The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 508

"It's not just "ordinary", the hole is abnormal, so as long as it is slowly filled with more huge and wonderful abnormalities, maybe the infinitive will also... I am talking too much. Speaking of which, does Shiki know about the murder incident two years ago? "

The topic was abruptly changed, but the two rituals breathed a sigh of relief, just now there was a feeling of tightness in the heart, as if the "two rituals" were longing for something, which made her a little uncomfortable.

She began to admit that she was not very good at dealing with this young doctor.

Not only the unreasonable words and deeds of the other party, but also the aggressiveness of the human being "Rope"...or something other than human beings.

"Would you be interested in this kind of news?"

Without paying attention, he followed the other party's words.

In this way, the cold attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away just now can no longer be maintained. The two ceremonies were a little annoyed.

"News? Well, it was indeed news to Shiki, but to me it was two years ago, and it was a big deal... The media even called him a "murderer". "

Luo Pei smiled contemptuously in a low voice, expressing his disdain for that title.

Killing, eating, compared to some existences who regard death as an art, Shirao Junrisu's killing in order to attract someone's attention is still not worthy of the title "killer", it can only be regarded as a fake.

—roadsides, weeds, bright red corpses, inspired by death.

The two ceremonies recalled what happened at that time, and the hands that were about to serve the coffee paused.

"...You seem to be very familiar with that murderer."

"If an urban legend like 'friend of a friend' can be called familiar...then it's considered familiar. "


Such a saying...isn't it weaving...

After a long period of silence, the two rituals seemed to have got some answer, they moved their hands again, and drank the slightly hot coffee in one gulp.

"Let's stop talking," she said. "You've finished your coffee, and the commission is considered complete. I should go back."

"Are you going to find the murderer?"

Luo Pei saw through the thoughts of the two rituals and smiled.

"You're jealous..."

"nothing dealing with you."

The two rituals quickly interrupted Luo Pei's words, appearing a little impatient.

"Don't talk like you know everything, frivolous fellow."

"Is it."

Luo Pei didn't respond to the derogatory title this time, he nodded as if agreeing.

"So you need a "frivolous guy" to go on a date with Shiki? "

"...You haven't been hit on the head by a car before you came, have you?"

What is he saying? Dating? Can the topic just now be related to "dating"?

The two ceremonies pondered and finally came to a conclusion.

——This man is hopeless.

"Don't have such a big reaction." Luo Pei said ignoring the girl's piercing gaze.

"I've been thinking about what a date between an anomalous person and an anomalous person should look like. Shiki definitely can't accept that kind of pastime like shopping and movies. It just so happens that you are interested in murderers, and I know a little bit about it. So Shi Do you want to go through "years" as a unit of searching without any results, or do you want to enjoy the convenience of information with me...? "


The body of the girl in kimono who was walking outside stopped.

He knew that this was a sign of "agreement".

...Ah, it is really the most difficult target to attack.

Luo Pei looked reluctant but sat back in his seat for two ceremonies, and drank his cold coffee with helplessness.

Chapter 68 The Two Ceremonies Know the "Truth"

It happened to be around four o'clock in the afternoon when the two ceremonies returned to the "Garan Hall".

An orange-red mature woman sits behind a large desk full of sundries and concentrates on observing what looks like an ancient stone carving with a magnifying glass. Judging from the cup of coffee next to her hand that was no longer steaming, she should have kept this posture for a long time.

"came back."

"Oh Shi, welcome back."

After the girl greeted her, she leaned on the sofa to rest, her exhausted expression seemed to be a tough battle instead of going out for a leisurely drink of coffee.

Cheng Zi temporarily put down his work, put on his glasses, and looked at the two rituals with very gentle eyes.

"What's the matter? Is Mr. Doctor making you feel very troublesome?"

"Hey, Chengzi. Do you think I'm a flirtatious kind of woman?"

"No." Aozaki Chengzi retorted with a smile.

"After so many days of getting along, Shiki's side has always maintained a vague sense of alienation, as if rejecting the world. This alone is enough to draw a clear line between you and the word "frivolous". ? "

"Then, why doesn't that guy let me go? ...Dating or something, thanks to him being so upright, I want to go to the police."

"Has Rope invited you on a date?"

Cang Qi Chengzi's hands that were cleaning up the stone sculptures stopped, and the corners of his mouth raised up in a wicked way.

"This is a rare opportunity, Shiki. For a girl in your grade, dating and love are the best way to celebrate youth, and it may be helpful to you...Did you agree to him?"

"... Forced to agree. Because there are some things I care about."

If there is anything else that the two ceremonies of nothingness want to do, then the only thing left is to look for the "murderer" two years ago.

If the prisoner is not a weaver, find out and fight again.

This kind of object is quite worthy of two rituals to fight him-whether the reason is jealousy or not, it is the instinctive reaction of a murderer.

Although it is an unfinished product, it hasn't really been killed yet. But like two years ago, it was only a matter of time before those who stopped at the murder scene, wandered around in the night looking for prey, and turned into murderers.

Yes, that is the final outcome of the two ceremonies that did not lose the fabric... If there is no tall middle-aged man... the girl thought so.

"So you, a woman, really don't know how to be blessed..."

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