The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 507

The body is created, so who has the right to bother the other party... Irisviel's heart was ashamed.

Without magic, without friends, even if I returned to the Einzbern family after two years and waited for her end, Irisviel could almost guess it, let alone meeting Illya, that was simply impossible .

"I'm not blaming Madam. As you said, without your help, I wouldn't be able to get in touch with Saber. After bringing you back to life, it's no big deal with the help of small things like after-sales service."

Lopez stood up, and said while packing up the water glasses broken by Irisviel.

"But it's definitely not okay to play family cards normally to make those mentally retarded give up your daughter. They have no time to remake the Lesser Holy Grail, unless Einzbern doesn't want to participate in the Holy Grail War. So, if you want me to help, my means It might be a little more intense..."

"Did you agree?!"

Irisviel asked in surprise, apparently the young man's agreement to this "rude" request was beyond her expectations.

It stands to reason that she, who has been revived as a puppet, is already the young man's personal property, and it is normal for Luo Pei to ignore her will.

"I promise it's weird?"

"No..." She hesitated to organize her words.

"The previous you should have been a little colder... I'm sorry."

"Ha, what about this. You can think of it as a charity mentality of standing on a high place after your strength grows. At that time, it was indeed a bit heavy to do things with one's life...Compared to that, madam, you should think about what I said carefully."

After opening the window, he casually threw the glass shards downstairs.

"After we reach a consensus, the Einzbern Castle in country dé may be in trouble, big trouble."

Like dead people, dead people and dead people.

- Negotiation (physics).

After hesitating for a moment, the silver-haired woman gritted her silver teeth and resolutely sold Einzbern.

"I just want to be with Ilya. The family... has nothing to do with me when I die! Please help me!"


Chapter 67 Do you want to come on a date?

After resuscitating Irisviel, Rope didn't rush to go to Dé country, but still stayed in the Guanbuzi obediently, which prolonged the bad luck of Einzbern Castle for a while.

Not a hospital job.

In fact, after he was discharged from the hospital in two ceremonies, his motivation to go to work dropped sharply, and he hadn’t been to his work place for two weeks, regardless of the director of the hospital, or those who “confessed” that they had a better relationship with Luo Pei. Colleagues came to request, but were rejected one by one.

He is busy with another matter.

——Teach Irisviel the common sense of life as a normal person.

The cyborg born in the old castle has hardly been outside the Einzbern family range from childhood to adulthood. The farthest was Fuyuki City, and that was also the last long trip in her predecessor's life.

After this rebirth, she got rid of everything and lived with a new identity. Naturally, there were no "maids" or "servants" to help Irisviel with daily chores, such as washing, cooking, and cleaning the room. Because Luo Pei can't stay with her forever, everything has to be controlled by himself.

Of course, there were many jokes during the period.

But overall the effect is not bad, Irisviel is gradually transforming into a "normal human woman".


Three o'clock in the afternoon, fifteen minutes.

It's an awkward time, with students in class and office workers at work. And the scorching heat of summer also makes there are not many pedestrians outside, and everyone is rejecting this kind of weather.

For this reason, Luo Pei was the only one left to enjoy the entire elegant coffee shop, which felt like a private room.


The bell hanging on the brown wooden door rang lightly, and the enthusiastic voice of the waiter immediately reached Luo Pei's ears.

"Welcome, are you alone?"

"No." A low, cold female voice.

Without giving the waiter another time to ask questions, the short-haired girl in a blue kimono walked straight to Luo Pei's seat and sat down opposite him.

"Long time no see, Shi." Luo Pei raised his hand to greet the two ceremonies.

He called the waiter to come forward, and thoughtfully ordered a cup of coffee for the girl.

"You cut your hair off in the end." Luo Pei said with some regret: "Actually, you are more suitable for long hair. I watched your hair grow little by little in the hospital. It looks very beautiful... ..."

"What I do with my hair is my business, right? Don't say it as if you know me very well, perverted doctor!" Er Yi frowned and said displeasedly.

"It's very familiar."

Luo Pei lowered his eyes and smiled.

"In the hospital, we spent two years of intimate life."


The two ceremonies turned their gazes away in displeasure.

"Chengzi asked me to come to see you, saying that you had a request for help, but the client just sat here and chatted with you like this?"

"That's about it."

Thinking of the orange-red woman's meaningful smile before she left, and the words "get along well with God", the two ceremonies knew that they had been tricked.

What "Master God", can such a frivolous guy be considered a god? ! ...Ah, for Chengzi who received a large amount of money, this guy is indeed a "god"...

Looking at Luo Pei's gentle smiling face, the two of them were a little bit annoyed.

"If that's the case, I'll go back." The girl stared at Luo Pei.

"If you want to have an affair, there are a lot of schoolgirls waiting for a handsome and rich man like you to take care of you in universities and high schools... Tsk, if I see the young lady from Asakami's family next time, I will let her know her well." What is the real face of the husband!"

"Haha, Shiki's words are terrible. However, I am very happy to hear your positive comments."

Luo Pei smiled, obviously not taking the threat of the two rituals seriously.

"Stopping can't change the status quo, nothingness, lack of real sense of human beings, emptiness, these existences are poisonous to human beings. Since the interior has disappeared, the completion of the exterior is what the existence of the two rituals must do matter."

"..." The two rituals looked at Luo Pei with scrutiny.

"Don't understand? It doesn't matter, you don't need to understand the formula."

The coffee was served, and Luo Pei pushed the cup in front of the two ceremonies.

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