The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 513

"I can see that you were created because of Miss Asakami's overindulgence."

The two rituals quietly accused Asakami Fujino.

In her opinion, if Luo Pei's wife had been more aggressive or possessive, she would not have suffered what she is now.

Being manipulated by this man, playing around, and being forced to agree to a date request... Although it's not that annoying. The two rituals asked themselves, and got the same answer as before.

The disunity of body and mind made her feel genuinely uncomfortable.

"Then, what's Shiki's decision? Do you want to come with me?" Rope asked.

"The place where I go back to live is also empty, please lead the way."

The two ceremonies brushed the drooping black hair behind their ears, stepped over the three rubbish lying on the ground, and walked straight out of the alley amidst the clacking sound of wooden shoes.

Luo Pei followed behind her and returned to the feasting and feasting Guanbuzi Street at night.

He glanced at the direction behind him while walking, and asked the girl leisurely.

"Shiki, have you ever thought of being a "hero"? "

"Be specific." The kimono girl said without looking back, not annoyed by Luo Pei asking such a personal question.

"Rescue someone irrelevant."

"No. Almost middle school students who come out of elementary school won't keep that kind of childish thinking? What makes you think I have such longings?"

"It's nothing, it's just a whim."

Luo Pei nodded, and the words of the two rituals made a verdict for Yan Tiaoba's fate tonight.

But it may not be the same, the body is dead, and the fake dolls made by magic, it is not a matter of fuss when they disappear completely, after all, the origin is such a sad thing as "worthless".

It took about forty minutes, and the two arrived at Mao Mihama in Guanfuzi City.

The Xiaochuan apartment in Xinxindi, Haipu, with such an obvious sign, just ask passers-by to know the location. Because in the near future, it is already a certainty that it will become a model area. The economic downturn has obviously affected this area, and there are many abandoned buildings, but overall it is not as serious as other places.

Luo Pei raised his head, stood on the side of the street and looked at the towering Xiaochuan apartment above his head.

Although the collective name of "Ogawa Apartment" is used, it is actually two fairly neat ten-story half-moon buildings, built opposite each other.

The first floor and the second floor don't feel like people live in, and Rope can feel the breath of life until the third floor starts.

In any case, from below, it can be seen that Rope is quite satisfied with his "new home". It's just that it may be necessary to contract the work of construction workers by yourself at that time, and make a big renovation.

"What do you think?" Rope asked her companion.

"This is the house you want to see even at night? It's just an ordinary apartment building, right?"

The eyes of the two rituals looking at Luo Pei are filled with "Don't be a fool?".

She knew that the guy in front of her spent 500 million yen for a doll, and that money was enough to build a luxurious floor by herself.

"Well, I have a deeper reason for coming here."

Luo Pei looked at Xiao Chuan's apartment, which was brightly lit but rarely visited by anyone.

"Because of my particularity, I really want a place to live that can "isolate" the outside world... It's not that the place I live in is not good, everyone has the instinct of greed. There happened to be a venue set up by an extraordinary enchanter, would I feel sorry for myself if I didn't use it? He wouldn't live long anyway. "

"It turned out to be something about 'over there'..."

"Correction, it's 'this side'. Luo Pei corrected the words of the two rituals: "Don't exclude yourself from this world, your eyes..."

"Hmph, whatever you want." Er Ri, who sensed the smell of blood from the black-haired youth's words, shook his head.

"What you want to grab is your business, but I'm not here to be your thug. Even if a fight breaks out in a while, don't expect me to help."

"No need. I crushed that enchanter."

Rope smiled strangely.

"Don't be so absolute about Dan Shi. It is very likely that when you meet, you will be so angry that you want to cut him into pieces."

"Are you kidding me..."


I just changed the morning update to night, it's not as exaggerated as you said...

Chapter 72 Dating followed by robbery

After passing through the atrium covered with green turf, Luo Pei entered the interior of Ogawa's apartment.

European-style decoration, the lobby is very exquisite. The colorful glass is inlaid around it, and ordinary people will feel dazzled just by looking at it, making their heads dizzy, as if entering another world.

The two ceremonies still had the usual expressions, but Luo Pei could clearly feel that there was a sense of "freedom" here.

——Separating "inside" and "outside", a spiral barrier.

Yes, indeed he wanted it. Araya Soren is worthy of his status as the number one enchanter.

Then, you have to be careful when slaughtering, so as not to destroy rare works of art...

"There's no one there."

The girl in kimono looked around for a while, not to mention the magician who made the enchantment, she couldn't even see half of the residents, it should be a very lively time to go home.

"Is there really an enchantment here? I can feel it on the other side of the orange. Isn't this just an ordinary apartment building?"

"The more abnormal the enchantment is, the more it fails, and vice versa, it is excellent. You are not an enchantment master, so you don't know how to understand it."

Rope glanced up the stairs and grinned.

"Look, the 'professional' salesperson came out to greet us. "

The two ceremonies looked along Luo Pei's line of sight. There should be no one, but a foreign man in red appeared at some point.

The man with long blond hair and a top hat was wiping his forehead with a clean white handkerchief. The tension on his face ruined his supposedly handsome appearance, making him look a little funny.

Cornelus Aruba.

"Your Excellency condescends to come here, and I, Aruba, feel extremely honored. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Aruba's tone was a little stiff.

When he heard from Araya Soren that the God of Victory had come to him, he almost hesitated, but he also heard that the one who walked with the god was the "gate" that could enter the root, and was driven by the magician's instinct. He walked out with a fluke mentality, and tried to see if he could communicate with this violent god with words.

Therefore, Aruba kept his attitude very low from the beginning - after seeing Lorelia's arrogant end, he was absolutely unwilling to offend the gods in front of him because of etiquette.

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