The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 519

This is the instinctive reaction of human beings after understanding the function of firearms.

The next moment, Rope pulled the trigger.

——The secret technique "Thinking Acceleration".

Chapter 77 Death Dances, The End of the Old Monk

The bullet wrapped in the secret technique passed through the air soundlessly, and shot into the girl's forehead.

There was no pain, and the expressions of the two rituals became a little sluggish for a moment, and then returned to normal. She instinctively noticed the changes in her body, or "brain".

It's like a sophisticated computer kicking into high gear.

The southeast direction of the room, the wind from the ventilation port; the monk's weak breathing; the water dripping from the sleeve of his kimono is once a second; the frontal distance from the enemy is 11.3 meters——

The information that would have been ignored by instinct was recognized and understood in one brain, and the eyes of the two rituals saw more things, and more "death" of all things.

"This is..." She raised her hand in amazement, and she could clearly feel the sequence of muscles exerting force under her skin.

Luo Pei twirled the revolver in his hand, put it back, and said with a smile.

"Not bad, right? If you can see, you can kill. As long as the reaction and information processing ability of the formula are improved, that monk's enchantment is just a thin piece of paper."

"Thank you very much."

A rare word of thanks.

As if she had adapted to the effect of "Thinking Acceleration", she kicked off the wooden shoes, and her small feet stomped on the ground with foot bags, as softly as a cat walking.

Although the injured arm somewhat affected his movements, but in this state... Liang Ri's eyes were fixed, and he rushed up again.

Even more sensitive than before, when the distance approached to about five meters, the girl jumped up high.

The attack routine is the same as before - close-up pressure, the target is the chest.

But Araya Soren sensed something was wrong. Is it the effect of the bullets fired from the Bahram pistol just now? He wasn't sure, so the monks withdrew their three-point attention on Luo Pei and concentrated on the two rituals.

The magician aimed his palm at the girl who had nowhere to borrow her strength in mid-air, and let out a low growl as if shouting back.


The palm of the hand compressed the space in an instant, and the attacks from various angles went towards the bodies of the two rituals with the force of smashing the bones of the whole body.

——Bahram will not sit idly by the death of the two rituals, then he must quickly disintegrate the action of the "gate", and then regain his senses to deal with the gods' subsequent attacks. The life of the two rituals is fine, even if the head is broken and replaced with your own head, the purpose is only the body of the two rituals, and the root vortex buried in it...

In an instant, Araya Soren thought about the countless consequences of this attack.

But the only thing he didn't expect was the failure of this attack.

"What...!?" The monk in black looked at the sky in astonishment.

The invisible space attack didn't work at all. Facing Araya Soren's "Su", the girl just waved her hand to cut through the air, and the dagger disintegrated with a silver light.

— was killed.

With a hasty retreat, the regeneration of the first barrier "Fearless" was completed, delaying the attacks of the two ceremonies. Araya Soren lost his unburied holy monk's relic arm in this fight.

"Tsk, I didn't cut the "line"..." Whispering softly, the two rituals seemed not very satisfied with their results this time. After her body movements became slow, her target had already passed from the dead point of Araya Zongren's chest. It became the outstretched hand. If it cuts to the line, at least it can guarantee that the person in front of it will have a definite loss.

As for just waking up, I have seen Luo Pei's terrifying ability to regenerate even after being cut to death. The two rituals subconsciously substituted "regeneration" into the opponent's ability when fighting in the wilderness.

Blood dripped on the ground, and a pained expression appeared on the magician's dull face.

"Impossible! This is my "body", how can the death of "space" be observed by human beings! "

"You talk a lot."

The two rituals did not answer each other's questions, and the blue and pink pupils stared at Araya Zonglian coldly.

"I will kill you completely next time! The culprit!"

The magician glued his arms together silently, and the six layers of enchantment perfectly floated around his body. At the same time, there was a sound of breaking wind in the air.

Run away, attack again.

The petite Grim Reaper in kimono dances in the dark underground, gorgeous and dangerous. The silver light drawn by each dagger can accurately tear apart the barrier of Ara Ye Zonglian. After the monks were forced to fight, whether it was fists, short-distance space transfers, or attacks that compressed space, they were all killed. And dodging, it's like achieving a miraculous "precognition".

unreasonable! It is clear that I have the upper hand in terms of body and combat ability...

"The sound of muscles, the sound of the wind tearing through the air, and the weird distortion, although I don't know what's going on, but I can see it "clearly" now. magician. "

She twisted her body to avoid the shackles of the enchantment. In a blind spot where she could not see and perceive, the magician's sneak attack was still disintegrated by her.

"At least for now, let us praise the frivolous gods." The blade swung down.


The attached arm was severed again before even fully regaining consciousness. This time, it was impossible for him who had been cut to death to regenerate like just now.

No, it can't go on like this.

Araya Soren thought gloomyly.

Even if the saint's relic is buried, the longer it is stared at by those eyes, the flaw will be seen. After all, it is not a real "dead thing", and there must be cause and effect in it to be able to move. When the two rituals completely see the death of the relic, then he will become very dangerous.

——Buju, Vajra, Snake, Daitian, Dingjing, Wang Xian!

The "Six Paths Realm" is displayed in a plane and three-dimensional structure. The huge sense of oppression and even the atmosphere are "creaking". The pipes wrapped around the ceiling hang down and fly in all directions. The earth seemed to be alive, tumbling and trying to swallow the girl.

The "Sixty-fourth Floor of Fengna Hall" and the "Six Realms" were fully launched, and the number one enchanter finally stopped hiding his clumsiness and underestimating the two rituals, and showed all his abilities.

I'm afraid the dead disciples of the "ancestor" level will also be troubled, right? The strength displayed by Soren Araya made Luo Pei look at him approvingly.

However, here are two rituals.

Owner of the "Evil Eye of Direct Seeing".

This ability to absolutely break through defenses, coupled with the "speeding up of thinking" that I blessed her, no matter what method Araya Soren uses, from the moment she is seen and recognized by Shiki, everything will be gone.

——Officially ordered to hang up, that's how it is hung up.

The rubber tube in the air was cut off by the dagger as soon as it met face to face, the ground surged, and Shiki fell backward hastily as if he hadn't stood still. He couldn't even hold the weapon in his hand tightly, and the dagger came out of his hand.

Naturally, Soren Araya would not let go of this "opportunity", activated the space transfer, came to the side of the two rituals, and grabbed the girl's head with the hand that buried the relic.

"I accept this body."

--it's over.

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