange, and also the intermediary between her and the two ceremonies. Naturally, Cangqi Orange has to seek Luo Pei's opinion.

"As expected of you who run a firm, your economic acumen is as good as ever." Luo Pei smiled and did not object.

Even if most of the two ceremonies would not choose to go home, it was impossible for him to bring the girl back to his home.

Not to mention Asakami Fujino who is completely hostile to her, Ryoichi's affection for him now is at most "cold" a little bit. Wanting to abduct home is better than dreaming.

"Then that's it, this time it's your one-time payment of 500 million yen for additional services, and you don't need to pay other fees."

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