The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 514

"Small service? No need. Why didn't Araya Soren come out to see me? I brought what he wanted most."

Luo Pei glanced at the two rituals out of the corner of his eye, but the girl didn't respond to these words.

"Ara? Oh, ah, he has something to deal with now...something he can't get away from."

Aruba dodged his eyes left and right, and forced a smile.

"I can represent him in everything here..."

"No, you can't. Mr. Outdoors."


Blood spattered, and the two rituals widened their eyes in surprise.

--did not see.

Or it could be said that the visual nerves had no time to catch that swift movement. As if teleporting, the black-haired youth suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs, next to the blond man.

The person who called himself "Aruba" still kept that smile, but his head had already been ripped off by Rope, and he held it in his hands with ease.

"The puppet has a unique style. He even said welcome, and even sent a puppet to see me."

Rope shrugged and threw the head down the stairs.

The head rolled to Shiki's feet, and the girl saw that there were gears on the broken neck.

Not what a human body should be—that male, not human.

"Didn't it scare you? Shi." Luo Pei wiped his hands on the doll's clothes, and said with a smile: "That guy is a magician, alien, don't judge him with ordinary human eyes, so I don't want to judge him now." It counts as murder."

"...Why explain to me."

The two ceremonies frowned in disgust, stepped on wooden shoes and walked around the head.

"I only saw powerful monsters and weak monsters fighting. It was the right choice not to go back. I saw something rare, god..."

She was swapping herself with the man with the gears and came to the conclusion that she couldn't fuck her.

No matter how much moisture this guy has without an omniscient and omnipotent god, at least in terms of supernormal combat ability, the two ceremonies agree with Cheng Zi's statement.

A powerful existence that is impossible for human beings to achieve.

"This is the best."

Luo Pei wiped his palms clean, rearranged his somewhat messy hairstyle, and then turned directly down the stairs.

"Follow me to the basement of Xidong, the person I want to meet should be there."

"I said I wouldn't fight for you, right? Why do you have to follow me. The monster and the monster will decide the winner, and I'm going home." Two rituals said standing still without moving.

"Because the enchanter I'm about to rob has a lot to do with you. Soren Araya, the uncle monk in black, the chief culprit who caused you to be hospitalized and killed Zhizhi, and the evil existence that created the murderer. Are you sure you want to stay back or stay here with the discarded doll?"

Luo Pei turned his back to the girl, and soon, the sound of wooden shoes hurriedly came from his ears.

The faint fragrance concealed the fishy smell of his fresh contact with blood, and the two rituals followed closely behind him.

Sure enough, she is still a tsundere cat with an upright mouth...

"Hey, Rope, give me that guy."

The eyes of the two rituals were full of sharp murderous intent.

"I'm going to kill him!"

"Anything. I can deal with outdoor sports Mr. Aruba first. I used to be a copy ninja when I was young and frivolous and stole his surname. In order not to expose this dark history, I'd better turn into a dead man and shut up." Luo Pei said while walking .

"In addition, the missed monk Huang Ye has integrated into this apartment and is unlikely to leave. It is up to you how you want to deal with him, and I will protect him safely."

"Who wants your protection."

"You. Don't underestimate that enchanter. If he is serious, you will be killed 100% even if you have the "Devil's Eye of Immediate Death"—provided that he is willing to let the once-in-a-lifetime road disappear. "

Luo Pei glanced at the petite girl behind him, and raised his voice a little maliciously.

"Ah, Shiki, I suddenly want to go in and out of the root, or just a little bit. I don't know if I can get your permission?"

"What the hell are you going crazy about..."

Hearing Luo Pei suddenly say irrelevant words, the two rituals, who were not very clear about their own bodies, felt a chill again, which could only be regarded as the nonsense of abnormal people.

The two walked through the red curved corridor, and the door leading to the west building of Ogawa's apartment appeared in Luo Pei's sight.

Chapter 73: The Alliance is Broken

"Huang Ye, Huang Ye, Huang Ye! The god of the Zoroastrian Cult has come to your door!"

Ogawa apartment, in the basement of the west building, the red-clothed and blond-haired man was walking anxiously, shouting his companion's name irritably, his appearance was even more exaggerated than after the familiar was destroyed last time.

Araya Zonglian was inexplicably upset.

——This is a veritable alien world.

In the darkness without light, the sound of steam and boiling water echoed. Many things that looked like birdcages were stored around. They were connected to the ceiling by metal conduits, and human heads were stored inside.

The Tantric monk is in the center of these heads, sitting on a throne-like object, looking down at Aruba as usual.

"What was the outcome of the negotiations?"

"Need to say?"

Aruba raised his voice and said sharply: "The other party didn't intend to communicate with me at all! He took off the head of the acting puppet the moment we met!"

He looked at the trembling hands, and through the connection of the senses, the pressure that hit his face just now made it hard for him to breathe.

"What is a god?" This topic that magicians have been studying has finally been answered by Cornelius Aruba today.

His answer is - that should never exist with life forms on the earth, creatures of different dimensions.

The gap is too large, and it is impossible for magicians and humans to have the slightest chance of defeating such a monster.

"It is disrespectful to meet God in the body of a puppet."

"Well, I... it should be too late now."

Aruba seems to be possessed, and the ornate cane keeps beating the floor, masking the sound of steam.

"No matter what, I can't die here. Araya, the alliance between you and me is over. Even if there is a gate leading to the root beside that god, I can't treat my life like a joke!"

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