The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 503

As for the young man who had been in love with him before he fell into a coma, although he had been in contact with him more than once, it may be because of his absent-mindedness at the time. The only thing he knows about him in the two ceremonies is "abnormal person" and "name". , and only has the status of "son-in-law of the Asakami family".

I don't know anything else.

"You can see the situation at that time, right? He and I walked into your ward together."

"Then he's not with you?"

"Where did Liangyi think to go? We are a pure employer-employee relationship."

Ao Qicheng flicked the cigarette ash, smiled and said: "If you are interested in him. Compared with knowing from me, maybe Liangyi can ask him himself. It's easier. Mr. Luo Pei doesn't seem to be interested in you. The type of concealment."


The girl thought of the man who "can't wait" to strike up a conversation with her regardless of her fiancée's presence. Luo Pei would intervene in her affairs, and the purpose was almost the same.

"It's almost because of my face. Frivolous guy..."

"Don't say that. If someone chases you, it represents the charm of a woman. Besides, if you can make that kind of existence fall in love with you, it should be said that your uniqueness is incomparable."

"Should I be proud of being entangled by a pervert?"

When she was approached by Luo Pei, she had just entered high school...

"You can't say that." Aozaki Chengzi shrugged and said: "Accordingly speaking, people like us have already taken a very light view of the "relationship between men and women". Desires are controllable, and the combination is also for the sake of excellence." offspring. What's more, it seems that there are some puppeteers with questionable tastes... Heh. Liangyi, you can make that guy care for you, which is a very rare phenomenon. I heard that he worked as a doctor in that hospital for two years for you? "

Aoqi Chengzi uses the concept of a magician to interpret Luo Pei, but he doesn't know that the truth has already gone thousands of miles away.

"Ah, it's a miracle that I woke up as a "maiden" under the care of that guy. "There is something in the words of the two ceremonies.

"Haha, Rope doesn't look like that kind of person."

Aozaki Chengzi looked at the two rituals from head to toe, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good, this is not bad, it is much better than the lifeless one at that time, I don't want to add another "doll" subordinate. "

"So, when do we start?"

The control of the magic eye, the two rituals are already somewhat unable to withstand the sharp double-edged swords.

"Don't worry, wait for me to finish the last bit of work, it's delayed for about three days, today is already the limit, if I delay it, even if I use perfectionism as an excuse, I will be embarrassed..."

Aozaki Chengzi stood up, walked up to the girl in kimono, smiled and extended her hand.

"Anyway, please give me your advice from now on, Shiki. Welcome to the "Garan Hall". "



After looking through the original book of Kongjing, I found that Miss Shi can tell witty words... so cute

Chapter 64: The Miracle Before the Female Magician

On the ninth day after placing the order, Rope finally received his "goods".

This is the east side of Kanfuko City, in an apartment at the end of Chome Street.

Three days ago, Luo Pei handled the handover procedures here, and bought it for the "resurrected" Irisviel as a temporary place to settle. After all, if you bring back irrelevant women indiscriminately, Wue and Fujino will be angry Well, absolutely pissed off too.

So to promise something like this...

Luo Pei sighed, and carried the cardboard box outside the door that seemed to be filled with dolls into the house.

"Would you like to come in and sit?" he said to the orange-red-haired woman.

"Oh! Excuse me then."

Ao Qicheng, who was dressed as an urban beauty, did not come out with her handbag. She took off her high heels and put her feet in flesh-colored stockings into the slippers at the door. She bypassed Luo Pei who was still carrying boxes, walked in, and sat down on the sofa.

"How about the two ceremonies?" He asked without looking back, "Is it okay to stay with you?"

"Are you stalking? It seems that what she said is not all nonsense."

"Although I don't care too much, let me ask—what did she say?"

"You are a pervert or something."

Luo Pei paused, and said with a headache: "...For the time being, I also have familiars like birds and cats. In addition, please don't further slander my image in front of her, Miss Orange."

"I never do that kind of boring thing. Shiki is practicing the magic eye control method with me, so far everything is normal. Besides, having said that..."

She looked around and said strangely.

"Your car is so ostentatious. I didn't expect the place where you live to be surprisingly simple. Is it a place like an apartment where fish and dragons are mixed up? Is it the Taoist philosophy of "big hermit hides in the city" in the country over there? "

Luo Pei is the name of China, and Cang Qi Chengzi naturally thinks of the mysterious sect in that country that hardly contacts with the outside world.


Luo Pei carefully placed the cardboard box on the floor, and removed the rope that had just been tied on it for a short time.

"I don't live here, but in order to accommodate this woman, it is necessary to give her a place to stay? Fortunately, you delayed the delivery time, otherwise it would be difficult."


As if hearing something funny, Aozaki Chengzi laughed while shaking her shoulders.

"Mr. Luo Pei, you haven't forgotten what my profession is, have you?"

"Puppeteer." Luo Pei said without looking back.

"Yes, puppeteer - a craftsman who makes magic dolls." Canozaki Cheng Ziyu pointed to the tabletop, scratched it, and when he lifted it, his hands didn't even get a little dust.

It is clearly new furniture, but there is no light dust, which can only prove that Luo Pei has carefully tidied up the room today, or just before her arrival.

——for a "doll".

"The basic rule of doll technology is "Even if you create a doll that surpasses human beings, it is impossible to create something that is the same as a human being." The thing stored in the box, although I tried my best to restore the brain, internal organs, bones, muscles, and even the nervous system, but in the final analysis, it is just a humanoid form composed of a pile of meat, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a "dead corpse". Even with magic treatment, it can maintain its shape within three years, after which it will rot normally... Are you sure you want to prepare a "living" place for this kind of thing? "

Aozaki Chengzi panicked.

She has surpassed the so-called absolute law of puppet masters.

Create yourself, and transfer consciousness to the next body after the death of the previous body. This kind of alternative immortality technology and the terrifying concept of being able to abandon the "self" without hesitation are the "first puppeteer" Aozaki oranges the most powerful proof.

However, these are not things that can be revealed to outsiders casually - except for people who are dying.

Hearing this, Luo Pei stopped, turned his head, and his eyes were a little displeased.

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