The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 502

"Want me to see you off?"


Aozaki Chengzi left the hospital in a gallant manner.

Luo Pei sighed, stood up from the seat, and walked into the ward.

——It seems that there is still a long way to go to clear the two rituals.

First of all, you have to consider how to change her title of "frivolous boy"...

He has begun to feel a little bit regretful about choosing to touch the two ceremonies at his engagement banquet.

Chapter 63 Oranges and the Two Ceremonies

Thursday, cloudy.

Ryoichi stood in front of the window and straightened the neckline of her kimono. Even in the hot summer, she still chose simple traditional clothing instead of chasing "trends" like other girls.

After a while, a man in a suit respectfully pushed away the two-ceremony ward.

Qiulong looked at the two ceremonies who were already fully dressed, was silent for a moment, and then said.

"Miss Shi, please think again."

"It's not necessary."

The girl answered Qiu Long's words coldly, without taking her eyes off the scenery outside.

"I've said it long ago. My elder brother and elders are suitable for you to serve. Don't waste unnecessary time on me. Leaving the Liangyi family is a good choice for both me and them."

"……I see."

Qiu Long sighed, obviously this is not the first time this type of dialogue has been made, and the answers to the two ceremonies are basically the same.

——I want to leave Liangyi’s house and live outside.

"Then go down and deal with your housing and living issues. Does Miss Shi have any special needs?"


Qiulong left.

The two rituals took a slow breath.

Although the atmosphere of this hospital is not as disgusting as imagined, it is by no means a pleasant place. So after learning that he was cured, Liang Ri asked to be discharged from the hospital on the eighth day after waking up, completely ignoring the doctor's suggestion of staying in the hospital for observation, and didn't even plan to go home.

She lacks authenticity.

Losing the "weave", there is a large emptiness in the heart, and the two rituals are no longer normal human beings. She felt that even meeting her family would make the distance even further, so it would be better not to see her.

There was no luggage worth picking up. After taking another look at the room where she had slept for two years, the girl turned and left the hospital without any hesitation.

Walking on the street, there are people coming and going everywhere, as if the world is isolated from her, only she is lonely.

——This feeling is really bad.

It took about an hour to walk, and Tuo Zhi didn't take away her past memories, and the two ceremonies arrived here quickly in terms of walking.

It's home to a woman who calls herself a magician who has been here a few times recently.

At the expense of teaching her the skills to control those eyes, now the two rituals are not useless people with nowhere to go. When she agreed to the woman's conditions, she was already a member of "Aozaki Orange Office".

The ruin-like four-story building, two rituals went up.

The door on the third floor was unlocked, and she opened the dilapidated door with a light push.

In the girl's line of sight, the woman with orange-red hair seemed to be busy. On the sofa in front of her, a beautiful woman with white hair, red pupils and a simple dress was sitting there blankly, while Aozaki Chengzi stood aside and examined something as if she were looking at an "item".

Then the two rituals frowned, realizing their mistake.

——That woman with silver hair and red eyes is not human.

His eyes were empty and he was not breathing. It was okay when we first met, but after a long time, it would only make people think that it was a corpse or a doll.

"Oh, isn't this Liangyi?"

Aozaki Orange spotted the girl in kimono standing at the door and invited her in with a smile.

"Is it all right? In fact, there is no need to come here in such a hurry. It's good to rest for a few days. Your "sickness" is not just a physical problem. "

"There's nowhere to go anyway."

"If you say that, your family will be sad."

Aozaki Chengzi went to the table and sat down, and took out a cigarette as usual. But thinking that there was another girl here, he stopped asking tentatively.

"Liangyi has no problem with tobacco, right?"

"This is your office, right?" Liang Yi said impatiently.

Aozaki orange smiled and lit his own cigarette.

The girl looked away from the "doll" and looked around.

"Is this where I want to work?...To be honest, it's much different from my impression."

"Well, don't worry about it. For modern women, slovenliness is also a way to increase charm."

Where would a modern woman look like you.

The two ceremonies are too lazy to bother about Aozaki Touko's fallacies, it doesn't matter how the place of work is right.

She quickly got to the point.

"As you said yesterday, I will teach you how to use these eyes as soon as I become "normal". The "seal" that man made on me is no longer effective, and I want to start as soon as possible. "


Aozaki Chengzi did not answer the two rituals directly, but asked with a smile.

"Has my psychological solution been successful?"


"It's a pity... I thought my psychology had improved a bit. However, if you can stand in front of me properly, that man's commission will be considered complete."

"It's that man... Did Luo Pei ask you to come to me?" Two Rites asked.

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