The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 504

"Miss Chengzi... are you commenting on my way of doing things?"

"Where." Aoqi Chengzi stretched her shoulders, leaned on the back of the sofa and said nonchalantly.

"I won't be surprised by people like us who do weird things...just a reminder to important "clients". At that time, don't hate me as a supplier because of the damage to the "goods". It would be too ridiculous to make yourself an enemy for inexplicable reasons. "

"Don't worry, if there is no problem after my inspection, it means that our transaction is completed, and no matter what happens in the future, it is my responsibility."

"Huh? Do you want to "inspect" the goods in front of me? "

Aozaki Chengzi said with a playful look.

"Although I don't mind too much, maybe Brother Luo Pei, it's better for you to maintain the shame of human beings..."

"……It's enough."

The cardboard box was opened.

There is a thin plastic plate, inside is the padding and the girl lying quietly with her hands flat in front of her abdomen.

White dress, long silver hair, eyes closed tightly, beautiful facial features are lifelike, as if it is not a "doll" created by magic, but a sleeping princess.

It looks like Irisviel.

——Reunion after a lapse of several years, even across the world.

Not only that, if judging the age based on appearance alone, this body should be between seventeen and nineteen years old. Ao Qicheng deliberately created a doll of this age group after misunderstanding Luo Pei's original intention.

"Ah, in this way one of the promises will be fulfilled." Luo Pei easily took apart the plastic plate and murmured in a low voice.

...There is no need to worry about Artoria's questioning.

"How do customers feel?"

Aozaki Chengzi came over, leaned on the armrest of the sofa, looked at the silver-haired figure and asked.

"Is there any request you can make? After-sales service is also one of the keys to expanding business. I can modify whatever I want to add or subtract within the scope of no exaggeration."

"I still have to feel it myself. I can't see it with my eyes alone... There are problems with internal details."


After the black-haired young man finished speaking, the strange sense of space distortion reappeared.

In the sight of Aoqi Orange, an emerald gem appeared out of nowhere and fell into Luo Pei's hand... …

The warm color is tumbling inside, as if it contains something, even if she doesn't use magic eyes, she can feel the extraordinaryness of this gem just by looking at it.

— Gem magic?

She immediately thought of this magic discipline that became famous because of the "Second Magician" Kishua Zellich Schubinau.

But, there is a difference.

Emerald gemstones generally represent the concept of "life", but they don't give people such a cold feeling.

Aozaki Orange didn't make a sound, quietly watching Luo Pei's "magic". There are not many opportunities to watch other magicians cast spells, let alone help to understand the secrets of this "client"-she has been very interested in him since the hospital.

Luo Pei gently placed the gemstone on the doll's smooth forehead, and began to chant vague incantations.

The taboo of the "Necronomicon", the spell that restores the soul after stripping it.

Canozaki Chengzi desperately wanted to remember the spell in Luo Pei's mouth, so as to analyze what era and what country's language it was. But the strange thing is that after those weird incantations entered her brain, no matter how hard she memorized, she couldn't remember even a single note, which gave her a faint feeling of headache.

... This mantra contains "toxin"?

Cang Qi Chengzi stood up immediately, and said to Luo Pei with a cold expression.

"Please stop, or I will take it as your declaration of war. Mr. Luo Pei." She moved her fingers slightly, as long as Luo Pei had a slight abnormality, within an instant, the "Rune Magic" would work accurately on the on Rope.

After chanting the spell, Luo Pei said to Ao Qicheng without looking back.

"...Don't hinder me, just sit there and watch. This may be the closest you've come to a miracle in recent years."

Gradually, the emerald melted like an ice cube and penetrated into the body of the silver-haired puppet.

It was very quiet between the two of them. But immediately, murmurs sounded.

Plop, plop, plop—

"This is……?"

Aozaki Orange's complexion changed, the "calm magician" posture could no longer be maintained, and she took a step back in horror.

It was the sound of a beating heart.

A doll made by oneself, a "thing" that was originally a dead thing is slowly giving birth to a heartbeat.

Then there was the sound of breathing, his chest rose and fell, and his complexion became ruddy. Her eyelids trembled slightly, as if she was waking up from a long sleep.


In front of her, a black-haired young man named "Rope" performed a "miracle" for her, took away the authority of the gods, and gave life to a doll she identified as a "dead thing".

"...What the hell are you!?" She asked in disbelief. That is definitely not the technique of using the brain to make a living doll.

With his back to her, Rope sighed.

"I've said it all, it's just a mysterious hermit... It's a bit too much to describe it as "something", Miss Orange. "

At the same time, Irisviel opened her eyes.

red eyes.

Chapter 65 The Fevery Summer Air Needs Rain

"This is me, where...?"

Irisviel's lisp was like a rusty robot restarting.

This is also normal.

It was originally a puppet body, not his own original body. No matter how perfect Rope's technique is, it needs a buffer and adaptation time.

Immediately, her arms were able to move.

"How do you feel? Miss Irisviel. If you feel uncomfortable in your body, you can tell me now."

Luo Pei helped her up from the long plastic box and said softly.

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