The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 518

She seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and there was huge pressure from every corner of her body, locking the two rituals firmly on the ground. Piercing the opponent's "death" in this way, the connection has become a problem.

"King Kong. Scorpion—"

A pattern of three rings appeared at Ren Araya's feet. They overlap each other, like planetary orbits turned into barriers, tightly separating the "inside" and "outside".

"I'm not interested in fighting with you, Liangyi. Just stay there quietly and wait for me to kill you or be saved."

The monk turned his gaze to the motionless Luo Pei, with a bit of majesty in his eyes.

"Military God of the Zoroastrian Cult, today, at this time, is the battle between you and me. The gatekeeper who guards the root, if you choose to sit on the sidelines, I will accept this body."

"Should I say that you are ignorant and fearless, or that you are stubborn after seeing through everything? No matter which one is admirable, Ara Ye Zongren." Luo Pei smiled relaxedly.

"Although I really want to use the "White Horse" to burn you to ashes, or turn you into a white lime statue, but before that, I have already agreed to give you to her, and I still don't intend to go back on my word. In addition, you are too underestimating style, right? Don't say things that make people angry. "


Soren Araya quickly understood what Luo Pei meant.

As if irritated by the monk's disdainful words, Liang Ri gritted his teeth and forced his arms down, and the mournful scream of the overwhelmed bones resounded slightly.

The knife in his hand touched the floor——Ara Ye Zonglian's first layer of enchantment.

With a sudden cut, sparks were brought out by the friction between the floor and the metal, and at the same time, the girl in kimono regained the ability to move freely, kneeling on the spot and panting.

"You actually saw through the death of my enchantment in such a short period of time...?" Soren Araya was a little surprised.

The death of living things can be understood by human beings, because human beings are wrapped up in the death of the same kind all day long, and they can recognize death from themselves. In contrast, the death of dead things is too abstract and conceptual, and often very difficult to recognize.

The enchantment is a "line", which means "boundary", and the two ceremonies can see Araya Soren's flaws within two sentences after being restrained, and her aptitude can no longer be described as "excellent".

"What are you talking about..."My body", forget about the gods over there, I didn't expect a magician to say such disgusting words. "

"Oh? I'll forget it? Does Shiki mean that I can use your body at will?"


" hurts."

The two rituals adjusted their breathing, ignored Luo Pei's troublesome behavior, and rushed up again with the dagger in their backhand.

It seemed like a reckless move, but this time she could see the death surrounding the man in black!

The brain seemed to be in pain like burning, which instead brought a clearer perception of the two rituals.

Use your legs to walk quickly.

The wooden shoes can't affect the girl's flexible steps at all. Her kimono fluttered like a butterfly, avoiding the pursuit of the two layers of golden enchantment.

The body of the monk also greeted him head-on.

The barrier between "Vajra" and "Scorpion" was cut open after a brief two-knife, and Soren Araya lost his protective umbrella, but he was also waiting for this result.

The blade of death was approaching, Araya Soren's strong right hand was like a pair of steel tongs, quickly pulled out.


"Those eyes are too dangerous as an accessory of the two rituals, you don't need them as a "gate". "

Covering Shiki's line of sight with her palm, she reflexively withdrew the knife that had been pierced into Araya Soren's chest, and slashed towards her arm, intending to cut off the monk's right hand entirely.

"Dai Tian." Huang Ye Zonglian said.

The blade passed through his wrist without causing any damage.

Araya Soren's right hand was almost touching the two rituals. But for some reason, the monk's hand paused.


It was this split second that gave the girl enough time to react, blocking the hand that held the knife in front of the trajectory of Araya Soren's right hand.


The monster-like arm force smashed the girl into the bottles and jars nearby. The hardened glass of some jars was even smashed, and the human head ran out together with the formalin.

The first hand-to-hand combat between the two rituals and Araya Soren ended with her complete defeat. Two hundred years of tantric monks, apart from magic, fighting is the pinnacle.

"Just knew you wouldn't sit idly by, Bahram."

Soren Araya stared at Luo Pei who distracted him with a strong killing intent, and the other party sat in the original position without moving.

Even with such a blatant expression of killing intent, the monk still didn't dare to act rashly - because he knew that if he was careless, there was a 90% possibility that he would die.

——The battle with the God of War does not allow mistakes.

Luo Pei ignored Araya Zonglian, looked at the place where Shiki fell, and asked calmly.

"Do you know a little bit how big the difference between your own strength and his is? Shi, honestly ask me for help. I will help you get back the injury you just suffered."

With the sound of bottles being pushed down, the girl in kimono crawled out of it, feeling like she was soaked in formalin after being soaked in the rain.

"...I don't need you, don't meddle in your own business, Rope."

The hand she used to resist Huang Ye Zonglian lost consciousness, and it was not known whether it was a broken bone or a muscle contusion.

Even so, the two rituals still stood up, holding the sword in one hand and staring at Ara Ye Zongren with undying fighting spirit.

"The revenge of "Zhi" must be avenged by me! "


... You said that there is nothing wrong with standing by and watching, the super thug is right next to you, just say how you want to get revenge.

The stubbornness of the two rituals is not incomprehensible, but it still makes Luo Pei feel tricky.

Because of this, she must be the two rituals.

"I really lost to you, girl."

Lopez stepped his shoulders down, sighing.

Afterwards, he miraculously pulled out a double-barreled revolver from the inside of his jacket - "Blue Rose. Change".

"There are better things for you, but let Shi say something like swearing allegiance to's impossible. That's it, let's make a big fuss, and then go home and sleep peacefully. Tomorrow is another a new day……"

Luo Pei's gun was not aimed at Araya Soren, but at the two rituals.

The girl was a little stunned. Although she could feel Luo Pei's kindness, being pointed at with a gun made her feel chills from the bottom of her heart.

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