The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 517

After a while, a white-gold light rose from Luo Pei's fingertips, illuminating the surrounding five meters very brightly, and expanding the range was not the darkness before, but a hazy state.

Although there are more useful "advanced light elements", elemental creatures that are suspected of high-power light bulbs, but considering the self-esteem of those high-cold guys and the need for help from them in the future, Luo Pei gave up the idea of ​​​​playing with the princes.

However, this is enough for the two ceremonies. Satisfied, the girl continued to walk forward. At the end of the light, there was a staircase behind a small door, leading to a lower level.

"God, don't you really feel happy about killing?" The girl's inquiry echoed in the empty underground.


Following the two rituals, Luo Pei explained briskly.

"Fear of trouble and whim are the shortcomings that I can't get rid of. Indeed, I originally planned to let the guy named Xigan say goodbye directly, but considering my subordinates temporarily, I still gave Mr. Aruba a chance , so that he can show his talents in another way. Compared with simply dying, the former is more in my interest, isn't it?"

Fallows' madness doomed him not to be a qualified leader.

In addition, the subordinates he "recruited" have also acquired Cthulhu's unique neurotic taste in the past two years. Apart from absolutely obeying the orders of their superiors, everything else in the religious organization is a mess. That's why when Aruba begged for mercy, Luo Pei thought of the communication with his servant a few days ago, thus giving him a decent identity.

"—a boring answer."

The answer did not exceed the expectations of the two ceremonies, and she sighed in disappointment.

Rope smiled. He will not let the two rituals deepen his identification with the "murderer".

The sounds of wooden shoes and leather shoes echoed alternately, and the two finally arrived at the lowest floor of the west building, which was also the place where Luo Pei felt the strongest magic response in the entire Ogawa apartment.

The location of the magician Araya Soren.

The darkness receded, and the brightness of electric lights re-occupied the underground, and Lopez extinguished the magic used for lighting.

Drain pipes and wires made up the throne, and the black-clothed monk seemed to be waiting for a long time, opened his eyes hidden in the shadows, and spoke in an emotionless voice.

"Welcome, the two ceremonies, and Your Excellency the Military God of the Zoroastrian Cult."

"I thought you would run away, Araya Soren."

Compared with the fierce hostility exuded from the beginning of the two ceremonies entering the room, Rope is much more relaxed.

He sat down on the "mountain" next to him, picked up a jar containing a human head and tossed it.

"Like last time, wouldn't it be nice to pick up a rare chance to survive and run away like a dog? I won't chase you after I leave this city. And after you make today's decision, whether it's summer Whether it’s warm or cool in winter, you can’t feel it anymore.”

"I have repeated the reincarnation of the spring and autumn two hundred times, and I have long forgotten what the feeling you are talking about." As always, Soren Araya said with a dejected philosopher's appearance.

"What fate decides, human being Araya Soren will get the answer here, or be relieved. So I can't escape, and let the military god down."

A person who has forgotten the original purpose, this is the last performance of Soren Araya - whether it is failure or success.

"It doesn't matter. It's just that, now that I'm sitting here, are you sure you can get the former? You're a little too confident, monk of Tantric Buddhism."

"The probability is not zero, it's worth a try."

This is underground, and the manipulation of the weather cannot directly affect it. It is similar to the great enchantment in the monk's body. The opponent's extraordinary physical fitness can be corrected directly with the enchantment.

"Heh—" Luo Pei let out a sneer, and did not speak again.

Soren Araya stood up from the throne, walked down slowly, and finally stood on the ground parallel to Lope and Shiki.

Right in front of the kimono girl.

The huge oppressive force caused by the tall stature and the inexplicable sense of danger was directly exerted on the body of the two rituals. At some time, the pupils of the girl had turned blue and red.

Die, staring closely at Ara Ye Zongren.

"There is a monk's relic in his body, don't distract your attention, just look at his torso, it will make you feel more relaxed."


The feet of the two rituals were slightly opened, and the posture was adjusted, like an elegant female leopard, the next moment it would tear the person in front of it to pieces with the "sharp teeth" in its hands.

she asked coldly.

"It was you that day, right?"

"Exactly." Huangye Zonglian did not deny it.


"Because of the necessary disruption of balance."

The black-clothed monk stepped forward like two rituals.

"The road opening is not perfect, a lot of things are missing. But now this situation has no choice. Two rituals, I will kill you."

"...It just so happens that I have the same idea as you!"

The two ceremonies have been confirmed, and the "culprit" is in front of him.

Her enemies, the creators of her voids, and the ones who killed Ori.

Now that you know it, there is no need to say more. The girl glanced at Luo Pei who was sitting on the pipe, and the black-haired young man gave her an encouraging look. As he said before, he kept his promise and said that he would not interfere with the revenge of the two ceremonies.

But the inexplicable emotion of "I will intervene when you can't do it", the girl can see clearly in the depths of the other party's eyes.

"...Don't underestimate people. God."

The two rituals murmured in a very subtle voice, their bodies lowered lower and lower.

A second later, she bounced like a taut spring, announcing the beginning of the battle between the two rituals and Araya Soren.

Chapter 76: The Stubbornness of a Girl in Kimono

The girl said brave words and rushed towards the monk opposite.

The distance between the two was only tens of meters, and there was no obstacle in between. After Zai Shi lowered his body, only an afterimage was left in the air.

The speed is very fast, and the place where the blade is aimed may also be the "death" of Soren Araya. Even if the opponent is stabbed once, he will die immediately.

But Luo Pei sighed regretfully.

Hand-to-hand combat with that monk is not going to terms of ordinary humans.

As he expected, in response to the almost violent attack of the two ceremonies, the Tantric monk hardly moved, and pronounced the name of his enchantment in a dry voice.

"Don't be afraid."


The movements of the two ceremonies are like the pause button of the movie being pressed, stagnating in mid-air.

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