The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 509

Aozaki Touko sighed, lit a cigarette and held it between her fingers.

"Even though he is in the "Crown" that even the Kabaladun disciples can't reach, and he is loved by that guy, but he still has such an infuriating attitude. "

"Huh? Is it normal for me to agree to a date invitation from a married man with a happy smile?" Erji glanced at Aozaki Orange unhappyly.

"Miss Orange, what about you? If we switch places and he invites you on a date with such "enthusiasm", will you agree? "

She is not the kind of woman who is not good at words and passively accepts teasing.

Two Rites witty returned the topic to Aozaki Orange.

Who knew that the latter didn't even need to hesitate, and said immediately.

"If it was the "before" me, I would agree 100% and even try to curry favor with him with a flattering expression. "

Aozaki Chengzi talked about embarrassing topics without changing his face.

"But "now" there is only a 40% possibility depending on the situation... Only female magicians with a family line can't resist "it". Compared with the unattainable root, it is the real benefit that can be seen and touched in front of them - the benefit that the magician can't resist. "

""it"……? "

Ershi frowned, keenly aware of Aozaki Touko's switch in the third person.

"Yes, it is "it"! "

Canozaki Orange slashed through the air with the cigarette on his fingertips, leaving a faint orange-red trace for a moment.

"It's already reached the point of dating, haven't you asked about Rope's real identity? Although I only found out recently..."

"It has been said that I was forced to go, and I have a reason to go."

"Forced? Not necessarily? If Shi really hated Luo Pei, with your straightforward character, you should turn around and leave the first time you meet him. Then what kind of "impulse" are you doing? Talk to him next time, and finally "forced" to grant his request? Don't tell me it's Missy's etiquette. "


— cannot be refuted.

Indeed, what Aozaki Touko said was correct.

If I really hated that doctor very much, when I stepped into the coffee shop and realized that I was being tricked, I would turn around and leave without hesitation.

But what impulse was it that made her sit down, listen to what Rope had to say, and drink his coffee?

I don't know about the two rituals, and I can't understand them.

"...Does this matter have something to do with the question I asked you?"

"Of course there is." Aozaki Chengzi smiled and said: "You who have multiple personalities are abnormal, and the "hole" that was emptied is also abnormal. Originally, it needs to be relatively "ordinary" to fill it, but if there is such a huge, purely terrifying abnormality, it will be natural to attract. Do you believe in the existence of gods? "

"If it's the level of New Year's visit."

"Hoo hoo—"

The words of the two rituals seemed to make Canozaki Chengzi laugh, she covered her mouth and her shoulders trembled.

"New Year's visit is New Year's visit. After all, for magicians, the older the ritual, the more mysterious it is, even the absolutely ineffective New Year's visit in Japan. We relied on these surviving rituals from the beginning. Rituals and various objects confirm the existence of the Age of Gods."

"Age of Gods?"

"That's right, the era when gods existed and walked on the earth...It's completely different from the society dominated by modern technology. In that era, mystery was the mainstream, so...well, these are not the styles of magicians. Not interested in listening, are you? A little bit into the state."

The tobacco of Canozaki orange burned to the end, and she casually threw it into the ashtray.

"What I want to say is that the real identity of the "frivolous man" who has been guarding you for two years with bad words from you is probably the group of existences who created the Age of Gods—gods. With such huge and high-purity anomalies, it's no wonder they attract, or attract each other. "

——Aozaki Touko activated the skill "Deduction of the Magician's Mind".

——Aozaki orange gets the BUFF effect "farther and farther away from the truth".

"Chengzi, are you kidding me?"

Rao has seen many battles like the two ceremonies, and he was confused by Aoqi Chengzi's explanation for a while and didn't know what to say.


The guy who attacked the high school girl and tried to have an extramarital affair turned out to be a god?

I don't understand the two ceremonies.

"I'm not kidding, to be honest, the first time I saw "that" I was speechless... The reality is like this, the most unlikely things often happen to me. "

Saying that, when Aoqi Chengzi was about to get another one, he found that Ershi stood up from the sofa, and walked outside quickly with a blank expression.

"Shi, are you going to see him?"


If it is an all-knowing god, it must be able to explain the death of "Original".

If it is a god, it must be able to explain the real existence of the "two rituals".

If it is a god...

There are too many questions in Liang Ri's heart that need to be answered, and she wants to know the truth immediately.

"Although I don't object to you going to see him, it's going to be dark soon."

Cang Qi Chengzi lit the cigarette, and said jokingly: "You don't even know where Luo Pei's home is. Take a step back, even if you know, are you ready to meet his wife? Sit down." Lover "identity of? Oh, the young girls nowadays are really incredible..."


Hearing this, the two rituals who were opening the door froze.

"Since you agreed to a date, just ask him during the date, don't be so anxious, the question will always be answered."

The girl in kimono didn't answer. After a moment's pause, she opened the door and went out.

It's just that the destination of the two ceremonies this time is no longer "Lopei", but the residence after leaving Liangyi's house. It's rare to follow Cheng Zi's suggestion. I don't know if it's because I understand the impoliteness of disturbing others at night, or " The word "lover" is too powerful.

Aoqi Chengzi raised his head, exhaled smoke, and laughed softly in the empty room.

Gods and girls, it seems that such a remote small city will be very lively...

Chapter 69 Dating

The next day, after coming out of the villa, Luo Pei did not choose to drive his ostentatious luxury car, but walked to the place that he had agreed with the two ceremonies.

Although he couldn't guarantee whether the girl would actually accept the invitation, he still came over.

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